God's Power, Means,
Influence and Ability
By Jonathan Mitchell
Comments on 1 Cor. 2:1-8
1. And I myself, in coming toward you, brothers (= fellow members), did not come repeatedly announcing the message of God's secret (or: constantly proclaiming the news of the mystery [other MSS: witness; testimony] from God) down to you as down from an elevation of thought (or: according to superiority of word [logos]), or of wisdom and cleverness (= with a message of transcendent rhetoric or philosophical subtlety and brilliance)
God's secret, or, the mystery from God, was not rhetoric or wisdom literature, but rather was an unveiling of God's program and purpose (or, plan) of the ages, which we will see in 15:44-57, below, involved a planting of the first humanity, Adam, as the Seed, and the sprouting and growth of that Seed, up out of the earth, to be the Last Adam, the Second Humanity. Paul calls this entire program a secret, once again, in 15:51. He had not presented them a philosophy of life, or an ontological scheme of creation such as the Gnostics had envisioned, or would later construct. What he brought to them was a disclosure, an unveiling of the goal - and this was Christ, the joining of heaven and earth, of God with humanity, that is a resurrection from the state of being dead in relation to God and His creation. No, his focus was on the main issue:
2. for I decided not to see, perceive or know anything within or among you folks, except Jesus Christ - and this One being one having been crucified (suspended from a pole; executed on a stake)!
Did this mean that he went around carrying a crucifix? No, he resolved to see, perceive and know, the crucified Jesus "within and among them." He wanted to see them living what some have called "a cruciform life" - a life which is lived in conformity to the cross of Christ, as Jesus had instructed, in Mat. 16:24-25. He wanted to see them "laying down their soul-lives for their friends" (Jn. 15:13). He did not want to see the self-centered division which he had heard was existing among them. Cameron Fultz makes an insightful comment on this verse:
"This is Paul's key knowing! As long as Paul stays focused on the 'slain Lamb standing,' knowing this One's heart and how He thinks and what kind of Person He is, then the Spirit will communicate what needs to communicated to others" (from a currently unpublished translation of Revelation).
Cameron then points us to Gal. 6:14,
"Now may it not happen to me (or: in me) to take up the practice of boasting, except within the cross (execution stake/pole) of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through Whom (or: through which [i.e., the cross]) the organized System (or: the world of culture, economy, government and religion) has been, and continues being, crucified (executed on the stake; hung from a pole, in rejection and dishonor) in me (or: to me; for me; by me; with me), and I by (to; in; with; for) the organized System (the world; = their culture, secular society, religion, and government)."
He further reminds us of what Paul said in Phil. 3:
7. But to the contrary, whatever things were being gains (advantages; assets) to, for or in me, these things I have esteemed and now consider (or: regard) as a loss (a penalty; a forfeit; disadvantage; a bad bargain; a detriment) because of the Christ (or: on account of the Anointing).
8. But further - indeed, then, as a matter of fact - I even am habitually considering (or: regarding) all things to be a loss (a disadvantage; a forfeit) because of (for the sake of) the thing that is constantly holding things above and thus having all-surpassing value and superiority: that which pertains to and comes from the experience of the intimate knowledge of my Lord, Jesus Christ (or: of, from and which is Christ Jesus, my Owner) - because of, on account of and for the sake of Whom I undergo loss of all things and I continue considering (or: regarding) them to be [either] a lot of refuse and filth (a pile of manure) [or] things that are cast away from the table to the dogs (garbage), to the end that I may have the advantage of Christ (or: could maintain the gain of [the] Anointing),
9. and may be found within Him (or: in union with Him; centered in Him) - not continuing having my [previous] pointed-out way (my fairness and equity; my relationships; my basis for what is right; my own righteousness) from out of the Law or custom, but to the contrary, the [Way pointed-out which was a rightwising deliverance] through means of Christ's faithfulness (or: the trust-conviction which is Christ; the faith of and from [the Messiah]): the rightwising, eschatological deliverance into the new covenant fairness and equity of righted relationships within the Way pointed out [which is] forth from out of the midst of God as a source (or: the just Act from the midst of God) [and based] upon that Faithfulness (or: [Christ's/God's] loyal allegiance; or: the Trust and confident faith) -
10. to intimately and with insight experientially know Him, and the ability - even the power - of His resurrection and also the common existence (participation; partnership, sharing and fellowship) of the results and from the effects of His experiences [note: these include good times/feelings and passions, as well as sufferings] - being a person that is being continuously conformed by (being progressively brought together with the form of; being habitually configured to) His death.
