The Writings And New Testament Translations
Of Jonathan Mitchell

The published Jonathan Mitchell New Testament Commentaries!
Downloadable PDFs
Paul To The Corinthians First and Second Corinthians
Just Paul Containing Comments On Romans
Peter, Paul & Jacob Containing First Peter, Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Titus and Jacob (James)
John Judah Paul & ? Containing First, Second, Third John, Judah (Jude), Hebrews and Galations
Peters Encore & Later Paul Containing Second Peter & Ephesians
John Comments On The Gospel Of John
Revelation Commentary On Revelation

Purchase the Observations on the Spoken and Lived-Out Parables of Jesus!

Purchase the Observations On The Gospel Of Mark, Acts, Philemon and Sermon On The Mount!

Purchase the Observations On The Gospel Of John!

Purchase the Commentary On First & Second Corinthians!

Purchase the Commentary On Revelation !

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Special Website Additions!
Observations and Musings from the
Acts of the Sent-forth Folks

Part 1,   Part 2,   Part 3,   Part 4
The Epistle of Barnabas!

Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament Translation
and New Testament Commentaries

Get Them Now!.

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Greater Emmanuel Website

Volume One
Why Did Christ Have To Die?

A Fresh Look at Hebrews Chapter Six

A Concise Commentary On 1 Corinthians 15:35-57

Who Or What Is Israel?

Birthed Out Of God

Bless And Curse Not

Is Mercy the Same As Justification?

How Do We Behold Him?
His Parental Care

Mercy Upon All

The Agents of Hebrews One and Two

Who Really is Lucifer - Satan or Adam?

The Lesson from the Parable of the Tares

The Mediator

Out Of The Second

The Fire of God - A Force for Change

Volume Two
God Strikes and Then Heals

Understanding Righteousness *NEW*

Unveiled Sons - Destined to Set Creation Free

Which Heaven?

Cast Out The Slave-Girl

Jacob’s Ladder of Unveiling

The Spirit of Being

Difference Between Born Again and Saved
The Temple Of God

Wedding Garment

What Do The Birds Represent?

Few Are Chosen

God's Garden

Not Under Law - Grace

On Darkness

The God Of This Age

Volume Three
The Apostasy

The Faith Of Christ

What Is The Form Of A Servant?

The Parables Of Jesus Series

A New Heavens and a New Earth


Who Are The Sheep?

On Ephesians 2:2

Observations on Mat. 10

Some Comments On Colossians 3:1-4

Can You Drink The Cup?

Jacob Loved/Esau Hated

Coming Versus Present

On Impartation and Prayer

Thoughts On 1 John 1:6-10

Aaron's Rod & Pot Of Manna Missing

Thoughts On 1 John 2 Pt. 1, Pt. 2

The Pharisee and the Publican

Volume Four
The Apostasy

Deity's Determined Differentiation

Location Of The Lake Of Fire

The Meaning of the Term "Devil"

Willful Rebel versus Force of Love

Go Outside the Camp..bearing..

Of Which of Them Does the Woman Become a Wife?

Does Satan Have A Kingdom?

Love, And Our Expectations For It

What Do You Mean, "Repent?"

Did Jesus Need To Repent?

What Should We Expect Of Kingdom Life Here And Now?

What Was The Joy That Was Before Him?


On The Sheep And The Goats

The Message Of Jonah

Volume Five
Present But Unseen


What Happens to a Person Who Dies an Unbeliever?

Just What are Demons?

In Which Covenant Are You?

On 2 Peter 1:4-7

On 1 Cor 15:22

On Worship

Messages in the book of Ruth

Should Christians Keep The Law?

Where Are You Now?

Admonitions From Ephesians 4

Paul's Laundry List of Vices

What is the Time-frame of Acts 3:21?

Who Are the Sons that are Destined to Set
Creation Free, and When Are the Sons Unveiled?

Volume Six
An Observation on Rev. 14:12

More Observations from Rev. 14:12

Born From Water And Spirit

Conclusion of Peter's First Proclamation

What Did Paul Mean By "Anathema"?

Where Jesus Gave Warnings Of Judgment

Did Judas Commit Suicide?

