Paul in Relation to
His Spiritual Children
By Jonathan Mitchell
Observations on 1 Cor. 4:15-21
15. For should you folks proceed to have a vast multitude (a myriad; ten thousand) of child-escorts and guardians within Christ (or: tutors or educators in an Anointing), in contrast [you do] not [have] many fathers (or: parents), because in one moment I myself fathered (gave birth to; generated) you people within and in union with Christ Jesus - through means of the message of abundant wellness (the news of fortunate, ideal ease and goodness).
God was the Father of Jesus; Jesus became a father to Paul; now Paul functions as a father to the communities he founded, in Christ. Here we may have a preview of a similar generational/family metaphor that he presents in 11:3, below:
"the Christ is (or: exists being) the Source (or: Head) of every adult male (or: the Anointing is the head of every husband); in turn the adult male [was] a source of woman (or: the husband [is] a head of a wife); and yet God [is the] Source of the Christ (or: [is] Head of the Anointed One)!"
But, returning to the "father" metaphor, here, let us consider more from Heb. 12:
9. Then again, we indeed used to have instructors (educators; teachers of boys; discipliners) - the fathers of our flesh (= human parents) - and we continued being repeatedly turned among [them] (or: turned within and caused to reflect; = we listened to them and obeyed). To a much greater extent, shall we not be continually placed under and humbly arranged and aligned by the Father of the spirits (or: the Progenitor of breath-effects and Mentor of attitudes)? And then we shall proceed living (or: progressively live)! [cf Nu. 27:16; Eph. 6:2-3]
10.... upon this [instruction, arrangement and alignment] He is continuously bringing [things; situations] together (progressively collecting unto profitability) - unto this: to mutually partake of His set-apartness (or: to take by the hands together, share and mutually receive from the holiness and sacredness which is Him).
11. Now on the one hand, all discipline (instruction; child-training; education) with a view to (or: face to face with) what is presently at hand, does not at the time seem to be joyous or fun, but to the contrary [is] painful and full of sorrow and grief; however afterwards (or: subsequently), to, for, in and by those having been gymnastically trained (exercised without clothing; = working-out while stripped of self-works) through it, it is constantly and [cf Jas. 3:18] progressively yielding fruit which has the character and qualities of peace and harmony - which equates to fair and equitable dealings in rightwised relationships which are in line with the Way pointed out, and justice (also: = from covenant inclusion and participation).
Paul "fathered" them,
"through means of the message of abundant wellness (the news of fortunate, ideal ease and goodness)."
This, of course, took place
"within and in union with Christ Jesus."
This phrase is a compact description of the Gospel, the new covenant and the new creation. Apart from Him, we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5b)! Union, and dwelling "within" says it all. But as then, so now: not many fathers (or: parents); not many who will follow through on the job of "parenting." And as the next verse admonishes us, let us progressively mimic Paul in this function, as well.
16. Therefore, I am repeatedly performing as a paraclete for you (calling you to my side to aid, comfort, encourage and advise you). Progressively come to be (or: Keep on becoming) my imitators (ones who copy or mimic me).
If we take the verb "repeatedly performing as a paraclete" as meaning "advising," then he is "advising and encouraging" them to imitate the cruciform life that he had just described to them, in vss. 10-13, above. Again, this also means that they (and we) should "father" other people! The functioning as a paraclete is the "parenting" of those we "father." Children need training, educating and encouraging - and they need solid food when they are ready for it. This means that WE need to have "meat" to share with them.
Paul did not tell these folks to "follow" him - the KJV is a mistranslation here. Rather, he presents himself as an example of a follower of Jesus Christ. "[Paul] does not present himself as a Christian personality. This summons is always bound up with the paradox that he is an example inasmuch as he is nothing and he suffers (cf 1 Thes. 1:6; 2:14; Phil. 3:17; I Cor. 10:33-11:1)" (Conzelmann, ibid p 92).
17. Because of this, I sent Timothy to you folks - he who is my beloved child (accepted born-one) and one full of faith (or: a loyal, reliable, faithful and trustworthy person) within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], who will continue calling you back to remembrance (will be repeatedly reminding you) of my ways (roads; paths) - the ones in union with an Anointing [other MSS: in the midst of Christ Jesus (or: in {the} Anointing of Jesus); others: within {the} Lord Jesus; others: in Jesus] - correspondingly as (according as; along the lines as and to the level as) I am habitually teaching everywhere, within the midst of every called-out community (ecclesia; summoned forth covenant assembly).
Observe that Paul said that Timothy will repeatedly remind them of
"[his] ways (roads; paths) - the ones in union with an Anointing [other MSS: in the midst of Christ Jesus (or: in {the} Anointing of Jesus); others: within {the} Lord Jesus; others: in Jesus]."
Paul's way of life, and the Path that he followed was a living parable and example for them. And he was consistent in teaching along these lines - and to this level of understanding - among every called-out community. So to have what he taught clearly in mind, we suggest repeatedly reading over again 4:1-16, above. Again, being a father to those who he birthed into the kingdom was one of his "ways" of following the Way. Being led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14) is, of course, central to his road. Notice his emphasis on en christò (centered with the midst of and in union with Christ/the Anointing) which he had just used in vs. 15, above, and now again here. THIS is the Good News - where we are, and with Whom we are joined in intimate union. This is what he was "habitually teaching everywhere, within the midst of every called-out community (ecclesia; summoned forth covenant assembly)." Notice also his child-rearing style: repetition of information. Timothy was to "continue calling you back to remembrance (will be repeatedly reminding you)." And he was to remind them:
"CORRESPONDINGLY as (ACCORDING as; ALONG THE LINES as and TO THE LEVEL as) [Paul was] habitually teaching."