Next, Cameron takes us to Phil. 2:
5. You see, this way of thinking (this attitude and disposition) is continuously within and among you folks (or, as an imperative: So let this minding be habitually within you folks) - which [is] also within Christ Jesus,
6. Who, starting and continuing as inherently existing (or: beginning under; subsisting) within God's form (or: in an outward mold which is God), He does not consider the [situation] to be equals in and by God a plunder (or: a pillaging; a robbery; a snatching; or: a thing or situation seized and held), (or: Who, [although] constantly humbly and supportively ruling in union with an external shape and an outward appearance from God, did not give consideration to a seizure: the [situation] to continuously exist being the same things with God, even on the same levels in God, or equal [things; aspects] to God,)
7. but to the contrary, He empties Himself (or: removed the contents of Himself; made Himself empty), receiving (or: taking; accepting) a slave's form (external shape; outward mold), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) within an effect of humanity's (mankind's; people's) likeness.
8. And so, being found in an outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) as a human (a person; a man), He lowers Himself (or: humbled Himself; made Himself low; degrades Himself; levels Himself off), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) a submissive, obedient One (one who gives the ear and listens) as far as (or: to the point of; until) death - but death of a cross (torture stake)!
All this is what Paul wanted to see and know among the Corinthians. It was his desire for them, as well as for the folks at Philippi.
"He tells the church to have the same mind: this same heart attitude as Jesus. Jesus self-emptied Himself. He became a man of no reputation Who lowered Himself. Moreover, just when you thought He could not lower Himself anymore, He went further to become an enemy of the state, worthy of an official state execution. Rather than try to justify Himself or protect His legacy, He allowed Himself to be as a misunderstood as convicted criminal who looks to be in the wrong" (Fultz, ibid).
Living the kind of Life that Jesus lived, and DOING what He taught was the fruit of enlightenment and experiential insight and knowledge. Wisdom and attitude alone were not sufficient. The resurrection of Jesus became the delivery event that brought us His Spirit, which empowers us (vs. 4, below). So next Paul reminds them of how he was when he had been with them, and why he made his proclamation in the manner in which he did...
3. So I, myself, came to be with and toward you, and faced you folks, in lack of strength (or: in union with weakness), and in fear - even in much trembling and agitation of mind (or: very nervous; shaking with reverence and respect; or: = with earnestness and much concern),
As we envision what Paul says here, the picture that comes to mind is Jesus, in Gethsemane. It was like a person facing a cross (which was the situation, when proclaiming the apparent stumbling block and the foolishness of "the word of the cross" to the multitudes). He often received, and so expected, violent rejection of his message. Cf 2 Cor. 7:15; Phil. 2:12b.
4. so my message (the Logos, or word, thought and Information, from me) and my public proclamation [were; consisted] not in persuasive words of wisdom (or: ideas from cleverness [MSS add: of, or from, a human]), but to the contrary [were] in demonstration of spirit and attitude, as well as of power and from ability (or: in the midst of a display of clear and logical proof from [the] Spirit, consisting of power and ability; in union with a documented manifestation which was Breath-effect and which was a means of influence and capability),
5. to the end that your trust would not be in human wisdom (your faith and reliance would not exist in cleverness of people), but rather in God's power, means, influence and ability.
