The Logos
(Part 3)
By Jonathan Mitchell
A Selected Tour of the Logos, in the New Testament
In this study we will select verses or passages in the NT that seem to use the term logos in ways that are significant for this study. Our investigation will look for aspects of the word's uses that might shed Light on "the Logos," within these texts, where it can be discerned as possibly inferring something more than the everyday use of the word. So, let us begin...Mat. 8:16 may reflect more than one level of interpretation:
"Now with it becoming evening, people brought many folks being habitually affected by demons [a Hellenistic word and concept: = animistic influences] and He cast out the spirits (breath-effects; attitudes) with a word (a Logos; by a message; in a thought), and He served, cured and restored to healh (or: gave attentive care or prescribed therapy or instigated ongoing treatment for) all those continuously having it badly (= those habitually with illness)."
As an aside, notice the apparent equivalence between the word demon and "spirit (breath-effect; attitude)," in this verse. But now to our investigation: was Matthew describing this act of deliverance from a spirit in terms of just "speaking something," as suggested by the centurion, in Mat. 8:8? Or, is there an allusion, here, to Gen. 1:2-3, where God's Logos brings the Light from out of the midst of the Darkness (2 Cor. 4:6a)? Was Jesus performing as the creative Logos in those practical situations with people? Was it something He said, out loud, or was it just a thought (a projection of well-being from the Logos within Him that was mentally or spiritually activated)? The main word that is commonly rendered "prayer," in the NT, is proseuche: a thought, word or action that is focused or directed toward (pros-) having (che) goodness, ease and well-being (-eu-). This is the logos in action.
Paul, in Rom. 10:8, quoted a statement from the Law, which might be appropriate here:
"But rather, what is He (or: it) saying? 'The result of the flow (the gush-effect; or: the saying; the declaration; that which is spoken; the speech) is (or: exists) near you - within your mouth and within your heart!'" [Deut. 30:11-14]
Recall, from our previous sections of this series, the relationship between rhema, used here, and logos, used above.
Next, let us consider Jesus' explanation of logos used in a parable, in Mat. 13:
19. "Concerning everyone constantly listening to and hearing the Word of the sovereign reign and activities (or: the Logos - the thought, idea and message - of the kingdom) and yet continuing in not understanding (being unable to have things flow together unto comprehension): the worthless person or the disadvantageous circumstance (or: the one who brings pain and misery through hard labor; the malevolent and wicked man; the evil one; or: the difficult and wearisome situation) is repeatedly coming and is habitually snatching up what has been sown (scattered as seed) within his heart - this is the one sown alongside the path or road.
20."Now [as to] the one being sown (scattered) upon the rocky places, this one is the person continuing in hearing the Word (Logos; thought; idea; message), and at once, set for success, progressively receiving it with joy!
Here, the Logos is put symbolically as a Seed that is planted in the soil. The topic of "Seed" could take us in a number of symbolic directions. But just note that the Seed has Life within it! Does Jesus' parable foreshadow the new creation that comes within the kingdom of God? The new creation is basically the Christ-Life that transforms humanity. In 1 Cor. 15:35-49, Paul uses the metaphor of "a seed" that is planted and then sprouts to speak of "the resurrection." Consider the two elements in both of these passages: the Seed, and the soil into which it is sown.
Christ's Logos is associated with "creation," in Mat. 24:35,
"The heaven and the earth (i.e.: This Atmosphere and this Territory) WILL progressively pass on by. Now in contrast, My thoughts and words (or: messages; patterned declarations; transfers and conveyances of Meaning-bearing Blueprints) can by no means pass on by."
Here we should understand that "heaven and earth" had become a code phrase for the creation of Israel as a nations, at Mt. Sinai. The temple was a symbol of "heaven (the home of God, and His throne - in the Holy of Holies)," while the people of Israel were indicated by the term "the earth," or, "the Land." The old "heaven and earth" did indeed pass away, in AD 70, with the destruction of the temple and of Jerusalem (which represented the Judean expression of the People). The "Meaning-bearing Blueprints" spoken by Jesus held the designs of the new creation, also termed, "the reign of God." Also, consider that when God blew His breath into Adam (that prior to this act was simply formed soil, or earth) He was blowing "the heaven" into him.
The "parable of the Sower," as given by Mark 4:3ff, explains that:
"The one habitually sowing (The sower) is continually sowing the Word (the Logos; the idea; the thought; the meaning and reason; the message; the patterned or blueprint Information)."
The Logos is continually entering into the soil, or, the earth - both of these being figures of "people." Mk. 4:33 instructs us, that:
"So by means of many parables (illustrative comparisons) of this kind He continued speaking the message (Word; Logos) to them (or: kept on conveying a flow of the information for them and progressively declared the Thought and Idea among them) - according as they continued able to continue hearing (or: continued having power to be repeatedly listening)."
