By Jonathan Mitchell
David gave us a beautiful metaphor, in Psalm 1:
"And thus, he [i.e., the person, in vs. 1] will continue existing, being like the tree [that] has been planted beside the divided-out paths of the waters (or: outlets of water through [the orchard]; or: rivulets of the waters that pass through), which will give (yield; = produce) its fruit in its season (or: fitting situation) and whose leaf (or: foliage) will not proceed to fall off. And so, everything that he should continue doing (or: all things - however much he can make or produce) will proceed to be thoroughly prospered (continuously led down an easy path, or along a good road)!" (vs. 3, LXX, JM)
Yes, the Scriptures use trees as metaphors for people. This short study will by no means exhaust the many examples of these metaphors, but this one verse sets out a context for our investigation. When we read of trees, think of people.
In Zech. 4, we read:
11. Then responded I, and said unto him, "What are these two olive-trees, upon the right of the lamp stand, and upon the left?....
12. What are the two branches of the olive-trees which empty out of them the golden oil?....
13. These are the two Anointed Ones (sons of oil) - who stand near the Lord of all the earth."
These verses correspond to Rev. 11, which speaks of God's "two witnesses,"
4. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands (= menorahs) - the ones having made a stand (or: been placed) and are standing before (or: in the presence of) the LORD [= Yahweh] of the earth (or: the Owner of the Land). [cf Jer. 11:16]
Now let us consider a corporate example, given by Paul, in Rom. 11:
16. Now since (or: But if) the Firstfruit [is] holy (set-apart and consecrated; sacred), the kneaded mixture (the result of the lump which is mingled and reduced to a uniform consistency by treading, kneading or beating) also [is]; and since (or: if) the Root [is] holy (set-apart, sacred, different from the norm), so also [are] the branches (the shoots; the boughs).
17. Now since some(or: if certain ones) of the branches are broken off (or: were at one point broken out of [the tree]), yet you yourself, being a wild olive tree of the field or forest, you are (or: were) grafted in within (or: among) them, you also came to be (are birthed; are become) a joint-participant (a partner taking in common together with; a co-partaker) of the Root and of the Fatness (= sap) of The Olive Tree (or: of the oil of the olive).
Herein is the point of this article: In these two verses we find two categories rhetorically offered in the two parts of the olive tree, in Paul's illustration: the Root, and the branches. In vs. 16 we observe that the Root is equivalent to his other metaphor, the Firstfruit, with this latter being a figure of Israel, as we shall see. But before going on, we should consider the two sphere that these two categories (or, parts) of this tree inhabit. The Root resides and lives in the earth; the branches have their lives in that atmosphere (heaven).
In vs. 18b, Paul adds this: "you yourself are not bearing (supporting; sustaining; carrying) The Root, but rather, The Root [supports] you!" Paul continues on with his metaphor of this olive tree, and in vs. 25b he explains:
"a petrifying, from a part (a stone-like hardening in some measure; a callousness [extending over] a part), has been birthed and come into existence in Israel (or: has happened to Israel) until which [time] (or: to the point of which [situation]) the effect of the full measure (or: the result of the entire contents; or: = the full impact and full complement of forces) from the nations (or: of the ethnic multitudes; or: - which are the Gentiles -) may enter in."
In the next two verses, he expands the picture, speaking of the Root:
So this olive tree is now composed of believing Jews and believing Gentiles. This is echoed in Eph. 226. So then, thus, in this manner and with this result: all Israel will progressively be delivered (or: one-after-another be rescued, saved, made whole and restored to their original position [in the olive tree]), according as it has been written, "The One continuously dragging out of danger and drawing to Himself (The Rescuer; The Deliverer) will repeatedly arrive and be present from out of Zion; He will continue turning irreverence away from Jacob.