Paul therefore had great confidence in Timothy. We all need this sort of reminding. Also observe how Paul qualifies Timothy: one full of faith (or: a loyal, reliable, faithful and trustworthy person)." This is the primary attribute that the called-out need to have in their representatives.
Paul's use of the term "ways" here may also be alluding to the "way" of other teachers that had been among them. Apollos, e.g., had been
"one having been orally instructed in the way (or: path) of the Lord [= Yahweh],"
but he was
"versed in and acquainted with only the immersion (or: baptism) carried out by John" (Acts 18:24).
Aquila and Priscilla
"took him to themselves and more accurately exposed (or: expounded; set out from the midst) God's Way (or: path)" (Acts 18:26b).
Concerning John, Jesus had said,
"You see, John came toward you men within the path (or: on the road) of fairness and equity, in accord with the way pointed out, and in the right relationship which pertains to justice," (Mat. 21:32a),
but he was still in the old covenant (the Law), and had not received the full revelation of Christ, who WAS the Path (the Road; the Way).
18. Now certain ones were puffed up (= became arrogant; were bloated [from pride or self-esteem]), as though I [were] not proceeding to be coming to you.
19. Yet I will proceed quickly (speedily) coming to you folks, if the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] should intend (purpose; will) [it], and I will progress in knowing by intimate experience not the word (thought; idea; message; verbal expression; information) of, or from, those having been puffed up, but to the contrary, [their] ability and power.
Paul is a representative of Christ. The summoned folks in Corinth were his children. If Paul came to them again, it would be the Lord coming to them. It would be a time of accounting for those who became arrogant and bloated. He would test what sort of "power" they actually had. Dan Kaplan pointed to a similar potential situation that Jesus described for the disciples that He was sending out unto the lost sheep of Israel,
"And if, indeed, the house should be suitable and worthy, you men let your peace (the joining from and which is you folks; [= shalom]) come upon it - yet if it may not be suitable or worthy, let your peace (this joining from you) be returned back upon yourselves" (Mat. 10:13).
20. For God's reign (or: the kingdom which is God; the sovereign influence or activity from God) [is; lies] not within an idea (a logos; information; a thought; a word; a message; a verbal expression), but rather within ability, in union with capability, or in the midst of power.
21. What do you folks want (presently desire; normally intend; by habit purpose)? Should I come to you people within [the realm of] a rod (staff; = with corrective measures), or within love (solidarity), and in a spirit of gentle friendliness and tender kindness (or: meekness)?
God's reign lies within lives that are lived out - not in theories, philosophies or doctrines. God's sovereign influence embodies "ability, capability and power" within those who live "in union with an Anointing" (vs. 17, above). Paul is affirming that he is operating in union with God's reign, which is present to him, not some future "coming." He will not come with just ideas or thoughts, but within it power and ability. But as he said in Rom. 14:17,
"for you see, God's kingdom (or: the reign-and-dominion which is God; the expression, influence and activity of God's sovereignty) is not (or: does not exist being) solid food and drink, but rather, eschatological deliverance into fair and equitable dealing which brings justice and right relationship in the Way pointed out (being turned in the right direction; rightwisedness; also = covenant inclusion and participation), peace and harmony from the joining (= shalom) and joy (or: happiness; rejoicing) within set-apart Breath-effect (or: in union with and amidst a dedicated spirit and a sacred attitude; or: in [the] Holy Spirit)."
So that "power and ability" is a good thing! When rightly understood, who would not want this?
Notice that vs. 21 offers the Corinthians two different aspects of
"the judgment seat of Christ" - "corrective measures," or "love (solidarity), and in a spirit of gentle friendliness and tender kindness."
As a member of Christ's body, Paul functioned AS Christ for those who were his "children." The "rod" is a shepherd's staff, used to herd the sheep and protect the entire flock from those who would bring in the wood, hay and stubble. When folks are still spiritual "children" (3:1-2, above), they still need the direct involvement of fathers. Paul may be alluding, here, to Prov. 10:13b,
"A rod [is] for the back of a person that is void of (or: who lacks) understanding."
Or, perhaps, to Prov. 13:24,
"He who spares his rod hates his son; but he who loves him disciplines him diligently." Or,
Prov. 29:15a, "The rod and reproof give wisdom..."
We read in Rev. 2:27 where the resurrected Jesus spoke of this function as seen in Paul,
"he will continue shepherding (i.e., feeding, tending and guarding) them with a staff made of iron, as he is being continuously broken [like] pottery vessels, [Ps. 2:8-9] as I also have received from My Father."
What also comes to mind is "the rod of God" (Ex. 4:20) which was a rod of deliverance and freedom, seen again as the rod of the priesthood (Heb. 9:4). We should also recall what Paul said to those in Galatia:
"Now the works (actions; deeds) of the flesh [are] seen and made apparent in clear light, which are.... those habitually practicing (or: performing) such [religious, or personal,] things will not be inheriting (receiving and enjoying a distributed allotment of) God's reign (kingdom; sovereign influence and activities)" (Gal. 5:19, 21b).
Also, his admonition in 1 Thes. 2:12 is worth remembering:
"be continuously walking about worthily of the God (= living your lives in a manner equal in value with regard to the God) [Who is] continuously calling (or: repeatedly inviting) you people into His own royal activity (or: reign; sovereign influence; kingdom) and glory (or: reputation; manifestation which calls forth praise; or: opinion and imagination; or: = manifest presence)."
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