Everybody Died
Psalm 23 (LXX)

What Is "The Rapture"?

On Creation

Did David Speak the Truth?

Thoughts on Psalm 1

The Seven Shallow Bowls

The Unpardonable Sin?

The Rider on the White Horse

Psalm 119

Volume Seven
Decisions at the Great White Throne

You Will Love God

Psalm 45 (44, LXX)

Psalm 17 (LXX [16]

Did God Increase Pain of Child-birth?

Depart From Me!

Buy A Sword

What are the Evil and the "devil" in the New Testament?

Responding To Someone Who Makes A Mistake

Judging Or Correcting Another Person

Inclusive and the Particular in 1 John

The Inclusion In The Gospel Of John

The Sending and Return of the 70

Some Significant Verses in Acts

The "Our Father"

Was Humanity Ever Indebted to God?

Volume Eight
Did 1 Corinthians 12 Refer Only to Followers of Christ?

Comments on Rev. 21:8

Observations and Musings from the Acts of the Sent-forth Folks Pt. 1

Observations and Musings from the Acts of the Sent-forth Folks Pt. 2

Observations and Musings from the Acts of the Sent-forth Folks Pt. 3

Observations and Musings from the Acts of the Sent-forth Folks Pt. 4

What is the Cup and the Bread?

What is Forgiveness of Sins?

How Are We to Read John 1:12?

The Epistle of Barnabas

Thoughts From 2 Corinthians 5:16-19

Salvation and Judgment in John 3

Our Present Riches in Christ

What Is A Paraclete?

You Are of Value!

What Will the Unveiling of Jesus Christ Do for Us?

Volume Nine
Is The Cross Stupidity?

Paul's Unveilings

Comments on 1 Cor. 2:1-8

Fleshly Folks, Planters And Those Who Irrigate

Even Fleshly Folks Belong To Christ

Building The House

Do Not Delude Yourself

Performing as a Paraclete

Observations on 1 Cor. 6:9-11
You Are Completely Satiated and Fully Satisfied

A Person Should Logically Consider

The Adversary and Assistants

Comments on 1 Corinthians Chap. 5

Observations on 1 Cor. 4:15-21

Corinth And Christ Our Passover

Paul's Advice Against Whoring

Prostitution At Corinth

Observations on 1 Cor. 6:1-8

Volume Ten
Your Bodies are Members of Christ

John 1:1


Jesus' Hard Sayings In Matthew 10

The Logos Part One

The Logos Part Two

The Logos Part Three

The Logos Part Four

The Signs In The Gospel Of John

Observations on John 7

Thoughts On John 3 Part 1

Thoughts On John 3 Part 2

Thoughts On John 3 Part 3

The Narrow Gate

Some Observations on John 4 Part 1

Some Observations on John 4 Part 2

Observations from John 5 Part 1

Observations from John 5 Part 2

Observations from John 5 Part 3

Observations on John 6

Volume Eleven
The Sermon on the Mount Part 1

The Sermon on the Mount Part 2

The Sermon on the Mount Part 3

The Sermon on the Mount Part 4

The Sermon on the Mount Part 5

The Sermon on the Mount Part 6

The Sermon on the Mount Part 7

The Sermon on the Mount Part 8

The Sermon on the Mount Part 9

Angels Or Agents?

Who Are The Elect, The Chosen Ones?

What is The Bread that God Daily Gives?

Who, Then, Can Be Saved?

Queen of the South & Men of Nineveh

Rocks, Stones And The Rock-Mass

The Firing of the Pot

On the Christian Doctrine of a Trinity

Volume Twelve
Lived-out Parable of Last Days Pt. 1

Lived-out Parable of Last Days Pt. 2

Lived-out Parable of Last Days Pt. 3

Lived-out Parable of Last Days Pt. 4

Lived-out Parables of Jesus Pt. 5

Lived Out Parables Of Jesus Part 6

Lived Out Parables Of Jesus Part 7

Manifestation of the Sons of God

Psalm 139

Psalm 48

Psalm 47

Psalms 46 & 68

What Does It All Mean?

Parable Of The Sower

People in the Hands of A Happy God

God Did The Same As Judas Did

Did Luther Correctly Read James?

