Be Strong in the Lord
By Jonathan Mitchell

Why did Paul give this admonition, in Eph. 6?

10. Of the remainder (or: Concerning the rest; Finally; [other MSS add: siblings): Be constantly empowering yourselves within (or: finding or engendering ability and means of influence, within yourselves), centered in, in union with, and in the sphere of [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] - even within, in union with, and in the sphere of, the grasping Force (or: Might) of His Strength (or: the active efficiency of might from the strength and forcefulness inherent with Him).

11. You folks must at some point, for yourselves, enter within (or: clothe and envelope yourselves with) the full suit of armor and all implements of war (panoply; the complete equipment for men-at-arms), which is God (or: from, and belonging to, God; [Rom. 13:12-14]), in order for you to be continuously able and powerful to stand (or: to make a stand) facing toward the crafty methods (stratagems; schemes; intrigues; cunning arts) of the adversary (or: = which throw folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: from the person that throws something through the midst and casts division; or: which is the person who thrusts things through folks; or: from the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or: that have the quality of [what is commonly called] the "devil"), [1 Thes. 5:8]

12. because for, and in, us [other MSS: with you], the wrestling-match is not face to face confrontation with (toward; against) blood and flesh (= physical bodies), but rather, face to face confrontation with (or: toward; against) the beginning controls and rules
(or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes; preeminent folks); face to face confrontation with the rights and privileges
(or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence); face to face confrontation with the strengths of the System
(or: strengths of the ordered arrangement; or: mighty ones of system domination; the world's strong-ones; or: the strengths from the aggregate of humanity) of this Darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness;
comment: = the ignorance that is void of the Light]); face to face confrontation with (toward; against) the spiritual aspects
(or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of this Worthlessness [cf Rom. 8:38; Col. 1:13; 2:15] (this badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; this evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon imposed, elevated positions and centered among the imposed "heavenly people"
(or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed "heavenly" realms; positioned in union with the "celestials and heavenly ones"; resident within the midst of added atmospheres; among the folks [residing] in the imposed atmospheres).

[note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging the Powers, uses the phrase "against suprahuman systems and forces" for part of this verse]

This long admonition was given in a specific time (the 1st century AD), to a specific region (Asia Minor, in that period) concerning specific situations. The verses just quoted follow general admonitions to various familial and social categories (vss. 1-9). Our title, Be Strong in the Lord, gives the KJV rendering of the first part of a general admonition for all followers of Christ who would read this letter. The verses that immediately follow (13-17) continue the theme of standing against the attack of an adversary. So this is the reason to,

"Be constantly empowering yourselves within (or: finding or engendering ability and means of influence, within yourselves), centered in, in union with, and in the sphere of [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] - even within, in union with, and in the sphere of, the grasping Force (or: Might) of His Strength (or: the active efficiency of might from the strength and forcefulness inherent with Him)." (vs. 10)

Verse 11 identifies what they are to be empowered "to stand (or: to make a stand) facing toward," by using a generalized phrase: "the crafty methods (stratagems; schemes; intrigues; cunning arts) of the adversary." Verse 13b gives another purpose clause which further identifies their adversary:

"to the end that you would have power and be able to withstand and resist (to stand opposite, over against as facing an opponent; or: stand in [other folks'] place, instead of [them]) within the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: this day of bad conditions), and then, accomplishing all (achieving and effecting everything [the whole]), to stand firm."

Take note of the last phrase: "to stand firm." He was telling them that they would need to stand firm "centered in, in union with, and in the sphere of [the] Lord, even within, in union with, and in the sphere of, the grasping Force (or: Might) of His Strength" (vs. 10b). This admonition was due to the fact that they would soon be facing "the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: this day of bad conditions)."

Now let us pause in our investigation of this passage, and ask the rhetorical question: Has not humanity always lived within days of bad conditions? Paul's advice to called-out folks has always and everywhere been applicable. This admonition applies to us today... all around the globe. So let us take heart! He has told us what to do, using the metaphorical full suit of armor and all implements of war. Paul defines the metaphor in vss. 13-17, and each item functions only to defend us, excepting,

"the Spirit's sword (the short sword from the Attitude; or: the dagger which is spirit; the dirk which is the Breath-effect; [cf Heb. 4:12; Rev. 1:16]) - the one being God's gush-effect (or: which is the result of the flow from God; the one existing [as] a result of a flux or an effect of a continuous movement, the source of which is God; or: which is a spoken Word of God; or: that being an utterance or declaration which is God)" [cf 2 Cor. 10:3-6]

Nothing in this military metaphor is something which is of, or comes from, us. The first clause of vs. 13 explains the Source of our defenses:

"the full suit of armor (panoply; implements of war), which is God (or: which belongs to and has its source in God)."