Now, can the creation be distorted? Of course it can - we see this every day, both in the physical world, and in the new creation, as represented by the institutional church, in many times and situations. This had happened in the previous age, the age that was ending with the Advent of the Messiah. Mk. 7:12-13 offers the statement by Jesus, in regard to the Judean leadership of His day:
12. "You continue allowing him to no longer do a single thing (or: And so you people still continue releasing him to do nothing) for father or mother!
13. "This is habitually invalidating (depriving of lordship; making void of authority) the Word of God (God's thought and idea; the message from God; the Logos which is God) by (or: in; with) your tradition which you folks deliver and pass along (or: handed down) - and you are constantly doing many such things of this kind (or: repeatedly performing many such similar [rituals] along this line)."
Consider how the institutional traditions of Second Temple Judaism invalidated Christ, the Logos made flesh; they crucified Him.
We find a disturbing effect of the Logos recorded in Mk. 10:24,
"Now the disciples began being affected by an emotion of astonishment in which awe is mixed with fear, upon [hearing] His words which expressed His thoughts and reasoning (the ideas and blueprints of the Logos from Him)."
Jesus used the plural of logos in Lu. 24:
44. Now He says to them, "These [were] My words (thoughts; ideas; laid-out transmissions of information; or =: This [is] My message) - which I spoke to you folks, while yet being together with you - That it continues binding and necessary for all the things having been written within the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets and Psalms, concerning Me, to be fulfilled."
45. At that time He fully OPENED back up again their minds to be habitually making the Scriptures flow together (or: to continue putting the Scriptures together so as to comprehend [them]).
Prior to what is stated in vs. 45, we can assume that their minds had been closed. We suggest that what happed to the disciples, here, is the same thing that happened to Jesus, in Lu. 3:21b-22a,
"with Jesus also having been immersed (baptized) and then continuing in prayer (or: thinking with a view toward having goodness, ease and well-being), [the time and situation] had come to be (or: was birthed; occurred; happened) [for] the heaven to be OPENED back up again, and [for] the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit; the Sacred Attitude) to descend (step down)... upon Him."
John 10:34-35a echoes OT situations that involved the Logos:
"Jesus judiciously replies to them, 'Is it not standing written within your Law [other MSS: the Law; = the Torah] that "I say, you people are (or: exist being) gods"? [Ps. 82:6] Since He said "gods" [= elohim] to whom God's Logos (the Word which was laid out from God) came to be (or: toward whom the Idea, whose source and origin is God, was birthed; toward whom God's message proceeded and was directed into existence)...'"
The verb used here, in 35a, means "to come to be, or exist; to be birthed." The final expanded, parenthetical rendering is revealing of the potential human experience: "toward whom God's message (Logos) proceeded and was directed into existence." Therein were incarnations of the Logos.
"The Logos birthed Itself flesh..."
In Jn. 17:17 Jesus instructs us:
"Set them apart (or: Make them different from the norm) within the midst of the Truth (or: in union with, and centered in, reality). Your Logos (Word; blueprint; patterned idea) exists being Truth."
This was why He could proclaim, in Jn. 14:6, "I, Myself, AM (exist being)... the Truth (the Reality) and the Life," because He was the Logos living in a Tent (Tabernacle) among them.
In Acts 6:7, Luke recorded that,
"the Logos of God (or: God's idea, message; the Word from God, which was God) kept on progressively growing and increasing (also: = God's Reason was spreading out like a growing Vine)," and then, in Acts 12:24, we learned that, "But the Logos of God kept on growing (increasing) and continued being multiplied."
The Logos was being incarnated in more and more people. Jesus was gaining more and more brothers and sisters. This was God's Family "being multiplied." The Logos was, and continues, bringing about the new creation - as well as inhabiting it all.
The Logos had interacted with Abraham, for we read in Rom. 9:9,
"For the Word (or: message; Logos) of Promise [is] this: 'Corresponding to (or: At; In line with) this season (or: In accord with this fitting situation and fertile moment) I will be coming, and then a son will be existing for Sarah (or: shall progressively be by Sarah and will be existing in Sarah).'" [Gen. 18:14]
It was the Logos that revived both Abraham and Sarah, and that created their son. Take note of the dative case functions: for Sarah; by Sarah; in Sarah. But this was by the Logos of Promise, within her.
