Verses Pointing to Ultimate Salvation of All
By Jonathan Mitchell

Part 3

Old Testament References and 1 Corinthians through Revelation

Continuing our investigation, we begin this article with more evidence from the OT, and then return to the NT, visiting the remaining epistles, and Revelation.

2 Sam 14:14, "Because in and by death we will proceed progressively dying off, and even [be] just as the water which is in process of being spilled (brought down) upon the ground, which shall not proceed being gathered together or assembled. And yet, God will proceed receiving a soul (person; consciousness), and will be considering and calculating a plan (a reasoned deliberation) NOT to thrust away from Him a person having been thrust away or cast out." [Note: MSS vary on this last clause]

The setting of this verse is the death of an individual, and how that event is final in its effect. But the second half of the verse instructs us that, in the realm and influence of God, there is more to come for this individual. God has a plan, and He will not thrust this person away.

Isa. 65:1, "I became inwardly visible (manifested in Clear Light) in those (or: to people) not normally seeking Me; I was found in those (or: by people) not normally seeking Me. I said, 'Look and consider: I AM (or: I am [here]),' in the swarm of ethnic people (or: to the ethnic multitude) who did not call My Name."

This verse informs us that God is not dependent upon the action of human beings. He at some point presents Himself to people who were not seeking Him, nor calling His Name.

Lam. 3:22b-23, "His compassion does not come to an end (is not exhausted; [other MSS: His mercies do not fail]), they [are] new, in the early mornings; great [is] Your faithfulness."

Lam. 3:31-32, "You see, [the] LORD (= Yahweh) will not continue thrusting away, or rejecting, on into the Age, for the One bringing low and humbling will continue having compassion, commensurate with (according to the level of; corresponding to) the abundance of His mercy."

God is faithful, and His compassion for people never ends... not in this life, and not in our next existence. His judgments may bring folks to a low place, and humble them, but these judgments have the character of compassion and mercy.

Hos. 6:1-2, "In their affliction and distress, they will repeatedly rise up early, face to face with (or: toward) Me, repeatedly saying, 'Let us at once journey on and return to (or: face to face with) [the] LORD (= Yahweh) our God, because it is He that has snatched us away, and we remain seized (arrested), and so He will proceed healing us. He will proceed in striking, and then He will proceed in binding us (= dress our wounds).'"

(The verses above are from the LXX, JM translation)

These verses remind us of what we read in Isa. 26:9b,

"For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness." (NRSV)

God's judgment has a good purpose.

Hos. 11:1. Because Israel [is] a young child, I Myself also love him, and I once called his children together from out of Egypt.

2. The more I called them [to Me], the more they distanced themselves and kept away from My face (or: immediate presence). They sacrificed to the Baals, and then burned incense to the carved and chiseled images (= idols).

3. And so I, Myself tied the feet of Ephraim together (i.e., restrained him; = hobbled him to keep him from wandering) [then] I took him up upon My arm - and yet they did not realize (or: know) that I had healed them.

4. In the thorough ruin and destruction of humans I stretch out to them and lay [My hand] on them in binding ties (or: bonds) of My love. And so I will be to them as a person slapping (or: striking) [someone] on his cheek, then I will look upon him (= either: keep an eye on him; or: give respect to him). I will prevail with him and then give ability and power to him. (LXX, JM)

Verse 3 in this passage calls to mind Mat. 22:13, the parable of the person attending a wedding who did not dress appropriately for the occasion. He is bound and thrown outside of the festivities, where he will experience sorrow and regret for missing out on the good time. We read Hos. 11:4, above, as teaching us about the purpose of God's ways.

Further understanding is seen in Jesus' pronouncement in Mat. 7:23b,

"Those people habitually working (performing; or: making a trade of; making a living in) the lawlessness are now to go off to a space (or: territory) away, and proceed in giving way to Me and making room for Me."

And now we turn again to the NT epistles:

1 Cor. 3:14-15, "If (or: Assuming that) the work of anyone, which he or she built upon [it], will remain, he or she will proceed in receiving wages (pay; compensation; meed). If anyone's work will be burned down, he or she will proceed in incurring a loss (sustaining the damage; forfeiting), yet he himself, or she herself, will be saved (rescued and delivered; healed; restored; made whole; kept safe), and as in this way - through means of Fire! [cf Job 2:6, LXX]

God's Fire (an expression of Himself) purifies gold and silver ore (Mat. 3:2-3), purifies His threshing floor (Mat. 3:11b), and removes inappropriate materials from the structure of His temple (1 Cor. 3, above). In turn, this experience of His Fire liberates us from the bondage of the corruptible (wood; hay; stubble) so that we can be saved. Cf Isa. 4:4-5

1 Cor. 13:7. [Love] continuously covers all mankind; it is habitually loyal to all humanity; it constantly has an expectation for all mankind; it is continuously remaining under and giving support to all people. [cf 1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10] (or, since "all" can also be neuter: It [i.e., unambiguous acceptance] progressively puts a protecting roof over all things; it is habitually trusting in, and believing for, all things; it is continually hoping in or for all things; it keeps on patiently enduring all things.)