We see a similar statement by Paul in 1 Thes. 1:5,
"[The] message of the goodness of our God (or: our God's good news; the message of ease and well-being, which is God; [other MSS: the good news from us]) was not birthed into you within word or thought only, but rather also within power and ability, even within a set-apart Breath-effect (or: in union with [the] Holy Spirit; in the midst of [the] Sacred Breath), as well as in much assurance having been brought to full measure..." Cf 2 Cor. 1:18.
His life, among them, had been a
"demonstration of spirit and attitude, as well as of power and from ability."
He had simply been Christ to them. He lived the life of the Spirit among them, so that they had an opportunity to see what that looked like. It would have been a life of being joined to the Vine (Jn. 15:1ff) so that he was producing the fruit of the Breath-effect (Gal. 5:22; Eph. 5:9). As the parenthetical expansion reads, his life had been
"in the midst of a display of clear and logical proof FROM [the] Spirit, consisting of power and ability."
It was in union with a
"documented manifestation which was Breath-effect and which was a means of influence and capability."
It was the Life of Christ manifested within their midst. Cf Rom. 8:19.
Now the purpose of this was not to bring a great reputation to Paul, but was rather so that their "trust would NOT be in human wisdom." Cf 3:3, 4, below. He wanted THEIR trust to be "in God's power, means, influence and ability." He was not turning them to doctrines or creeds, but directing them to their relationship with Christ. For this reason, he had come to them "in lack of strength (or: in union with weakness), and in fear - even in much trembling and agitation of mind (or: very nervous; shaking with reverence and respect; or: = with earnestness and much concern)" - which does not sound very much like being a charismatic preacher drawing large crowds with his winning personality and clever presentations. The image of Christ which we are called to reflect would be more like we find in Isa. 53:2b-3,
"... as a root in a thirsty region (Land), there is no form to him, or glory (reputation; assumed appearance; manifestation which calls forth praise). And so we saw him, and he had no form or beauty. But to the contrary, his form [was] ignoble and without honor or value - even continuously failing (repeatedly being completely inferior and falling short from the midst; or: habitually forsaking [all]) compared to (at the side of) the sons of the humans; a person continuously being in union with (centered in; within the midst of) calamity and affliction from a blow, and knowing (perceiving) [what it is] to bear sickness and to carry weakness and disease. Because his face (or: presence) had been turned away, he was dishonored (unvalued), and was not esteemed or taken into account" (LXX, JM).
Does this comparison sound strange? Perhaps it does when we think of today's nominal Christianity. But consider what Paul says of himself and his associates in 4:12b-13, below,
"Being constantly insulted (reviled; cursed; verbally abused)... being habitually pursued and persecuted... being incessantly defamed (slandered; plied with ill-rumors; [other MSS: blasphemed]), we regularly called them to our sides (normally entreated and offered assistance). We were made to be as that which comes from cleaning all around (as the off-scouring results; as the filthy refuses) of the world (from the organized System of culture, religion, economy and government) - wiped-off filth and scum of all things and all people - until right now!"
Consider, again, 2 Cor. 12:9-10, cited above. Also, recall in Acts 20:23 Paul's meeting with the older folks from Ephesus, while on his journey to Jerusalem, and his words to them at that time:
"the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) keeps repeatedly giving full witness and evidence to me, continually saying that bonds (= imprisonments) and pressures (oppressions; afflictions; tribulations) continue remaining and are still awaiting me."
He was following Christ, in His way of the cross.
6. Now we habitually speak wisdom among the mature folks (or: in the midst of the finished, completed people; or: in union with perfected ones who have arrived at the goal and destiny), yet not a wisdom of, from or belonging to, this age, neither of the rulers (chief people; leaders) of this age - of or from those progressively and successively being brought down to idleness and ineffective uselessness (or: gradually nullified and rendered inoperative; = brought to nothing; = ones fired from their jobs).
