God Incarnated Himself
in Jesus
in order to Create
the Second Humanity
By Jonathan Mitchell
The question has often arisen: Why did God incarnate Himself in Jesus? Was it to enable people to become better human beings who would live moral lives? Was Jesus simply the greatest wisdom teacher who showed humanity the best way to live? Or, more darkly, did God give us His Son to be sacrificed to Himself so that He could forgive the sins of humanity and make them acceptable to Himself (as some distorted and repugnant theologies claim)?
Such questions, and more, have arisen in human thinking which has normally arisen from human beings partaking of the experiential knowledge from the tree of "good and evil" which grows within the midst of themselves. This has given mankind the lenses through which a legalistic worldview has produced dead thinking - and which in much of traditional Christianity has promoted a "try-harder" gospel, which is no good news, at all. Simple statements, such as, "For thus God loves the aggregate of humanity..." (Jn. 3:16), have been enmeshed within various philosophical systems which have resulted mostly in confusion and debates.
Much ink and many trees turned into paper have been given to the topic of "righteousness," also termed, "justification" - both of these English words being used to define one Greek word, dikaiosunē. The vast majority of the papers and books written about these terms have been based upon either legal or moral interpretations of how Paul used the Greek term. A shining exception to this is Douglas A. Campbell's The Deliverance of God, An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul.
So, why the incarnation? We will offer some statements by Jesus and Paul in order to suggest another paradigm, and a worldview from a "new creation" perspective. Let us begin with a statement by Jesus to the Samaritan woman, in Jn. 4:
"Yet whoever may (or: would) drink from out of the Water which I, Myself, will be continuously giving to him will not repeatedly become thirsty, on into the Age [of Messiah], but further, the Water which I shall constantly give to (or: in) him will progressively come to be (or: repeatedly become; continuously birth itself), within him, a spring (or: fountain) of Water, constantly bubbling up (continuously springing and leaping up) into a Life having the source, character and qualities of the Age (or: unto life of and for the ages; into the midst of eonian Life; for the Life of [the Messianic age]; or: with a view to lifelong Life)" (vs. 14).
How simple, although enigmatic due to using a metaphor, is this? Let us consider a more public proclamation by Jesus, in Jn. 7:
37. Now within the last day - the great one - of the Feast (or: festival), Jesus, after having taken a stand, stood and then suddenly cries out, saying, "If ever anyone may continue being thirsty, let him be habitually coming toward (or: face-to-face with) Me, and then let the person continuously trusting and progressively believing into Me be constantly (habitually; repeatedly) drinking (or: let him be progressively coming to Me and keep on drinking. The person habitually being faithful unto Me,)
38. "just as the Scripture says, 'Rivers (or: Floods; Torrents) of living water will continuously flow (or: gush; flood) from out of the midst of His cavity (or: his innermost being or part; or: the hollow of his belly; [used of the womb]).'" [cf Isa. 58:11; Ezk. 47:1; Joel 3:18; Zech. 13:1; 14:8]
39. Now this He said about (or: with regard to) the Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude; [other MSS: Holy, or set-apart Spirit; Sacred Wind]) of which (or: of Whom as a source; [other MSS simply read: which]) they - those trusting and believing into Him - were about to be continuously and progressively receiving. You see, the Holy Spirit (set-apart Breath-effect; Sacred Wind and Attitude) was not yet being One having been given [note: reading with B; with p66c, p75, Aleph, and others: for you see, there was not yet Spirit in existence; D* and three others: for there was not yet a Holy Spirit upon them; Textus Receptus: You see, [the] Holy Spirit was not yet being or existing], because Jesus was not yet glorified (given repute and an assumed appearance; made into a manifestation which induces praise).