8. The Love (or: This unrestricted, self-giving drive toward reunion, and the acceptance of another person as being on the same ground of being, despite their distorted existence, or damaged condition) never - not even once - fails (collapses or falls into decay; = becomes ineffectual; [other MSS: falls out or lapses]).

This is what Love (God) does... and it never fails.

1 Cor. 15:22. Thus, just as within Adam all humans keep on (or: everyone continues) dying, in the same way, also, within the Christ, all humans will keep on being made alive (or: everyone, or all, will one-after-another be created and produced with Life, in union with the Anointed One)

23. - yet each person within the result of his or her own set division, or position [in line](or: effect of ordered placement; appointed class; proper rank; arranged time, or order, in the procession [cf 2 Cor. 2:14]; or: = place in a harvest calendar, the season of maturity): Christ a Firstfruit (First one reaped); after that, those belonging to the Christ (or: those from the Anointing; those who are [body members; cf 1 Cor. 12:27-28] of the Christ) within the midst of, in union with, and in the sphere of, His presence....
54. Now whenever (or: at any point when; [other MSS add: this corruptible would put on incorruption and] this mortal would (or: may) plunge, sink in and clothe itself with (or: put on) the Immortality, then will continue taking place (or: proceed being birthed; successively come into existence) the Word (message; Blueprint; patterned Information) which has been written, "The Death was drunk down and swallowed into Victory (or: overcoming)!" [Isa. 25:8]

55."Where, O Death, [is] your victory (or: overcoming)? Where, O Death, [is] your stinger (sharp point; sting; drover's goad; spur)?" [Hos. 13:14; TR reads "O Unseen (Hades)" in the second line, following the LXX and Heb.]

56. Now the sharp point and stinger of (or: the sting, thus, the injection from) the Death [is] the Sin (the mistake; the error; the failure; the deviation), and the inherent power, means of influence, and ability, of the Sin [is] the Law. [cf Rom. 4:15]

57. But Grace and joyous Favor [is] in God (or: by and with God) - the One presently and progressively (or: in the process of) giving this Victory (or: continuously bestowing the overcoming; [cf 1 n. 5:4; Rev. 2:13, et al]) to us, in us, and for us, through our Lord (Owner; Master), Jesus, [the] Christ!

In both passages of 1 Cor. 15, Adam (a figure for the totality of humanity) is in view. In between these two selections lies Paul's arguments concerning the resurrection (vss. 35-44), and then we get these next verses where he uses Adam as a figure for the first creation humanity, as compared to Christ as the eschatos (final) Adam, as representing the new creation (second humanity):

45. Thus also (or: In this way also), it has been written, "The first human (or: man), Adam, came for existence (or: was birthed) into [being] a living soul" [Gen. 2:7]; the Last Adam into [being] a continuously life-making (life-producing; life-creating; life-forming) Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude). [cf Jn. 5:21; 6:33; comment: the first Adam is the "sowing;" the "Last Adam" is the Resurrection]

46. Nevertheless, the spiritual [is] not first, but rather the one having the qualities and characteristics of a soul (the soulish; psychical), then afterwards, the spiritual (that pertaining to and having the qualities of Breath-effect and Attitude).

47. The first human (person; humanity) [was/is] forth from out of the earth (Land; ground; soil), made of moist soil and dust (or: having the quality and character of moist dirt that can be poured, mounded or molded; soilish; [cf Gen. 3:19; Jer. 18:1-6; Jn. 3:31]); the Second Human (Person; Humanity; [other MSS add: {is} the Lord]) [is made] out of heaven (or: [is] from atmosphere and sky; [p46 reads: {is} spiritual]). [cf Jn. 3:13]
[note: the phrases describing the materials, or the origins, of the two humans are parallel constructions in the Greek MSS from which I have given the bold rendering]

48. As [is] the person made of, and having the character and quality of, moist soil or dust (mounded or poured dirt), of such sort also [are] the people [who are] made of and have the character and quality of moist soil or dust (soil-ish folks); and likewise, as [is] the Added, Imposed, Heavenly Person (or: the one made of and having the quality and character of the added-heaven), of such sort also [are] the added, imposed, heavenly people - those made of, and having the quality and character of, the added, imposed, heaven (or: the finished and perfected atmosphere, or the added sky).