Who are
"the mature folks (or: in the midst of the finished, completed people; or: in union with perfected ones who have arrived at the goal and destiny)"?
Verse 3:1, below, gives clarification:
"And yet I myself, brothers, was not able to speak to you folks as to spiritual people, but to the contrary as to fleshly folks - as to infants in Christ."
Using the word "infants," he implies those who have been born (e.g., Jn. 3:3, 5-8), but has not yet "grown up." This is the language of "growth" that should lead to "maturity." We see it in Jesus' parable of the kingdom as being like a farmer planting seeds, and how
"the seed can be progressively sprouting (germinating) and continuing to lengthen (= to grow).... first a sprout (or: [the] blade of grass; herbage), then a stalk head (ear) and finally a full grain within the stalk head (ear)" (Mk. 4:27, 28).
Those in Corinth were at that time still young (perhaps babies) and immature (adolescents). Many were probably like the kids of Mat. 25:41-46 - clueless about the needs of other; lacking agape (13:1-3, below). We read of the same immaturity in Heb. 5:11b-14,
"[You] have become sluggish (dull) for hearing. For also, being obligated to be teachers, because of the time [gone by], you again have a need of someone to be teaching you folks the elementary things (or: fundamental principles) of the beginning of the brief spoken words of and from God, and so you have become folks having need of MILK, and not solid food. For everyone partaking milk [is] untried (inexperienced) pertaining to [the] Word of the Way pointed out. But solid food belongs to perfected ones (complete and mature ones; ones who are fully developed and have reached the goal of their destiny) - those, because of habit, having organs of perception trained as in gymnastic exercise and thus being skilled, because of practice, and disciplined with a view to a discerning (or: when facing the act of separating, making a distinction and then a decision about) both good and evil (both that which is excellent, ideal, of good quality, profitable and beautiful, as well as that which is of bad quality, worthless, ugly or of bad form; or: = between right and wrong)."
The word "mature" is teleios is the adjective cognate of telos (end; goal; finished product). Christ's corporate body is like a family (another metaphor for the same thing) that is comprised of from newborns to the elders. Paul spoke "wisdom," the "deep things of God" among the elders, but also within the hearing of the next generation. The plant/child needs to be fed and watered in every stage of development. Conzelmann cites Delling (TDNT 8:69-72) who in turn quotes from the Stoics that "every noble and good man is perfect, because no excellence is lacking in him" (ibid p 60 n 34), and then cites Philo, who speaks of "the man who is just beginning his training, the man; the man who is making gradual progress; [and] the perfect man" (ibid n 37). What comes to mind from Paul is Eph. 4:13,
"[to go on] until we - the whole of mankind (all people) - can (or: would) come down to the goal (or: attain; arrive at; meet accordingly; meet down face-to-face): into the state of oneness from, and which is, The Faithfulness even which is the full, experiential and intimate knowledge which is (or: of; from; in reference to) the Son of God, [growing] into [the] purposed and destined adult man (complete, finished, full-grown, perfect, goal-attained, mature manhood) - into (or: unto) [the] measure of [the] stature (full age; prime of life) of the entire content which comprises the Anointed One."
Again he stresses that what they habitually speak is "not a wisdom of, from or belonging to, this age, neither of the rulers (chief people; leaders) of this age." This could of course refer to the wisdom of the Greek culture and the Roman Empire. But from knowing Paul's struggle against Judaizers, we should also see that his reference is to the age of the Mosaic Law and its embodiment in Second Temple Judaism. It was specifically the wisdom of THAT age which was being "brought down to idleness and ineffective uselessness (nullified and rendered inoperative)," as we read in Heb. 6:1-3; 8:5a-8, and 13. For the day-to-day operations of culture, government and economy within the Empire, natural wisdom continued useful - it was not being nullified or rendered inoperative. What had passed away (2 Cor. 5:17) was the wisdom of the old covenant, for there was now a new creation that operated on the principles of the Christ-Life. The teachings of Jesus set the wisdom of the old age on its head. The old wisdom no longer applied, for the followers of Christ.