And while on the topic of living water, in Rev. 22:17, it is recorded:
"And now the Spirit and the Bride are continuously saying, 'Be repeatedly coming!' Then let the one continuing to listen and hear say, 'Be continuously coming!' And so let the person constantly thirsting continuously come; let the one habitually willing at once receive Water of Life freely" (or: "And so the Breath-effect and the Bride are constantly laying it out: 'Be progressively going!' Also, let the person now hearing say, 'Be progressively going!' Then, let the one repeatedly being thirsty habitually come and go. The person desiring and intending must at once take the Water from, and which is, Life for a free gift [to others]").
There is neither legal nor moral language in these proclamations of the Gospel. Neither is there any "justification" language in Jesus' instructions to His disciples, in Jn. 15:
1. "I, Myself, AM (or: exist being) the true (genuine; real) Grapevine, and My Father is (continues being) the One who tends the soil (the Farmer; the One who tills and works the Land; the Cultivator, Gardener, Husbandman).
2. "Every tender branch (shoot or twig which can easily be broken) within Me not habitually bearing (bringing forth; = producing) fruit He regularly lifts up and takes it away. And every one consistently bearing the fruit He periodically clears and cleans (or: seasonally cleanses) by pruning, to the end that it can continue bearing more (a greater amount of) fruit. [cf Mat. 25:46]
3. "You folks, yourselves, are already clean (cleansed), cleared and pruned ones through and because of the word (Logos; laid-out message; thought; idea; pattern-conveying information; blueprint) which I have spoken to you (in you; for you; among you) folks.
4. "You folks remain (dwell; abide; stay) within and in union with Me - and I, Myself, [will remain] within and in union with you. Correspondingly as the tender branch is not being consistently able (having continuing power) to repeatedly bear fruit from itself unless it should continually remain (stay; dwell) within (in union with; on) the grapevine, in the same way, neither [can] you folks, unless you may constantly remain (stay; dwell) within (in union with; centered in) Me.
5. "I, Myself, AM the Grapevine; you folks [are] the tender branches (shoots or twigs that can be easily broken). The person continuously remaining (dwelling; abiding) within the midst of Me - and I within the midst of and in union with him - this one is repeatedly bearing (bringing forth; = producing) much fruit. [It is the case] that apart from (or: Because separated from) Me you folks continue having ability and power to do (make; construct; create; form; perform; produce) nothing!
6. "If anyone would (or: may; should) not continuously remain (dwell; abide; stay) within the midst of and in union with Me, he or she is cast (or: thrown) outside, in the same way as the tender branch (or: like that twig or shoot). And thus, it (or: he/she) is caused to dry up and wither, and then they are constantly gathering (or: leading) them [other MSS: it] together ["synagogue-ing" them, or it, as in a bundle]. Later, they are normally throwing (or: casting) [p66 adds: them] into the fire - and it (or: he) is progressively kindled (repeatedly ignited; or: habitually lit and progressively burned).
7."If you people can (or: would) remain (abide; dwell; stay) within the midst of and in union with Me - and My gush-effects (results of spoken words) can (should; would) remain [with p66 and others: and the flow of My declarations continues abiding] within the midst of and in union with you - seek in petition [other MSS: you will continue asking] whatever you folks may habitually purpose (constantly intend; repeatedly will; continuously want or desire), and it will proceed coming to be within and among you folks (or: will progressively occur for you people; will continue being birthed by you folks; will habitually happen to you folks). [cf Rom. 11:21-24]
8. "In this is (or: was) My Father glorified (caused to appear and be recognized; given a good reputation and a manifestation which calls forth praise): that you men can continuously bear (or: would keep on bringing forth) much fruit, and thus can (or: would) come to be [with other MSS: will continue becoming] disciples (learners; students; apprentices) by Me (or: in Me; to Me; for Me; with Me; [other MSS: My disciples]).9. "Correspondingly as (or: In the same sphere as; To the same degree as) the Father loves and accepts Me - and I, Myself, also love and accept you folks - at once begin to remain (abide; dwell; stay) within the midst of (and: in union with; centered in) My own Love (acceptance; drive toward reunion)! [comment: His Love is the Vine - vss. 4-5, above - and He is the Love - vs. 10, below]
10. "Whenever (or: If) you would (can) observe, watch over, guard, keep in view and maintain My implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives; interior purposes and destinies), [by this] you will continue remaining (abiding; dwelling) within the midst of, in union with, and centered in the Love which is Me (My love; the acceptance and urge toward union, from Me), correspondingly as (or: to the same level as) I, Myself, have watched over, observed, guarded, keep and now maintain My Father's implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives; interior purposes and destinies) and continuously remain (or: dwell) within the midst of the Love, acceptance, Self-giving and urge toward union, from, and which is, Him.