49. And correspondingly as we bear and wear the image (likeness; form; [cf Gem. 5:3]) of the mounded, dusty person, [p46 adds: doubtless] we can and should [B reads: will continue to] also bear and wear the image (likeness; form) of the Added, Imposed, Heavenly One (or: belonging to the One having the quality and character of the finished, perfected atmosphere; or: from the fully-heaven [sphere]; of the added-sky person). [cf Rom. 8:29; 1 Jn. 3:2]

Notice the final pronouncement concerning these two humanities: "we can and should [B reads: will continue to] also bear and wear the image (likeness; form) of the Added, Imposed, Heavenly One" (vs. 49). The first humanity was buried with Christ (2 Cor. 5:14, below), and now is resurrected with Him to be the second humanity, but each one in his own

"set division, or position [in line] (or: effect of ordered placement; appointed class; proper rank; arranged time, or order, in the procession [cf 2 Cor. 2:14]; or: = place in a harvest calendar, the season of maturity)" (vs. 23).
2 Cor. 4:6. because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying), "Light will progressively shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight; [cf Gen. 1:1-2])," [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential Knowledge of God's Glory - in a face of Christ, from an Anointing.

7. Now we presently and continuously hold (have and possess) this Treasure within containers (jars; pots; vessels; equipment) made of baked clay [e.g., pottery; bone ware] so that the transcendence of the inherent Power and means of Influence may habitually originate its existence in God - and not from out of us.

Notice this (vs. 6): God shines forth within the midst of our hearts... just as Light shone forth from the midst of darkness. God is even within our darkened hearts, until the time when He decides to shine forth from within the midst of us! He is the Treasure within us (vs. 7).

2 Cor. 5:14. for you see, Christ's Love (the urge of the Anointed One, toward accepting reunion, and the full giving of Himself to [all]; this Love, which is Christ,) continuously holds us together. Upon deciding (discerning and concluding; judging) this: that [some MSS add: since] One Person (or: Man) died over [the situation of] all people (or: for the sake of all humans), consequently, all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humans died)....

All people... all humanity... died in the death of Christ. It is Rom. 5:12 reversed!

18. Yet further, all things [are] (or: the Whole [is]; = all the things that exist [are]; [cf Rom. 11:36]) forth from out of the midst of God - the One transforming us to be completely other [than we were] (or: bringing us into another place or state of being; changing us to correspond with other [perceptions and conceptions]; altering us to be conformed to another [person]; changing us from enmity to friendship; reconciling us) in Himself (or: with Himself; by Himself; to Himself; for Himself), through Christ, and giving to us the attending service of, and the dispensing from, the complete transformation [for folks] to be other [than before] (or: the change into another [position]; the changing to correspond with other [situations; perceptions]; the alteration to be another [person]; the change from enmity to friendship; the reconciliation), [cf Rom. 8:19-21]

19. as that God was existing within Christ (God was and continued being centered in, and in union with [the] Anointed One) progressively and completely transforming [the] aggregate of humanity (or: world) to be other [than it is] (or: progressively bringing [the] ordered System into another level or state; repeatedly changing [the] universe to correspond with other [conditions; perceptions]; progressively altering [the] ordered arrangement of culture, religions, economy and government to be in line with another one; habitually and progressively changing [the] secular realm [of humanity] from enmity to friendship; reconciling [the] world [of mankind; cf Jn. 3:16]) in Himself, to Himself, for Himself, by Himself and with Himself, not accounting to them (not calculating, or putting to their account, or assessing to them; not logically considering for them; not reasoning in them) the results and effects of their falls to the side (their trespasses and offenses), even placing within us the Word (the Logos; the Message; the flow of Pattern-forming Information; the Blueprint) of the corresponding transformation to otherness (or: this full alteration; the change from enmity to friendship; the conciliation).

These two verses say it all, and 5:17 adds this witness:

"[there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of an essentially different kind; or: [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New, essentially different things have come into existence."

We see no need for further commentary. Carefully read and let your mind soak in the following verses. They make clear arguments:

Eph. 1:9. [This occurred] while making known to us (acquainting us by intimate, experiential knowledge and insight; suddenly making us to realize) the secret (mystery; hidden knowledge; [cf Col. 1:26]) of His will (determined purpose; resolve; [cf 2 Tim. 1:9]) - in accord with (or: down from and following the pattern of; corresponding to; in line with; in the sphere of) His good thought which He before placed within Himself(or: - corresponding to the measure of His pleasing imagination and intent of well-being which He designed beforehand and determined by setting it forth, in union with Himself),