What About Works In The New Age/Covenant?

Volume Thirteen

What is the More Sure Word of Prophecy?

The Breaking of Clay Pots

Isaiah's Fourth Servant-Song

Spoken And Lived-Out Parables Of Jesus

Was Israel Rejected or Tossed Away?

What Law Does Loving Fulfill?

Questions about Yahweh
To, or With?

Trail of Jesus Parables Part 1

Trail of Jesus Parables Part 2

Trail of Jesus Parables Part 3

A Survey Of Apollumi in the NT

Why is Melchizedek a Type of Christ?

Chief Priest of the Melchizedek Order?

Observations on the Resurrection of Jesus

Volume Fourteen
Who are the gods of Psalm 82?

How Do You Read The Scriptures?

Coming and Going

What Does it Mean To Sit With Christ in His Throne?

What Does it Mean to be God's Temple?

Standing At the Door and Knocking

A Means of Salvation

What was the Purpose for Jesus Shedding His Blood?

Who Was the Liar and the Father of it?

2 Thessalonians Chapter 5
The Year of the Lord's Favor (ESV)

Entrapments, Forgiveness and Faith

Admonitions for Our Day, Too

Lamb was Dead from First Adam until Last Adam

The Significance of Wings

What Happened to Yahweh?

God Incarnated in Jesus
to Create the Second Humanity

Coals, or Gems?

Aspects and Descriptions of the New Creation

Volume Fifteen
Comments on "The Doctrine of Election"

The Grounds of Election

More With Us Than Against Us

You Are the Light of the World

The Prologue of 1 John

But Now We No Longer Continue
Knowing Christ in the Realm of Flesh

Our Common Realm of Existence In the New Creation

What Did It Mean To Follow Jesus?
What does it mean to be a Disciple of Christ?

Did Second Temple Judaism Adopt Pagan Cosmologies?

The Spirit of God Within Us

Fragments of the Gospel of Peter

Comments On Judah (Jude)

Observations on Philemon

Keep Your Interior Eyes on the Lord

Moving Through Your Fire (Lynda Mitchell)

The Role which Adversity Plays on the Stage of Life

The Unpruned Spirit Leaves, Then Returns

Why Did Mary Magdalene Have Seven Demons Cast Out?

The Gospel of John - Chapter 14

The Gospel of John - Chapter 17

Significance of the "Holy, Holy, Holy" in Rev. 4:8?

What Makes Us Holy?

Was Noah's Flood Worldwide or Regional?

The Expectation of the Glory

Colossians, Chapter 1

Colossians 3:9-17

God's Love is Greater

Considerations of Some of Paul's Personal Statements

What Did Paul Mean in Romans 8:29?

A New Reading of James 2:17-26

Another Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Two Bodies

What About Fear?

The Nature of Our Ministry

We Have a Paraclete, and
We Intimately Know Him by Experience

To What Was Paul Referring, in 1 Thes. 4:17?

How Should the Sheep Deal With Deconstruction?

More Thoughts on Deconstruction

The Dating of NT Writings Affects Interpretation

The Greek Conjunction "Hoti"

What Happens to Someone Who Receives
the Mark of the Beast?

The Fatherhood of God - Is Everyone a Child of God?

What Happened To Enoch?

Containers for New Wine - Two Conclusions

Using Strange Fire to Offer Worship

Reality is Relationship, Not Just An Idea

Inclusion in John 6

What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For? Part 2

Who Was the Father of Jesus?

The Journey of the Seed

Behind in No Gift, But Carnal

A Fresh Look at Paul's Admonitions to Women and Men

The Phrase, "The Sons of God," in Romans 8:14

A Consideration of Romans 3:22


Commentary On James

Commentary on 1 Thessalonians

Commentary On 2 Thessalonians

Commentary On Colossians

Commentary On Titus

Commentary On Philippians

Commentary On 1 Timothy

Commentary On 2 Timothy
Commentary On 1 Peter

Commentary on 1 John

Comments on 2 Peter Chap. 3

Comments on John 16:1-11

Comments On Ephesians

Email Jonathan Mitchell
Email Jonathan Mitchell

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