11. "I have spoken these things to you to the end that My joy would (or: can; should) remain and continuously exist within the midst of you people, and that your joy may be filled full (or: fulfilled).
12. "This is My implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; interior purpose and destiny): that you keep on loving, urging toward union, and accepting one another - correspondingly as (to the same degree as; in the same sphere as) I love and accept you folks.
13. "No one continues holding (or: having) greater Love (full self-giving; urge toward reunion) than this: that someone should place (set; lay; put) his soul (or: inner being; self; person; consciousness which is him) over [the situation or circumstances of; = cover] (or: on behalf of) his friends. Here, Jesus presents us with an agricultural metaphor which describes for us "the Way, the Truth and the Life" (Jn. 14:6).
If we have been placed within the Vine, and are now branches of Him, we will automatically grow and produce His fruit (cf Gal. 5:22-24). We now insert some excellent comment from John Gavazzoni:
"I was mulling over how it 'seemed' that Jesus was placing the onus of remaining in the vine upon us, as in, 'If you people can... remain in the midst of, and in union with, Me...' The key to understanding what is involved in us 'remaining in the midst of, and in union with, Him,' is found in the very first verse to which the reader must refer back to in regard to any imperative(s) in the narrative going forward. "Most certainly it is to be presumed that the Father has and will perform perfectly His task of bringing the vine, with its branches to full fruitage. Thus, any appearing 'if' factor sends us back to the competent work of the Father. Here is a classic example of (as Harry Robert Fox explained) all scriptural imperatives being based upon the indicative. The imperative of remaining in the midst of, and in union with, Jesus, the true vine, rests upon the indicative of the Father's faithful competence in caring for the vine (Jn. 15:1). This is also seen in the fact that Jesus is described specifically as the TRUE vine, therefore, since we are its/His branches, by definition, we are TRUE branches. A true (real, genuine) vine cannot have other than true (real, genuine) branches."
To add to John's observations, we take note of the next "indicative" of this discourse, verse 2: "Every tender branch (shoot or twig which can easily be broken) within Me not habitually bearing (bringing forth; = producing) fruit He regularly lifts up and takes it away."
This verse explains verse 6, giving the reason for why a branch is not abiding in the Vine, as well as verse 7, explaining WHY people, "can (or: would) remain (abide; dwell; stay) within the midst of and in union with [Him]," and HOW "[His] gush-effects (results of spoken words) can (should; would) remain [with p66 and others: and the flow of My declarations continues abiding] within the midst of and in union with [Him]," again going back to verse 1. Furthermore, we should remember what Paul said about the branches of the olive tree that had been broken out:
"Now those, also, if they would not persistently remain on with (or: stay longer in, or by) the lack of faith and absence of trust (or: continue to embrace this unbelief), they will proceed in being (or: one-after-another be) grafted in, for God is able (continues being capable; is constantly powerful) to graft them back in again! [i.e., by Grace]" (Rom. 11:23).
