Back about 1960 there was a song on the radio, with words something like this. “I’m going to be a wheel some day. I’m going to be somebody.” Clearly it was a longing for personal recognition, but such desire has no part in Christ. The reality of Christ living within each, and all of us, should leave be our source of personal gratification. Those who profess to walk in sonship/kingdom truth must know that all they are, and have, is CHRIST. It is Grace, Grace all the way, no matter how great or profound our revelation of some area of truth is.
There are times when a subtle spiritual pride develops because we think that somehow our group has inside revelation, and we are superior to all the others. The study of the history of revivals, moves of the Spirit, etc, show that they came because there was a time when they were needful. Then as the time went by, the revival slowly ebbed away. The leaders, like Sampson who, “did not know that the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him,” carried on as if nothing had changed. My father used to say, “If you are born in the fire, you can’t be content to live in the smoke.” The fact was the “fire” had gone out and all that was left were memories - smoke, and a degree of anointing that lingered on for a time. However, all was not lost, as facets of resorted truth became the possession of the Body of Christ, and not only of one person or group of saints.
We are reminded that Romans 12:4-5 reads, “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (NIV) The reality is that we all need one another, including some who may be seemingly lagging behind.
About 15 to 20 years ago, I read the following in a paper that I received. I believe that the lesson is as vital today for each of us as it was when given.
“A solemn assembly was called. Apostles and prophets gathered - - Chairs were circled so no man could sit as the head. - - an unusual silence filled the room. - - Out of the silence a voice spoke and asked, ‘Button, button, who has the Button?’ ‘I’ve got The Button.’ Their voices were hoarse from shouting as --- all responses stopped. Again the unusual silence filled the room, each man still standing with arm raised and hand closed. Slowly their arms began to drop and each man opened his hand to stare into his palm. And not in one hand was THE BUTTON.
But there was something - - a small piece of The Button - - a Button Fragment. Not all the fragments were the same size or shape - - but each - - held some part of The Button.
Again the voice broke the unusual silence - - ‘Button, button, who has The Button?’ This time there was no quick answer. The men stood silent - - with their heads lowered, arms hanging limp at their sides, and all boasting stopped, they stood dumbfounded in the unusual silence.
Finally one man confessed in a broken voice, ‘I don’t have The Button.’ And another whispered, ‘I don’t have The Button.’ - - This time the response was personal, quiet, and remorseful, as every man in the circle admitted to himself, to The Voice and to his peers, ‘I don’t have The Button.’
Once again the unusual silence filled the room. The Voice broke the silence: ‘I gave you bits and pieces but you assumed you possessed the Whole. I sought to increase and shape those pieces but you refused to open your hand. I desired to enlarge your fragments and mold them with other fragments, but you refused to let go. My gift you made your possession. My generosity you turned into exclusiveness. My revelation has become your prejudice. You speak of unity, yet build invisible barriers between yourselves with your boasting, ‘I’ve got The Button!’ As you see, all you really have is a fragment. You are protecting, exalting and defending YOUR FRAGMENT as if it were the whole. My sons, you HAVE NOT YET SEEN THE WHOLE!’
No longer were men standing, they were on their faces. The button fragments had slipped from their hands and lay scattered around the floor. - - Their self confident hearts were broken and their proud spirits softened. For the third time The Voice asked, ‘Button, button, who has The Button?’ Through tears of contrition came the gentle reply, ‘Lord You have The Button.” (Discerning Times, August 1985, Shippensburg, Pa.)
The lesson is that none of us have a monopoly on truth. We can but share that which Christ has made alive to us, that is, His gift of grace to us. We long, not for a better revelation of truth, but rather the arising of the mighty Christ within, the One who is our beloved Lord. It is CHRIST WHO IS OUR LIFE!