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The Writings of Kenneth Greatorex

Kenneth is now in the presence of the Lord.
Greater Emmanuel greatly appreciates his writings and his tireless work on this website.
We are sure you will continue to be blessed by reading these wonderful writings.

k&d.jpg - 18492 Bytes Our view of God affects what we believe about Him. What we believe affects our view of God. It is my purpose to present a positive view of our loving Father God, who is conciliating or reconciling ALL of mankind to Himself. Our Father is not limited by man's thinking that he has the right to make his own choice, because in His own way He turns all "choices" toward that which has purposed both for the present time, and the ages yet to come. There is a working of the Spirit in the earth today that is transforming sons to the place of spiritual maturity, where they will bring forth praise to His glory. May these writings bless and challenge you to move onward to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus our full provision.

Kenneth and Dale Greatorex

Habakkuk 2:14

Kenneth's Writings - Volume One
Kenneth GreatorexBe My Own Kenneth GreatorexWorship, an attitude of Heart
Kenneth GreatorexGod, our Purifying Fire Kenneth GreatorexReconciliation - only to a Few?
Kenneth GreatorexWhat is Time to God? Kenneth GreatorexChanged, When and How?
Kenneth GreatorexIncreasing the Contents Kenneth GreatorexNo Condemnation
Kenneth GreatorexReflection on Colossians Kenneth GreatorexHearing God or an Echo
Kenneth GreatorexThe Seed of Abraham Kenneth GreatorexThe Law, Grace and Us.

Kenneth's Writings - Volume Two
Kenneth GreatorexMeat, Potatoes and Gravy Kenneth GreatorexThe Offspring of God
Kenneth GreatorexOut of Darkness Kenneth GreatorexIf, Who Falls Away
Kenneth GreatorexEntering His Rest Kenneth GreatorexEvery Knee Shall Bow
Kenneth GreatorexOur Home is God Kenneth GreatorexDeath & Reconciliation for All
Kenneth GreatorexClarity or Confusion Kenneth GreatorexNuts and Bolts of the Gospel
Kenneth GreatorexThis is THAT Day Kenneth GreatorexIt's all about Family

Kenneth's Writings - Volume Three
Kenneth GreatorexSaved, In His Life Kenneth GreatorexDid Peter get it Right
Kenneth GreatorexLife Union Kenneth GreatorexGrace is NOT Unmerited Favor
Kenneth GreatorexWorship - March/3/05 Kenneth GreatorexAntiphonal Worship
Kenneth GreatorexCaught up into Worship Kenneth GreatorexIs there hope after death?
Kenneth GreatorexIN Son - Son's IN The Son Kenneth GreatorexHis Glory is Filling the Earth
Kenneth GreatorexDo you have the Button? Kenneth GreatorexBack to the Cross

Kenneth's Writings - Volume Four
Kenneth GreatorexTransition Kenneth GreatorexThanksgiving - Making it a Verb
Kenneth GreatorexWill You Praise Him? Kenneth GreatorexThe Song of the Lord
Kenneth GreatorexAdam the Son of God Part One Kenneth GreatorexAdam the Son of God Part Two
Kenneth GreatorexEarth Shall Keep Her Jubilee Kenneth GreatorexDid Jesus Teach The Salvation Of All?
Kenneth GreatorexFrom RESTORATION to GLORIFICATION Kenneth Greatorex Discovering God's Purposes Series
Kenneth GreatorexJesus, Call Him Lord or God? Kenneth Greatorex Blasting The Boxes!

Kenneth's Writings - Volume Five
Kenneth GreatorexHe Breaks The Power! Kenneth GreatorexThe Wall Was Blasted Down!
Kenneth GreatorexTo Celebrate Christmas or Not? Kenneth GreatorexShake - Rattle - Roll - Who Is In Charge?
Kenneth GreatorexSay “Hallelujah!” Kenneth GreatorexThe Glorious Summation
Kenneth GreatorexWhich Intertestamental Period? Kenneth GreatorexThe Human Christ Jesus
Kenneth GreatorexFather’s Timing of Delayed Implantation Kenneth GreatorexThou Mighty Christ Come Forth
Kenneth GreatorexSaved — God’s or Man’s Way Kenneth GreatorexThe Sovereignty of Deity Verses Free Will

Kenneth's Writings - Volume Six
Kenneth GreatorexEphesian Realities Kenneth GreatorexGod’s Love Triumphs Over Justice
Kenneth GreatorexRightwised Glorified Sons Kenneth Greatorex 

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Kenneth Greatorex