

Part Seven
We We closed our discussion called, “From Adam to the Last Adam,” with the following words. “There is indeed change happening in the realm of the Spirit, and we will see it happen in the natural realm in accordance with our Father’s purposes, as he will create change in all of his creation.” We certainly do know that the whole of Creation is groaning together in the pains of childbirth. The pains of childbirth signal the arrival of a new child, a new generation. Back in the early years of the move of the Spirit, commonly called Latter Rain, there was a lot of talk about – The new thing! As the prophet Isaiah said, “Behold, I will do something new.”
We read in Revelation 21:5, “And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making ALL things NEW." [NASU]. The Weymouth NT puts it this way, “Then He who was seated on the throne said, "I am re-creating ALL things." And He added, "Write down these words, for they are trustworthy and true."
This word NEW, as used in Revelation 21:1, 2 and 5 (with its first usage being in Matthew 9:17), is from the Greek - kainos (Strong’s #2537). The following scripture quotations give us a good understanding of the meaning of the Greek word KAINOS as applicable to our study:
“And I saw a new (new in nature; different from the usual; better than the old; superior in value and attraction -- Kittel; new in quality -- Vincent; Wuest) heaven and a new [ibid.] Land (earth), for the first (former; preceding; earlier -- Kittel) heaven and the first (former, preceding) Land (earth) went away (pass away), and the sea does not exist any longer.” Revelation 21:1 [Jonathan Mitchell NT] “And He who sat on the throne said, Consider this. I make all things new in quality.” Revelation 21:5. [Wuest NT] This is just like the Potter who took the clay that was spoiled in his hands, and took and made it into something better.
The question becomes, “Is God going to destroy the heavens and the earth and recreate them over again, as some teach, or is there another meaning to this?” We are reminded that, “The earth remains,” in Ecclesiastes 1:4, that it is the LORD’S and not the devils, in Psalm 24:2, and in Psalm 119:10 we can read, “You established the earth and it stands.” What would be the point of total destruction? It is clear that man has not been the kind of good steward that he should have been, and we do have pollution and other problems, which simply raises the question, “Is anything too hard for God, that he cannot restore it to the pristine condition it was in prior to the fall, and in fact make it even better?” I would say, “Yes, he can and will!” So I will add, that this is what he has in mind for all of mankind, including all of the creation.
This line from an old chorus came to mind recently, “As creation finds its home in HIM again.” The time is coming when this will become a reality. The whole of creation is presently groaning as in the pangs of childbirth, just waiting for the release into our Father’s new reality. Just as the caterpillar is in the womb of the cocoon waiting to burst forth in the brilliance of the butterfly in its proper time and order, so it is all of the creation.
The Williams NT worded Romans 2:20-21 this way, “For nature did not of its own accord give up to failure; it was for the sake of Him who let it thus be given up, in the hope that even nature itself might finally be set free from its bondage to decay,” While mankind attempts to deal with part of the mess it has made, as it must and should, the real change comes in our Father’s timing, by his power, and to his credit and glory!
However, we must also consider that what our Father is doing covers more than the natural domain of the earth, moon, sun and stars. In Genesis 37:9-11 we have an interesting usage of these words. Joseph had a dream in which the sun, moon, and eleven stars would bow down to him. If someone said that to you today, would it be understood that it was not literal, but symbolic? Joseph’s brothers and father did understand that dad was the sun, mom was the moon, and the stars were his brothers, and they didn’t like this kid telling them that - no wonder his brothers wanted to kill him.
When Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away,” What kind of heavens and earth was he talking? First let me say that the languages of the Middle East are rich in metaphors - painting a word picture in order to suggest a likeness or similarity between them (up to the neck in debt), to explain a point. Also, even as we do, a lot of hyperbole (exaggeration - I’ve told you a million times) is used to make a point. We need to understand what the Spirit is saying, and not get caught up in the literal understanding of words.
John Bray (Matthew 24 Fulfilled) wrote, “In Bible figurative language, “heavens” refer to governments and rulers, and “earth” refers to the nation or people.” The ‘heaven and earth’ of Jesus’ time passed away in AD 70 as he said it would. The temple, its contents including records, Jerusalem, the land and the people were subject to the destruction described under the curse given in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. The promise of a return was fulfilled years before this happened. See 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1 which refers to prophets in the OT who predicted both destruction and the return. No such promise of return was given by Jesus as it was the final end of the age of the Mosaic Law.