But, let us now turn to Paul, for his worldview of the new creation. He speaks of this in 2 Cor. 5, and we suggest that herein we get a glimpse of what was his view of dikaiosunē, even though the term is not used here:
14. for you see, Christ's Love (the urge of the Anointed One, toward accepting reunion, and the full giving of Himself to [all]; this Love, which is Christ,) continuously holds us together. Upon deciding (discerning and concluding; judging) this: that [some MSS add: since] One Person (or: Man) died over [the situation of] all people (or: for the sake of all humans), consequently, all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humans died). [cf Rom. 5:12, reversed]
15. And further, He died over all people (over [the situation and condition] of, and for the sake of, all humans) to the end that those living can (or: may; could; would) no longer live for themselves (to themselves; in themselves; by themselves), but rather for (or: in; by; to; with) the One dying, and then being awakened and raised up, over them (over their [situation and condition]; for their sakes),
16. so that we, from the present moment (or: from now) [on], have seen and thus know (or: perceive; or: are acquainted [with]) no one on the level of flesh (= in the sphere of the natural realm of estranged human nature; = in correspondence to the self that is enslaved to the System; = according to the old covenant), if even we have intimately, by experience, known Christ ([the] Anointed One) on the level of flesh (or: = in the sphere of the natural realm of estranged humanity; or: = in correspondence to a self oriented to the System; = according to the old covenant), nevertheless we now (in the present moment) no longer continue [thus] knowing [Him or anyone].
17. Consequently, since someone [is] within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with, and in the sphere of, [the] Anointed One, and the Anointing; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ; [cf 2 Cor. 12:2]), [there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of an essentially different kind; or: [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New, essentially different things have come into existence (have occurred and been birthed; or: It has become new things that are essentially different from what was habitual, before; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [Rev. 21:5]
18. Yet further, all things [are] (or: the Whole [is]; = all the things that exist [are]; [cf Rom. 11:36]) forth from out of the midst of God - the One transforming us to be completely other [than we were] (or: bringing us into another place or state of being; changing us to correspond with other [perceptions and conceptions]; altering us to be conformed to another [person]; changing us from enmity to friendship; reconciling us) in Himself (or: with Himself; by Himself; to Himself; for Himself), through Christ, and giving to us the attending service of, and the dispensing from, the complete transformation [for folks] to be other [than before] (or: the change into another [position]; the changing to correspond with other [situations; perceptions]; the alteration to be another [person]; the change from enmity to friendship; the reconciliation), [cf Rom. 8:19-21]19. as that God was existing within Christ (God was and continued being centered in, and in union with [the] Anointed One) progressively and completely transforming [the] aggregate of humanity (or: world) to be other [than it is] (or: progressively bringing [the] ordered System into another level or state; repeatedly changing [the] universe to correspond with other [conditions; perceptions]; progressively altering [the] ordered arrangement of culture, religions, economy and government to be in line with another one; habitually and progressively changing [the] secular realm [of humanity] from enmity to friendship; reconciling [the] world [of mankind; cf Jn. 3:16]) in Himself, to Himself, for Himself, by Himself and with Himself, not accounting to them (not putting to their account or assessing to them; not logically considering for them; not reasoning in them) the results and effects of their falls to the side (their trespasses and offenses), even placing within us the Word (the Logos; this transfer and conveyance of a Meaning-bearing Communication; the Idea; the Reason; the Message; the flow of Pattern-forming Information; the Blueprint) of the corresponding transformation to otherness (or: this full alteration; the change from enmity to friendship; the conciliation).
If we consider all that Paul has said, here, we can observe that God is the actor, and we simply receive the results and effects of what God, being within Christ, has done for humanity - due to His Incarnation.
Another presentation from Paul demonstrates another reason for the Incarnation, and this is found in 1 Cor. 15:
47.The first human (person; humanity) [was/is] forth from out of the earth (Land; ground; soil), made of moist soil and dust (or: having the quality and character of moist dirt that can be poured, mounded or molded; soilish; [cf Gen. 3:19; Jer. 18:1-6; Jn. 3:31]); the Second Human (Person; Humanity; [other MSS add: {is} the Lord]) [is made] out of heaven (or: [is] from atmosphere and sky; [p46 reads: {is} spiritual]). [cf Jn. 3:13]
[note: the phrases describing the materials, or the origins, of the two humans are parallel constructions in the Greek MSS from which I have given the bold rendering]
48. As [is] the person made of, and having the character and quality of, moist soil or dust (mounded or poured dirt), of such sort also [are] the people [who are] made of and have the character and quality of moist soil or dust (soil-ish folks); and likewise, as [is] the Added, Imposed, Heavenly Person (or: the one made of and having the quality and character of the added-heaven), of such sort also [are] the added, imposed, heavenly people - those made of, and having the quality and character of, the added, imposed, heaven (or: the finished and perfected atmosphere, or the added sky).