The reference to "rulers, leaders and chief people" could likely refer to chief priests, scribes and Pharisees. The "this age" in which Paul lived and wrote did not completely end until AD 70. However this could also be a reference to Caesar and his court, as well as to the schools of philosophy or religion (e.g., in Alexandria).
A passage in Baruch 3 may lend insight to the topic of the wisdom "of the rulers (chief people; leaders) of this age." In vs. 9 we read,
"Hear, O Israel, an imparted goal (inward directive and impartation of the finished product) of, and which is Life; you folks give ear to know a way of thinking that is with thoughtful prudence (gut-intelligence; mindful purpose and frame of mind; considered understanding) with personal insight."
Then vss. 12, 14 reminds them,
"You have forsaken and left behind the fountain (spring) of wisdom.... Learn where a way of thinking that is with thoughtful prudence (gut-intelligence; a mindful purpose and frame of mind; considered understanding) continues existing..."
and vs. 15 asks,
"Who has found her place...?"
Next we come to a question that uses the same term "rulers (chief people; leaders)" that Paul used in vs. 6, above. Baruch 3:16 asks,
"Where are the rulers (chief people; leaders) of the nations (the ethnic multitudes)?"
Verse 19 gives the answer:
"They were made to vanish (disappear) and they descended into the grave (the Unseen) - and then other folks stood up in their stead (or: in their corresponding place)" (LXX, JM).
Such as these, we submit, are the rulers and chief people to which Paul referred here in vs. 6 (Cf vs. 8, below). Here he affirms that they all were,
"progressively and successively being brought down to idleness and ineffective uselessness (or: gradually nullified and rendered inoperative; = brought to nothing; = ones fired from their jobs)." Cf 1:18, above.
The leadership in 1st century Jerusalem was being
"brought to nothing; rendered inoperative,"
because the Law and the old covenant we also being
"brought down to idleness and ineffective uselessness" - cf 15:53-58, below; 2 Cor. 3:11, 13; Heb. 8:6-13.
The section, beginning with this verse and continuing through vs. 16, moves away from the eschatological terminology of "folks being presently delivered" contrasted with "folks constantly, progressively destroying themselves," in 1:18, above, as well as from the subject of all that Christ came to be in and among us, in 1:30, above, and now picks up the topic of "the wisdom of God" that he had mentioned in 1:21, 24 and 30. So he turns to secret and hidden things, using the language of the mysteries of God that are related to "the ages"...
7. To the contrary, we habitually speak God's wisdom within the midst of a secret (or: we normally speak - in [the form or realm of] a mystery which only the initiated understand - the wisdom which is God): the [wisdom] having been hidden away and remaining concealed, which God marked out in advance and set its boundaries (or: previously designed) - before the ages - [leading] into our glory and assumed appearance (unto our praise-inducing manifestation and with a view to our reputation),
Notice the qualifier in this verse: "within the midst of a secret, a mystery." This wisdom was not common wisdom, nor even the wisdom of Solomon or of the Jewish wisdom literature. It, being "God's wisdom, the wisdom which is God," had been "been hidden away and remaining concealed." It needed to be uncovered - revealed. This happened,
"whenever the time should be reached when it [= the heart] can (or: would; may; should; or: shall at some point) twist and turn upon, so as to face toward, [the] Lord [= Christ]... having a face that has been uncovered and remains unveiled, being folks who by a mirror are continuously observing the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] glory, are presently being continuously and progressively transformed into the very same image, from glory into glory" (2 Cor. 3:16, 18).
God's mystery, His hidden purpose, was Christ and His body. Consider these elements that are found together in Col. 3:3,
"for you folks [i.e., His Body] died, and your life has been HIDDEN so that it is now concealed together with the Christ, within the midst of God (or: in union with God)."