27."And this [is] the arrangement for them from beside Me (or: And this [will be] My covenant in, to and for them) when I take away their failures (deviations; sins; mistakes; misses of the target; shootings amiss of the goal)." [Isa. 59:20-21; 27:9]
where Paul refers to the circumcision and the uncircumcision being joined together, into One New Humanity (vss. 13-15). But keep in mind Paul's quote of Isa., in vs. 26 above, which speaks of a location from which Christ repeatedly arrives: Zion. Thus, let us proceed to Heb. 12:22-24 where we learn more about this place referred to as "Zion":
22. But to the contrary, you folks have approached so that you are now at Mount Zion - even in a city of a continuously living God; in "Jerusalem upon heaven" [cf 11:16, above] (or: in a Jerusalem pertaining to and having the character and qualities of a superior, or added, heaven and atmosphere; or: in Jerusalem [situated] upon, and comparable to, the atmosphere; centered in a heavenly-imposed Jerusalem) - also among ten-thousands (or: myriads) of agents and messengers (people with a/the message):Now just prior to these verses, we are informed that,23. [that is] in (or: to) an assembly of an entire people (or: an assembly of all; a universal convocation) and in (or: to) a summoning forth (or: a called-out and gathered community) of firstborn folks having been copied (from-written, as from a pattern; or: enrolled; registered) within [the; or: various] atmospheres (or: heavens), and in (or: to; with) God, a Judge (an Evaluator and Decider) of all mankind, even (or: that is,) among (or: to; with) spirits of just folks (or: breath-effects from those who are fair and equitable and in right relationship within the Way pointed out) having been brought to the destined goal (perfected; finished; matured; made complete), [cf Rev. 3:12; 21:1-2; Eph. 2:6; Phil. 3:20; Rev. 14:1-5; Ex. 4:22; Gal. 3:19]
24. and in (or: to) Jesus, a Medium (or: an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of a new and fresh (young; recently-born) arrangement (covenant; settlement; a deposit throughout, in every direction; a placing through the midst; a will and testament), and to and in blood of sprinkling, and to One continuously speaking something superior to (or: stronger and better than) Abel. [cf Mat. 17:1-5; Gal. 4:22-26; Rev. 21:1-2; 9b-22:5; Jn. 4:21; Ps. 46:4; 132:13; Isa. 28:16; 33:5]
"we also, continuously having such a big cloud-mass (figure for a dense throng) of witnesses (spectators; folks bearing testimony; people with evidence) environing us (lying around for us and [they] themselves surrounding and encompassing us)" (Heb. 12:1a).
We suggest that this points backward to Heb. 11, and forward to Heb. 12:22-24.
So what does this have to do with TREES? The author of Hebrews is speaking from the sphere of "Jerusalem upon heaven," which is a heavenly city of living people which we suggest compose this cloud of witnesses who live in the realm of the Spirit (cf Rev. 21:10b where this City/Bride is repeatedly descending from heaven). But what did it say concerning the OT folks, in Heb. 11:13?
"Down from faith (or: In line with confidence; Corresponding to trust; In the sphere of loyal allegiance and faithfulness) all these folks died off, not taking hold of (or: receiving; [other MSS: not being ones carrying off to themselves for kindly keeping]) the promises, but still, after SEEING them forward at a distance, and drawing them to themselves and clinging to them, even speaking alike (saying the same thing; confessing in verbal agreement) that they are, and continue being, strangers and sojourners (or: foreigners and alien residents living in a foreign place) upon the land (or: earth)." [cf Jn. 8:56]
We suggest that these were the Root of the Olive Tree of which Paul spoke, in Rom. 11. Consider what Peter said, in Acts 2:29b,
"concerning the patriarch David: he both came to [his] end and was buried, and his memorial tomb is among us until this day."
In the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 speaks of the Root, and chapter 12 speaks of the branches, all those presently living in Christ, in the heavenly sphere, since His resurrection - which we observe includes the OT folks, for one of them said to John,
"Look! No! (= Don't!) I am your fellow-slave, even of (belonging to; from among) your brothers - of (or: belonging to and from among) the prophets and of (even from among) those continuously keeping, observing and maintaining the words and messages of this scroll. Kiss face-to-face in, and with, God (or: do [your] obeisance to God)!" (Rev. 22:9)
Also, remember that in Mat. 17:3, Moses and Elijah were seen speaking with Jesus.
We will close with another passage that speaks of two realms, which we suggest may fit our construct of one TREE, with branches above, and roots below (though not necessarily being "under-ground"), and thus, we read in Eph. 3:
14. On account of this I continually bend my knees (= in loyalty, respect and reverence) to (toward; or: face-to-face with) the Father [other MSS add: of (or: Who is) our Lord Jesus Christ],
15. forth from Where (or: out of the midst of Whom) every family (lineage; kindred; descent; paternal group) within heaven and upon earth (or: in [the] sky or atmosphere, and on [the] land) is one after another being named (or: spoken of, or to, by name; or: designated).
Keep in mind that the resurrected Jesus said:
"I Myself am (exist being) the Root and the Offspring of (Family from; Race which is) David, The light-emitting (Shining) Morning Star" (Rev. 22:16b).
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