49. And correspondingly as we bear and wear the image (likeness; form; [cf Gem. 5:3]) of the mounded, dusty person, [p46 adds: doubtless] we can and should [B reads: will continue to] also bear and wear the image (likeness; form) of the Added, Imposed, Heavenly One (or: belonging to the One having the quality and character of the finished, perfected atmosphere; or: from the fully-heaven [sphere]; of the added-sky person). [cf Rom. 8:29; 1 Jn. 3:2]
The Second Humanity (vs. 47) corresponds to the eschatos Adam, and these symbolic characterizations also correspond to the "new creation" of which he spoke, in 2 Cor. 5:17 (see above). God incarnated Himself in Jesus to begin a process of incarnating Himself within all human beings - and THIS is the "new creation." In this realm of the Spirit, Christ erased the categorical distinctions of human ethnic groups, and made all human beings into One New Humanity - as we are instructed in Eph. 2:
14. You see, He Himself is our Peace (or: continuously exists being our JOINING and harmony [of Israel with the Gentiles]) - the One making (forming; constructing; creating; producing) The Both [to be] one, and within His flesh (= physical being; or: = system-caused crucifixion) is instantly destroying (unbinding; unfastening; loosing; causing to collapse) the middle wall of the fenced enclosure (or: of the partition; which was the barrier): the enmity (cause of hate, alienation, discord and hostility; characteristics of an enemy),
15. rendering useless and inoperative (nullifying; rendering down in accord with inactivity and unemployment; abolishing) the Law (or: the custom; = the Torah) of the implanted goals (or: concerning impartations of the finished product within; from commandments; which was inward directives) consisting in decrees (or: prescribed ordinances and dogmas which are the results of opinions and perceptions of what seems right or good), to the end that He may frame (create; found and settle from a state of wildness and disorder) The Two into One qualitatively New and Different [p46 & others: common] Humanity centered within the midst of, and in union with, Himself, continuously making (progressively creating, constructing and forming) Peace by a Joining; [2 Cor. 5:17; note: these verses, may fit John Milbank's phrase, "an ontology of peace"]
16. and then should fully transfer, from a certain state to another which is quite different, The Both - centered in, and within the midst of, One Body in God (or: make completely other, while moving away from what had existed, and fully reconcile The Both, in one Body, by, to, with and for God), through the cross (execution stake) - while, in the midst of Himself, killing the enmity and discordant hatred (or: killing-off the characteristics of enemies within it). [cf 1 Cor. 10:17; Eph. 4:4; Col. 3:15]
17. And so upon coming, He brings goodness and proclaims as good news (or: as a message of ease and well-being), Peace and a Joining to you, the folks far off, and Peace from the Joining, to the people nearby,
18. that (or: because) through Him we, The Both, continuously have (hold and possess) the procurement of access (conduct toward the presence; admission, entrée; being led), within one Spirit (or: in union with, and in the sphere of, one Breath-effect and Attitude), to (or: toward; face to face with) the Father.
This is simply one more picture of what God, in Christ, has accomplished. We will finish this essay by citing Paul where he uses the term dikaiosuue, which I render as, "a rectifying, eschatological deliverance that created rightwisedness, etc.," in Rom. 5:
14. But nonetheless, The Death reigned (or: holds kingly rule) from Adam as far as, and as long as, Moses [= Law], even upon those not sinning (failing to hit the target; deviating from the goal) upon [B and other MSS: within] the result of that which is conformed to (upon the occasion of the effect of the similarity of, or in the likeness of) the stepping aside (or: the transgression) of Adam - who is, and continues being, a replication (an impress; a pattern; a type; a prefigure) of, and from, the One being repeatedly (or: presently; or: progressively; always) about to ... [be (?) come (?) do something (?)] (or: the One habitually impending) (or: - which exists being an impression made by a blow from this [situation; Person; creation; realm; arrangement] progressively being about to [exist]).