The other side of this mystery (God's secret purpose) was given in Col. 1:27,
"the riches of the glory of this Secret (mystery) within the multitudes (among the nations; in the Gentiles; IN UNION WITH the swarms of ethnic groups), which is (or: exists being) Christ within you folks, the expectation of and from the glory."
So His Secret, His mystery involved a plan for the whole world! Verse 7, here, and these complimentary verses from Col. 1 and 3, combine Jewish apocalyptic and wisdom language that resonated in the contemporary and later Gnostic traditions, as well. Paul's message of the cross would have touched many religious veins of the Roman Empire, in his day. This verse calls to mind Dan. 2:18-19, 28,
"they began seeking mercy before the God of heaven concerning this mystery... Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel.... there is a God in heaven revealing mysteries..."Kugelman insightfully observes,
"Since Christ, the Wisdom of God, is a mystery, men can know him only by revelation. The divine wisdom lies hidden in the folly and scandal of the cross" (ibid p 258).
Thus it follows, that
"because those whom He foreknew (whom He knows from previous intimate experience), He also marked out beforehand (determined, defined and designed in advance) [as] copies (joint-forms) of the image (material likeness; portrait; mirrored image) of His Son" (Rom. 8:29), this previously hidden-away wisdom was also
"marked out in advance and set its boundaries (or: previously designed) - before the ages."
This led "into our glory and assumed appearance (unto our praise-inducing manifestation and reputation)" - from having become bearers of God's image. Paul says it this way, in Rom. 9:23-24,
"[it is] to the end that He could and would (or: may) also at some point make known by intimate experience the wealth of His glory (or: of His manifestation of that which calls forth praise; of the glory which is Him; which pertains to His reputation; from His imagination and opinion) upon containers of mercy (instruments of mercy), which He beforehand prepares into [being] (or: made ready and provides into the midst of) a manifestation of [that] glory - even us, whom He calls (or: at one point summoned; invites), not only from out of the Jews, but further, even from out of the nations (or: out of the ethnic multitudes, also; forth from the Gentiles, too)."Cf Rom. 8:18, 21, 30; 2 Cor. 4:17.
This hidden wisdom was the Christ that had been hidden within the writings of the OT. It was the wisdom which is the Second Humanity, the "last" Adam (15:45-48, below), the new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), the One New Humanity (Eph. 2:15). This glory, which we now manifest when Christ is seen within us, giving us a new and assumed appearance (the appearance of Christ within us) is describe in 15:49, below, in these terms:
"correspondingly as we bear and wear the image of the dusty person, [p46 adds: doubtless] we can and should [B reads: will continue to] also bear and wear the image of the supra-heavenly One (or: belonging to the One having the quality and character of the finished and perfected atmosphere; or: from the fully-heaven [sphere]; of the added-sky person)."
These two "people" (the dusty and the atmospheric) are the embodiments to the two, contrasting wisdoms.
What we need to keep in mind is that this Wisdom, which is "within the midst of a secret," is God's wisdom of a crucified Messiah. This section about wisdom and (in vs. 13) spiritual things is explaining the foolishness of proclaiming the message of the cross. Paul is not changing his message. Cf Eph. 3:5, but let us quote Eph. 3:
9. and to illuminate all people (give light to everyone) [as to] what [is] the execution of the detailed plan and household administration of the secret (or: mystery) pertaining to that having been hidden (concealed) away, apart from the ages (or: disassociated from the [past] periods of time), within the midst of God - in the One forming and founding (framing, building and settling from a state of disorder and wildness; creating) all things (the Whole; everything) -
10. to the end that now (at this present time), in union with the heavenly people, God's greatly diversified wisdom (the exceedingly varied in colors [as in a tapestry or the Veil] wisdom which is God; or: the many-phased wisdom from God) could be made known - through the called-out community - to the governments (or: rulers; sovereignties; chief ones) as well as to the authorities and folks with privilege among those situated upon elevated positions
11. in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) a purpose of the ages (a fore-designed aim, plan and object [which He is bent on achieving] of the unspecified time-periods) which He formed (forms; made; constructs; creates; produced) within the Christ by our Lord and Owner, Jesus. Cf Rom. 16:25; 2 Tim. 1:9-10; Tit. 1:2-3.
