By Scott Paris

Beloved, in all things we need to be subject to the Father, with a moment by moment abiding in His Life. We look around in the world and find intellectual giants, with their over developed soul-mind (tree of the knowledge of good and evil), and having neglected their spiritual man and God. Their spirit is shriveled and passive, void of God and true life. The truth is, they are dead to God and reality! One who is spiritually awakened can begin to see the invisible, spiritual kingdom and understand its operation. These put on Christ's name and character only as they are partaking of Him in Spirit, eating and drinking Him truly. Gradually we are terminating our symbols for purer Spirit functioning!

The mind-personality is the area where we come in contact with other people, in others strength of will or opinions. Christ Jesus expresses His love, thoughts and will through the makeup of your spirit, soul, body. Our spirit was void and empty until God came into our innermost center - to become our Center! And from there He expresses Himself to the world without. When Father enters into the inner recesses of our spirit, the reality of this scripture takes place: "He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit."

Man in determining what is right and wrong in his own knowledge becomes a god in his own sight. Man upon trying to choose what is right and wrong, ultimately finds he is a slave to that which is wrong! You are made up of mind, emotions and will - through which the soul does function. These we call the soul. The Father expresses Himself through these integrated areas of the soul. Our spirit is the inner dwelling dimension of the Holy Spirit. Thus, your spirit is the holy of holies! Together our spirit, soul and body become, if allowed, the fullness of God's expression.

In Jesus teachings on the mount, He begins at the Center. Our Father is in our Center! In our Center, His approval is on all who believe. We cannot live at the circumference unless we are alive within the Center. Life today is just the opposite, attempting to have quantity of life at the circumference regardless of quality of life at the Center. "We are the offspring of God." When Christ Jesus apprehends your whole heart, He makes all things new.

Man’s thinking is his own heaven or hell. Jesus called you to get hell out of you, not to get you out of hell (Hades). We sang a song yesterday called, "HE SAVED ME FROM THE DARKNESS OF MY MIND." I see that as Hades within, not exterior. What you are within yourself determines life for you. Hell at times breaks out into spontaneous combustion, and heaven is a state of heart and mind, not a place. Conduct is all of our life, and character the whole of it, for character is our destiny. Life is not a code, but a character. We share Jesus character by being "Born of the incorruptible Seed, the Word of God which lives and abides forever."

Since we are partakers of the perfection that Father is, so are we partakers of the joy that is divine. Our happiness is not dependant on happenings. The source of our happiness is within. It is Father! "Blessed are!" Thus our note of joy is not a Rock, Soul, Jazz or Country note - cheap, easy on the surface! But this note sounds the depths before it reaches the heights of the Jesus plane.

The word "blessed" means more than joyful, it literally means "Happy," "Not subject to fate," "Incorruptible." It bespeaks the kind of life that rises above the natural mechanism of earthly life into moral and spiritual freedom in the heavenlies.

Christ bases His teachings on nature and being of the Father! These moral laws are the very expression of His Being and He asks of us nothing that He Himself does not do. Oh the inexhaustible marvel of Christ's love, mercy and grace imparted at His appearing in us who are in Him.

Some teach a pseudo - perfection that says in order to bring perfection within the confines of this life, the perfection spoken of by Jesus is perfection only in love, and not character and conduct. The perfection spoken by Christ Jesus includes love from beginning and basis. It is included in the confines of this life, yet if that is all, that is not Father's perfection. We have seen perfection in love often claimed along with great imperfection in character within men and their seedy living! Beloved, we are the Seed sown and coming to maturity. That is the perfect man as perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect. Matt. 5:48.

In writing on Jesus teachings, I am utterly helpless, and can hardly plumb beneath the surface of such great truths. We can do so only by the Spirit Christ within. Most of Christendom erroneously teaches a "Granted heaven and an imposed hell" as the final goal of everyone. But in searching scripture, I find it to be otherwise. Jesus declares to the Father, "Of those you have given me, I have lost none." That is not an isolated statement, it runs through the NT like a river clear and pure to the enlightened believer.