Paul explained, in 2 Cor. 5:19, that:
"God was existing within Christ (God was and continued being centered in, and in union with [the] Anointed One) progressively and completely transforming [the] aggregate of humanity (or: world) to be other [than it is] in Himself, to Himself, for Himself, by Himself and with Himself, not accounting to them (not putting to their account; not logically considering for them; not reasoning in them) the results and effects of their falls to the side (their trespasses and offenses), even placing within us the Word (the Logos; the Idea; the Reason; the message; the pattern-forming information) of the corresponding transformation to otherness (or: the full alteration; the change from enmity to friendship; the conciliation)."
This same Logos (God) has been placed within US, just as It was "within Christ." What He did has made it possible for us to continue doing what He placed within us: to be speaking the Logos of "transformation to otherness (the full alteration)."
Paul declared of himself and his associates:
"[We have served and dispensed] with pureness (or: centered in [a life of] purity); in personally experienced knowledge; with forbearing patience (in taking a long time before becoming emotional or rushing with passion); with useful kindness; in a set-apart (holy) spirit (or: within the midst of [the] Holy Spirit; within a hallowed breath-effect; in a set-apart attitude); centered in, and with, uncritical love (or: acceptance that is free from prejudice and from a separating for evaluation; love that is not based on making distinctions, fault-finding or judging) with a Logos and in a message of Truth (or: centered in a thought, idea and Word of Reality; in union with pattern-forming information from Reality); within God's power and ability; through means of the tools and instruments (or: weapons; utensils; implements) of and from the liberating deliverance, rightwised relationships and with the justice and equity of the Way pointed out in new covenant participation - on the right hand and on the left" (2 Cor. 6:6-7).
Writing to the Province of Galatia, Paul said, in chapter 5:
14. for you see, the entire Law has been fulfilled and stands filled up within one word (or: centered in one thought or idea; in union with one Logos and blueprint-message) - within this: "You will continue loving [agapao] your near-one (your associate; your neighbor; the one close by your position), as (in the same way as; or: as he/she were) yourself." [Lev. 19:18; comment: this one "expressed thought" is the idea and purpose of the Word]
Col. 3:16a offers this beautiful admonition:
"Let Christ's Word (or: the Logos, which is the Christ; the Idea which is the Anointing; or: the message of and from the Christ [other MSS: of God; of {the} Lord]) be continuously making its home within you folks (or: progressively indwelling and residing - centered in and in union with you) richly, within the midst of and in union with all wisdom..."
Jacob gave us understanding, in Jas. 1:18,
"Being purposed (intended; willed; resolved), from being pregnant He gave birth to us (brought us forth; prolifically produced us) by a Word (in a collected thought and blueprint; for an expressed idea; with a message; into a Logos) of Truth and from Reality - into the [situation for] us to be (or: to continuously exist being) a specific (or: a certain; some) firstfruit (first portion) of, and from among, His created beings (or: of the effects of His act of creating; or: from the results of the founding and creation which is Himself; [other MSS: of the Himself-creatures])."
Then Peter affirms this, in 1 Pet. 1:23,
"being folks having been born again (been regenerated; been given birth back up again), not from out of a corruptible (or: perishable) seed that was sown, but rather from an incorruptible (imperishable; undecayable) one: through God's continually living and permanently remaining Logos."
In 2 Pet. 3:5, we are brought back, full circle, to another description of Gen. 1,
"skies (or: atmospheres; heavens) and land were continuously existing from long ago (or: = from ancient times) - from out of the midst of water, and through water - being made to stand together (being placed or put together) by (or: in; with) the Word (Logos; thought and idea; reason; patterned information) of God (or: which is God)."
We will end this tour of NT Logos verses by visiting the Unveiling (Rev.): 12:11a,
"And they at once overcame (or: at some point conquer) him (or: it) because of and through the blood of the little Lamb, and because of the word (Logos) of their witness, as well as through the message from their testimony (that reason laid-out from the evidence, which is them)..." 19:11-13,
"Then I saw the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), having been opened - and consider! A bright, white horse. And the One continually sitting upon it being constantly called "Faithful (Full of Faith; To Be Trusted; Trustworthy; Loyal) and True (or: Real)," and He is continuously judging (making decisions and evaluations) and battling (making war) in eschatological deliverance (within equitable dealings; in justice, fairness and righted relations which accord with the covenantal Way pointed out). And His eyes [are] [other MSS add: as] a flame of fire; and upon His head [are] many diadems (kingly bands), having a name having been written [other MSS: having names written, and a name] which no one knows except Himself, and having been clothed (or: cast around) with a garment having been dipped in (immersed; [other MSS: sprinkled with]) blood (or: dyed with blood), and His Name is being called 'The Word of God (God's Logos; The Message from God; The Idea which is God; The Expression about God).'" [cf Rev. 1:13-16]
So there we have it: samplings of the Logos, from Genesis through Revelation. May these meditations expand our perception of God's Logos. We are convinced that It is much more than we ever suspected.
To be continued...
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