In the Book of Hebrews, written while Temple still stood, says, “He takes away the first in order to establish the second.” (10:9) And, “When He said, " A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.” (8:13) Notice that it was still in the state of disappearing when it was finalized in AD 70. The Law is over, dead and done away with. Many Christians need to get out from what spiritually is a dead oppressive weight on them. We are under the New Covenant of Grace because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
We do recall that when God told Adam to NOT eat the fruit of Tree of Knowledge and Evil, and that in the day he ate of it would die. Eve, to whom God hadn’t given the warning, as she only existed within Adam, was conned into eating it, enjoyed it, and then gave some to Adam, who perhaps like a good husband wanted to please his wife, took it and who deliberately ate the fruit. He sinned, but did he drop dead then? The record indicates that he kept on living physically for many long years thereafter. He died first spiritually in his relationship to the LORD God, with the rest following in due time. So the order was spiritual - soul - then physical death. Within redemption there is the full reversing of this order, and more which takes us beyond the original Adam to the fullness of life in God’s LAST (the Second Man) ADAM.
At this point I want to deal briefly with the words found in Romans 8:23 - “adoption as sons, the REDEMPTION of our BODY.” The Greek word is, apolutrosis (Strong’s #629), which comes from two Greek words. Apo #575 - off or away, and luton #3083 - something to loose with. This is the process of being set free - deliverance IN Christ.
As I understand it, the final coming into full adult sonship is the releasing of the body from corruption, because even now, “we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit groaning within us” desire to enter endless life. No wonder so many seek to find the “fountain of eternal life” as the desire seems to be programmed within us. Now, I DON’T MEAN what I used to call - “never die,” or some call the “life” message, where anyone can now walk in “eternal life.” What I do see is that the time will come when, death will “be swallowed up in victory,” and some living today may be present as it all unfolds, and only our Father knows when this will be so. Isaiah 25:8 says, “he will swallow up death for all time,” 1 Corinthians 15:54 “Death is swallowed up in victory,” and Revelation 21:4 says, “there will no longer be death.”
The end of Death - the last enemy, is the complete victory of Jesus Christ coming into effect for all. He was the Firstfruit raised from the dead. “But the truth is, Christ was raised to life - the FIRSTFRUITS of the harvest of the dead.” 1 Corinthians 15:20 [NEB]. Revelation 20:14 gives the final victory over death. “Then Death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire; this is the Second Death--the Lake of fire.” [Weymouth NT] The first death that came into being because of Adams sin, is put to death in the Lake of Fire, which death - the Second death - is the death of death. Where does it die? It, along with Hades (erroneously translated as hell in many Bibles) dies in the Lake of Fire, which is the Fire of Theos, which is God, for our God is a Consuming fire.
The prophesy of Psalm 110:1 says; “The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." [NASU] Jesus, in his ascension to the right hand of the Father is now sitting, and ruling. This is the most repeated verse in the Bible, and that makes it very significant. (See Acts 2:34; Matthew 22:44; Hebrews 1:13; 10:13) Verse two continues, “The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, " Rule in the midst of Your enemies." No matter how our carnal judgment views things at the present time, there is only ONE behind the scenes government at work. All other attempts, if they exist, are but nothing, and but putty in his hands.
The time for the fullness of HIS GOVERNMENT is at hand. In Revelation 11:15 we read, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." [NASU]. Prophetic, Yes, but as our Father NOW sees it, and he will bring it to pass. In the Fifth Chapter of Revelation we read the new song of the twenty-four elders which brings more ruling ones into the picture; "You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign UPON THE EARTH." [NASU]. This in not the ruling in heaven that some may suggest, but here ON this earth where the redeemed will reign together with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Revelation 12:10 raises the question of, “Who is HIS CHRIST?” The answer is rather simple, ALL of those who are IN Christ, who are a kingdom of priests and function under and with his authority, doing the will of our Father.
There is so much that could be said, but this is just a journey in which we have made many stops along the way, and in some cases have meandered back over previous stops to add a bit more, and admittedly every question has not answered, as we seek to walk within HIS PURPOSES. We however, prophetically proclaim, “This is that day! And creation will finds its home in him again,” even as the lines of an old chorus proclaims:
And the government will be upon his shoulder,
As with rod of iron, He does rule and reign,
Every knee shall bow and tongue confess his glory,
As creation finds it’s home in Him again!
Hallelujah! Let us bow down and worship the wonders and ways of our Lord! We are reminded of the words found in Romans 11:36; “Because out From Him and Through Him and For Him are ALL things. To Him be the glory forever.” [Wuest NT] Source, Guide and Goal of ALL that is - to him be the glory for ever! Amen.” NEB
The Last Adam, is God’s NEW Man, expressed as a glorified body of Sons and daughters who are called to rule and reign with Christ ON this planet Earth! And thus cause creation to find its home in HIM again.