Of all the places where perfection is written, I find that it is not marginal or incidental, but central and emphatic. Jesus said in Luke 6:40, "The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect shall be as his Master."

Beloved, how does God see you? How do we stand before God right now? We stand perfect before Him right now because Christ in Us is Perfect. "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." Col. 1:28. Another word for perfect is "complete." "You are complete in him who is head of all principality and power." We stand complete before Father and Christ. Christ in us is complete. We have the fullness of God residing in us. "For in Christ the fullness of God lives in human bodies, and you are complete through your union with Christ." Col. 2:9-10. Nelson Literal NT. "We are HOLY in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation." Col. 1:22. Holy means complete, and perfect. We are One Spirit with and in the Lord Christ. "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit."

Anointed Jesus lives in us in perfect spiritual Union. Jesus and the apostle's are not a literary connection, but a Life connection. They must be taken spiritually rather than literal. Father has charged me to summarize the spirit (energy). Their teachings are principles that have to do with spiritual and mental attitudes and development! So when we teach them spiritually all things following in their train is right. Meaning there is spiritual character, happiness and growth in following this truth. If we were incapable of no further spiritual development, this would make no sense. When the truth of Christ's mature character within grips us, it takes the unsteadiness out of our life.

There are multitudes of religious people who do not have Father's character. But truth has prevailed in Christ, and shall save all the earth. We have entered into a new day wherein dwells righteousness. And everyone is to witness and make choice, entering into this greatest spiritual day of truth since the beginning.

Falsehoods have, and do still rule in men's minds, while Truth has been locked out of their darkened hearts. Now the Spirit of Truth is breaking the chains of darkness and bursting upon the minds as the "Sun of Righteousness" sets men free by His Word! "The Lord and His Christ" (saviors) are "risen on Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord's." Obadiah 21. The 'seven angels having the seven last plagues are come out of the temple to pour out plagues. Rev. 15:1-6. Beloved, remember, new truth slays man, beheads us of our lower identity of Adam, as was ordained in Christ!

All that we are familiar with equates to earthiness and is perishing. Immortality is consciousness that conforms to our origins in Father. The rapture theory, as held by much of religion presently, is basic among them. It preoccupies their thinking to the extent that they are rejecting the concept that Jesus, as Spirit, will appear in Spirit form for any major emphasis to rule, seal, clothe, or change radically the groaning, fallen creation. Now we are given new perception on His coming, appearing. 1 Cor. 6:17 states that "He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit." So He can manifest Himself in Spirit quite easily with profound significance.

This kind of Spirit appearance is taking place right now. Our normal pattern of thinking must be combined with our other patterns of thinking that will enhance this broader dimension in Spirit. We are now seeing Him in Spirit and are being changed into His image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. 3:18. By contrast, right after Jesus was resurrected they beheld Him physically, in His glorified form, but this physical presence did not transform them, nor did they understand the Spirit baptism until He passed into the heavenlies and delivered it to them personally, spiritually at Pentecost. Acts 2:4. And He is coming at this time in spiritual form.

Here is a testimony of a sister to whom Christ appeared: "I saw myself seeking, looking for Jesus, desiring to SEE HIM. My manner was intense to the extreme, even to the point of straining. Soon I began to sense His wonderful presence. Lifting my eyes I saw clouds advancing toward me. Yes, His presence was in and with the clouds. With great desire I sought to see within those clouds that I might SEE HIS WONDERFUL FACE! Closer and closer the clouds drew, as I felt and sensed more deeply His divine Presence and being. Closer and closer I advanced toward the clouds. Then I knew it wouldn't be long and I would see my Beloved... any moment. Suddenly I was in the cloud, experiencing a sensation like that of a descending elevator. My stomach seemed to slip away from me and I felt suspended as well as a feeling of being swallowed up of the cloud and into it. All was LIGHT, glorious light, surrounded by GLORIOUS LIGHT, and I beheld not the face of the Nazarene but my very own, enveloped in GLORIOUS LIGHT! Rapture indeed! I could then say with full assurance and reality, "I and my beloved are ONE!" (How well I could understand better the scripture that He is coming to be glorified in the saints)! Nothing further was needed. The vision was burned brightly into my memory and in my aspirations. Further understanding of the scriptures which reinforce it has followed in the wake of it. Also, other revelation has been granted me concerning certain puzzling aspects of this hour. The Lord has bidden me to "Tell my people that I AM COMING NOW WITH GLORIOUS GARMENTS! Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him!" He has emphasised the importance of each individual. It is each in his own order. This is a very personal experience between the individual and the Lord. Because He is the SPIRIT CHRIST, he can be appearing to and revealing Himself to thousands individually, simultaneously. He is UNLIMITED, either by time, space or matter.” End. T.M.