Similar is Col. 1:26-28,
26. the Secret (or: sacred mystery) having been hidden away and remaining concealed away from the ages (or: from [past] eons), as well as away from the [past] generations, yet now (at the present time) is set in clear light in His set-apart folks (or: was manifested to His holy ones; is caused to be seen by His saints; is shown for what it is, for His sacred people),
27. to whom God wills (or: at one point purposed; or: intends) to make known by intimate experience, what [are] the riches of the glory of this Secret (or: the wealth which has its source in this sacred mystery's manifestation which calls forth praise) within the multitudes (among the nations; in the Gentiles; IN UNION WITH the swarms of ethnic groups), which is (or: exists being) Christ within you folks, the expectation of and from the glory (or: which is [the] Anointed in union with you people: the [realized] hope of the manifestation which called forth praise; or: which is [the] Anointing [and the Messiah] within the midst of you folks - the expectation which is the glory),
28. Whom [other MSS: Which] we ourselves habitually proclaim down the line (or: announce in accord with the pattern), constantly putting [Him] into the minds of every person (or: human) and repeatedly teaching every person (or: human), within the sphere of all wisdom, to the intent that we may place every person (or: human) finished (mature; perfect with respect to purpose; complete; as having reached the goal of destiny) by [our] side, within the midst of, centered in, and in union with, Christ.
8. which [wisdom] not one of the rulers (leaders; chief people) of this age know (or: came to know) by intimate experience or insight. For if they knew, THEY would not likely have crucified (hung or suspended on a pole) the Owner of, and Who is, the glory and the assumed appearance (or: For if they know, they would not stake-execute the Lord of the Manifestation which calls forth praise, and Who is the source of imagination and a good reputation).
You see, they did not know or experience Christ, so they crucified Him. Observe how the concealed secret (vs. 7) had reference to the cross (vs. 8). The people that Paul terms as "THEY," here, are pictured in Rev. 17:3-6. They were the leaders of Judea who were in collusion with the Empire, as Peter affirmed in Acts 2:23. But what we do to others we are also doing to ourselves, for in Col. 2:15, Paul instructs us concerning the RESULTS of what they had done to their Messiah:
"after Himself causing the sinking out and away of (or: stripping off and away [of power and abilities]; undressing [them of arms and glory]; putting off and laying away [of categories and classifications]; or: divesting Himself of) the governments and the authorities (or: the ruling folks or people of primacy, and the privileged folks). And then He made a public exhibit, in a citizen's bold freedom of speaking the truth, leading them in a triumphal procession within it [i.e., the cross/suspension-pole]. (or: Undressing Himself {or: Stripping [them] off from Himself}, He also made a public display of the rulers and the authorities, with boldness leading them as captives in His victory procession in it {or: in union with Him}.)"
This is how the cross - the death of Jesus, as the representative (i.e., the Messiah) of Israel, the King of the Judeans - brought the Victory of which we will read in 15:55-57, below. But until the
"veil is removed from their hearts" (2 Cor. 3:14-16),
folks are unable to see this Victory, or understand how Christ's resurrection did what is described in Col. 2:15, just quoted
. Christ is the Owner, or Lord, of the glory. He owns all manifestations which call forth praise to God. If we render the term "the glory" as a genitive of apposition, we have "the Lord, Who IS the glory." He is also the source of imagination. His glory is alive and dynamic. It is a manifestation of His Presence.
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