15. Yet to the contrary, [it is] not, in fact, in the same way [with] the effect of grace (result of favor; the thing graciously given) as [it was with] the effect of the fall to the side (or: = the result of the stumbling aside, and the offence, is not simply balanced out by the result of the joyful gift of grace - the gratuitous favor). For you see, since by (or: in) the effect of the fall to the side (the result of the stumbling aside and offense) of the one (= Adam) THE MANY (= the mass of humanity) died, MUCH MORE (= greater) [is] the Grace of God (God's Grace; favor which is God), and the gift (gratuitous benefit) within Grace (centered in a joy-producing act of Favor) - by that of the One Man, Jesus Christ - surrounded (or: encircles) into an encompassing abundance, surplus and excess into THE MANY (or: THOSE Many; = the mass of humanity).
16. And further, [it is] NOT [with] the effect of the gush and flow of the gratuitous gift as [it was] through one missing of the target (failing; deviating; sinning). For you see, on the one hand, the effect of the decision (the result of separating, evaluation and a verdict) [was] from out of one [failure and deviation, which led] into a commensurate effect of the decision (a corresponding result of a negative evaluation which fell in line with the decision and followed the pattern which divided [us] down by a negative verdict). But on the other hand, the effect of the Grace (the product of the gratuitous favor and the resulting joyous benefit) [is] from out of the effect of many falls to the side (result of many stumblings-aside and offenses) into the effect of a rightwising deliverance into covenant inclusion in the Way which has been pointed out, and of making things right (the result of a liberating placing into right relationships within the Way pointed out; or: the effect of an Act of justice; an effect of equity; a just award; or: a result of fairness, removal of guilt, and justification, while being turned in the right direction; a rectifying amendment of what was wrong; a just-effect; = the effect of covenant inclusion and participation).
17. For it follows that, since (or: in view of the fact that; or: if) by the effect of the fall to the side (or: in the result of the stumbling aside; with the effect of the offense) of the one, The Death reigned (or: reigns; rules as king) through that one, much more, rather, the People - in seizing, and when habitually receiving, the surrounding superabundance (or: by progressively taking in hand this encircling, extraordinary surplus and excess) of the Grace, as well as of, from, and which is, the gratuitous Gift of this liberating, eschatological Rightwisedness (or: of this deliverance into rectified solidarity, in fair and equitable treatment; or: from the placement in right [covenant]-relationship, in the Way pointed out; or: belonging to the justification and freedom from guilt, when being turned in the right direction and made upright, in the Way) - i.e., the masses of humanity, will continue reigning (or: ruling as kings) within the midst of, and in union with, LIFE, through this One, Jesus Christ.
18. Consequently, then, as [it was] through the effect of one fall to the side (or: the result of one offense [of Adam]) [entering] into all mankind ([permeating] into the midst of all humanity; = [extending] into the whole race) [bringing them] into a commensurate effect of a decision (a corresponding result of an evaluation, in line with the decision and following a pattern, which divided [us] down in a negative verdict), THUS ALSO, and in the same way, through one delivering justice-effect, and the result of one right Act which set [all humanity] right and in accord with the Way pointed out (or: through the result of one Act of rectifying, liberating justice, equity and solidarity; through a single decree creating rightwised relationships; through one effect of rightwising, which turns [people] in the right direction) [entering] into ALL MANKIND (into the midst of all people, [impregnating] the whole race of human beings), [all are brought] into a setting-right which is LIFE, and a liberating, rectifying rightwising from, and pertaining to, Life, including them in covenant community (or: Life's turning [folks] in the right direction resulting in right relating, equity and justice which is in accord with the Way pointed out; a making of situations and conditions to be right, which pertain to Life; an expressing of fairness and equity, which is LIFE; a rightly-directing solidarizing from Life; a just-acting delivering having the qualities of life).