We can have more understanding of whom Christ is in us and who we are in Him and why by asking Him for revelation. He must reveal Himself to us. Read Eph. 2: 17-22, and 3:14-21. God loves you. We cannot earn His love and blessings. Father in and through Christ has given everything we need to live a spiritual life, He in, and through us, lives His spiritual and godly life as us. Fathers’ preoccupation today is that we become the full expression of His counsel in heaven and earth. Fathers’ divine Seed is the living Christ begotten within us. The Spirit holds a tight reign within us, molding God character and God personality in us. He lives His life in us, and it is just Love, not in description, but in demonstration!

Sons of God are inner spirit people, and realize that everything that happens in the world, good or evil, is our Father's predetermined will! Isaiah 46:9-10. We as the Father's functioning sons know that there is nothing that can hurt or touch us unless we inwardly accept it. Father allows us the prerogative to move in the way we inwardly believe things are. Amen? If one in agrees to depend on the deviate outer appearance of anyone, that unfavorable belief, becomes “lord,” yoking that one to it and enslaving him. Instead we need to determine to take our established realm in the holy of holies where all is seen through the eyes of Father, which is His perfected way and purpose for us. Today, 2000 years since Pentecost, those birthed of the Christ Seed have access into this inner sanctuary of the holy of holies, having confidence may enter into Father's sanctuary "by the blood of Jesus." Heb. 10:9.

Beloved, the holy of holies is open to those having confidence in their holy undefiled High Priest, Jesus Christ who went in first, opening the way into the holiest for us by His blood and Spirit. This inner holy of holies is where we reside by the "obedience of faith." This inner dimension is our center, our "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." 2 Cor. 5:1. When this outer, temporal tent dissolves-expires, we perpetually "live and move and have our being" as this house of the Father. John 14: 2-3.

This becomes our instant inheritance, yet, "Prepared from the foundation of the ages," as we sit at the feet of the Almighty Father, touching Him, feeling Him, knowing Him in the innermost recesses of our spirit! This is our heavenly headquarters, and our every thought, move and action flows out from here. By "faith of the Son of God" we declare the word and works of the Father to all creation. The sons of God reside continually in this holy sanctuary, and it is stationary - where we go it is there too. And its heavenly fragrance is a halo over and about us attracting others to Father's High prize of Life in His Son. The body of Christ is the prolongation of the incarnation of Christ in the earth wherever any of His members may reside.

Jesus spoke this principle into age lasting motion in prayer to Father: "I in them and you in me." John. 17:23. "You shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you." Walking in union with the Father, we are the vessels that carry and dispense Father's all encompassing, universal reconciling love into the lives of all whom we contact. Each day of our life is a consciousness of majestic in-Christed communion with Father. This has been His will from before creation of the world!

O! "The unsearchable riches of Christ," those whom the Father indwells are the radiance of His glory, and the impress of His substance. Heb. 1:3. There are those who are still in their youth in this, but they are still heirs. Gal. 4:1-2.

"I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things that have been hidden since the foundation of the world." Matt. 13:35.

Jesus was speaking in parables, not given to the population at large, but to us who are the "New Creation" in Christ, and are members of His heavenly kingdom. His "Unsearchable riches" are yours today. The glory that is now present to fill the saints while they walk and live on earth is beyond words. Once the body of Christ awakens they will really know what it is to abide in Christ, because the Spirit in this hour is the Spirit of resurrection to life us unexhausted into His transfiguration. All will be transfigured by His new Spirit presence.

Love and hugs,

Scott Paris

See other writings by Scott Paris