My first rendering, "which is God," offers the prepositional phrase as a genitive of apposition (definition). When we examine each item, we will observe that every one of them is an aspect of, and from, God:

Using an agricultural metaphor of a vine, Jesus simply put it this way:

"If you people can (or: would; should) remain (abide; dwell; stay) within the midst of, in union with, and in the sphere of, ME - and My gush-effects (results of spoken words) can (should; would) remain [with p66 and others: and the flow of My declarations continues abiding] within the midst of, and in union with, you..." (Jn. 15:7)

To the called-out folks in Rome, Paul simply said,

"You folks must clothe yourselves with (or: enter within and put on) the Lord, Jesus Christ" (Rom. 13:14a).

These all describe how we can Be Strong in the Lord. It is not by self-effort or religious activity, it is by our union with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). It is the grasping Force (or: Might) of His Strength. Again we read from Paul,

"In union with, and within the midst of, Christ, the One continuously enabling me (empowering me; infusing me with power, ability, potentiality, and a means of influence), I keep on having strength in, and for, all things, and among all people" (Phil. 4:13). [cf 2 Cor. 12:9]

As a closing thought, let us look at the term in Eph. 6:11, above:

"the adversary (or: = which throw folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: from the person that throws something through the midst and casts division; or: which is the person who thrusts things through folks; or: from the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or: that have the quality of [what is commonly called] the 'devil')."

The Greek word is 'diabolos.' The Concordant Greek-English Keyword Concordance give the literal meaning of this as "through-caster." The Greek preposition 'dia' mean "through." 'Bolos' means "one who casts something." A person or a group can cast division through another group. A person, or a teaching, can cause divided thinking or dualism. Slander can do this. Accusations can do this. Deception can do this. Backbiting or gaslighting can thrust a deep wound into someone. These are things that people do to other people. They are not "flesh and blood." They arise from bad thoughts or hurtful actions that betray or cause harm. Verse 12 unpacks this idea;

"the beginning controls and rules (or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes; preeminent folks); face to face confrontation with the rights and privileges (or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence); face to face confrontation with the strengths of the System (or: strengths of the ordered arrangement; or: mighty ones of system domination; the world's strong-ones; or: the strengths from the aggregate of humanity) of this Darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness;
[comment: = the ignorance that is void of the Light]); face to face confrontation with (toward; against) the spiritual aspects (or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of this Worthlessness [cf Rom. 8:38; Col. 1:13; 2:15](this badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; this evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon imposed, elevated positions and centered among the imposed 'heavenly people' (or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed 'heavenly' realms; positioned in union with the 'celestials and heavenly ones'; resident within the midst of added atmospheres; among the folks [residing] in the imposed atmospheres)."

[note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging The Powers, uses the phrase "against suprahuman systems and forces" for part of this verse]

The attitudes and spirits of people are often our adversaries. It is not about physical attack, but about oppression or abuse done through the power of position (those in authority) or perceived status. Against such things, we can Be Strong in the Lord.

As other witnesses of this, consider these three verses which use the word diabolos:

"Women (or: Wives; or: may refer to "women server-dispensers" - cf Wuest; Nyland]) [of the community], similarly (likewise), [should be] serious (dignified; with majestic gravity and propriety which inspires awe) - not devils (or: adversaries; women who thrust things through folks)..." (1 Tim. 3:11)
"without natural affection [as toward family members, or familiar people, or comfortable objects, unwilling to make a treaty (implacable; not open to an agreement), devils (adversarial slanderers; folks who throw or thrust something through people to hurt or cause divisions)…" (2 Tim. 3:3)
"not folks who thrust-through or hurl [a weapon, or something hurtful] through [someone] (or: not devils nor slanderous adversaries which bring division and hurt)..." (Titus 2:3b).

Around such people, we should keep our "armor" on, and simply abide in the Vine. And let us remember:

"It follows that (or: For you see,) God is the One habitually operating with inward activity, repeatedly working within, constantly causing function and progressively producing effects within, among, and in union with, you folks - both the [condition] to be habitually willing (wanting; intending; purposing; resolving) and the [situation] to be continuously effecting the action, repeatedly operating to cause function, and habitually setting at work so as to produce - for the sake of, and over, the pleasing good form and this thinking of goodness, in delightful imagination of what is desirable" (Phil. 2:13). [cf Heb. 13:20-21]

So, be strong in the Lord.


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