19. For you see (or: In fact; It follows that), JUST AS through the heedlessness, unwillingness to listen, or to pay attention, resulting in disobedience (or: the erroneous hearing leading to disobedience) of the one person, THE MANY (= the mass of humanity; [note: cf Weymouth NT in Modern Speech, 1909 Edition]) were rendered (established; constituted; placed down and made to be) sinners (failures; ones who diverge and miss the target; outcasts), THUS - in the same way - ALSO, through the submissive listening and paying attention resulting in obedience of the One, THE MANY (= the mass of humanity) will continue being rendered, caused to be, and made to fully stand in the sphere of, "set-right folks" (placed down and established [to be] just ones; constituted folks who have been rectified and rightwised to be people in the Way pointed out; made to be righteous ones who are guilt-free, fair, equitable, and rightly-turned in the solidarity of covenant relationships).
20. Now Law and custom at one point entered in alongside (or: intruded into the situation by the side) to the end that the effect of the fall to the side (or: so that the result of the offense and the stumbling aside) would INCREASE to be more than enough (should be augmented, greatly abound, and become more intense). But where the Sin (the failure, divergence or missing of the target; this deviation and error; the "derangement") increases (or: was augmented and abounded to be more than enough; or: becomes more intense) THE GRACE ("the act producing happiness, which is granted as a favor" - Jim Coram) at once super-exceeds (or: hyper-exceeded) over and above, surrounding to excessive abundance and overflow,
21. to the end that JUST AS the Sin (the failing; the erroneous acting; the deviating and digressing which issued in missing the goal) at one point reigned (or: ruled as king; exercised sovereign sway) centered in, within the midst of, in union with, and in the sphere of, the Death, THUS SO (or: in THIS way), also the Grace and this joyous Favor would reign (should rule as king; can exercise sovereign sway) through a rectifying, eschatological deliverance that created rightwisedness (or: by means of being rightly-turned into an existence with equity in covenantal solidarity of right relationships which accord with the Way pointed out; through a liberating, rectifying justice) [which leads] into, and results in, LIFE which belongs to, pertains to, and has the characteristics of, the Age (or: eonian life; Life of the Age [of Messiah]; a life for the ages) - through Jesus Christ, our Owner (Lord; Master). [cf Rom. 6:23]
Following Campbell, I have presented dikaiosune as "eschatological deliverance." Following Bultmann, I have added the thought of "being rightwised (i.e., turned in the right direction)." From the etymology of the word, I also incorporated the concept of "the Way (Christ) pointed out" to us. All of this is God's justice - His making us right, and making things right within realm of His spiritual kingdom on this earth, which is within the midst of human beings, via His Logos, which is the Life (or Christ) which in turn is,
"the True and Genuine Light which (or: Who) is continuously (repeatedly; progressively) enlightening (giving light to) every person (or: all humanity) continuously (repeatedly; progressively; constantly; one after another) coming into the world (or: the ordered system of culture, religion, economics and government; aggregate of humans; or: the universe)" (Jn. 1:9).
We do not need theories of "justification," or philosophies about "righteousness," in order to comprehend what God, in Christ, has done for all of humanity. We need only to listen to the words of Jesus and Paul, as abundantly cited, above, and then continue drinking in the Water of Life which they provide.
We, who were "dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph. 2:1), "He made alive together by (or: joins us in common life with, for and in; [p46, B: within; in union with]) the Christ - by (with; in) the Grace and joyous Favor you continually exist, being folks having been delivered (rescued and saved, so that you are now safe and made whole)! - and He jointly roused and raised (or: suddenly awakens and raises) [us] up together, and caused [us] to sit (or: seats [us]; = enthroned [us]) together in union with, and among, the heavenly people, and within the things situated upon [thus, above] the heaven within, in union with, and in the sphere of, Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:5b-6; cf Heb. 12:22-24).
And that was another reason for God incarnating Himself in Jesus
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