10. with respect to an administration, implementation and realization from a detailed plan of the effect of that which fills up the appointed seasons and fertile moments [designed] to itself bring back again ALL things up under one Head within, and in union with, the Christ: those things upon [other MSS: within] the heavens (or: skies and atmospheres) and the things upon the land (or: earth; soil) - centered in, within the midst of, and in union with, Him! [cf Heb. 9:10; 1 Cor. 3:22; Phil. 2:9-11]
Eph. 2:5, "even us, being continuously dead ones by (or: in; to; with) the results and effects of stumblings aside (wrong steps; offences), He made alive together by (or: joins us in common life with, for and in; [p46, B: within; in union with; cf Jn. 5:24]]) the Christ - by (with; in) the Grace and joyous Favor you continually exist, being folks having been delivered (rescued and saved, so that you are now safe and made whole)!"
Eph. 2:8, "For you see, by (or: to; in; for; with) the Grace and joyous Favor you are (you continuously exist being) folks having been delivered (rescued; kept safe; saved; made whole; restored to your original state and condition) so as to now be enjoying salvation through this Faithfulness (or: Loyalty; Fidelity; trust; faith; confidence), and even this not forth from out of the midst of you folks, [it is] the Gift of, and from, God (or: the Gift which is God; or: the gift pertains to God)." [cf Rom. 4:16; Phil. 1:29; Jn. 4:10; 6:44]
Phil. 2:10-11, "to the end that within The Name: Jesus, every knee (= person) - of the folks upon the heaven and of the people existing upon the earth, and of the folks dwelling down under the ground - may bend (or: would bow) in prayer, submission and allegiance, and then every tongue (= person) may speak out the same thing (or: would openly, and joyfully agree; can confess, avow and, with praise, acclaim) that Jesus Christ [is] Lord - [leading] into [the] glory of Father God (or: unto Father God's good reputation)!" [cf Jn. 13:13; Rev. 5:13]
3:21b, "down from (or: in accord with; in the sphere of; to the level of; following the pattern of; in stepping with; commensurate with; as directed by) the inwardly-centered operation (functioning energy; inner-working) of the [conditions, situation or sphere for] Him to be continuously able (or: to progress with Power and means of Influence) also to subjoin and align The Whole, for shelter, in Himself [cf 1 Cor. 15:27-28; Eph. 1:19; Heb. 7:25] (or: to append and subordinate all things to Himself; to arrange everything under, so as to have full control, and to support [it] by, for and with Himself)." [cf Isa. 63:1; Mat. 28:18]
Col. 1:16, "because within Him was created The Whole (or: in union with Him, and in the sphere of Him, everything is founded and settled, is built and planted, is brought into being, is produced and established; or: within the midst of Him, and centered in Him, these 'all things' were at one point brought from chaos into order) - the things within the skies and atmospheres, and the things upon the earth; the visible things, and the unseen (or: unable to be seen; invisible) things: whether thrones (seats of power; chairs of jurisdiction) or lordships (ownership systems) or governments (rulers; leadership systems; sovereignties) or authorities (folks having rights or privilege from out of [particular] existence, or being) - The Whole has been created and all things continue founded, put in order, and stand framed, through means of Him, and [proceed, or were placed] into Him, and with a view to Him." [cf Acts 17:28; Rom. 11:36]
Col. 1:19-20, "because WITHIN Him, and in the sphere of Him, all the effect of the entire contents and full amount of The Fullness (the result of that which fills everything; all the effect of the full inclusion [of things]) delights to settle down and dwell as in a house (or: because He approved all the fullness [of all existence] to permanently reside within Him), and THROUGH means of Him at once to transfer The All (The Whole; = all of existential creation), away from a certain state to the level of another state, which is quite different, (or: to change and transform all things, i.e., The Whole, by bringing movement away from being down, and thus to be other [than they were; it was]; to reconcile all things; to change everything from estrangement and alienation to friendship and harmony and move The All), INTO Him - making (constructing; forming; creating) Peace and binding together in a harmonious Joining, THROUGH means of the blood of His cross (or: from His execution stake/pole) - THROUGH means of Him, whether the things upon the earth (or: land) or the things within the atmospheres and heavens!"
1 Tim. 1:15-16a, "The Word [is] full of faith, and [is] deserving of every welcome reception of equal value, because (or: Faithful and trustworthy, even worthy of all and complete acceptance, [is] the message and saying that) Christ Jesus came into the ordered System (or: the aggregate of humanity; the world of culture, religion, government and economy; or: the cosmos) to rescue failures (to deliver those missing the target; to save and make sinners healthy and whole; to restore outcasts to their rightful position), of whom I myself exist being first (or: am foremost). But nonetheless, through this I was mercied..."
1 Tim. 2:4. [God, our Savior] is constantly willing (continuously intending and purposing) all human beings to be saved (delivered; rescued; kept safe; made healthy and whole), and (or: even) to come into a full, accurate, experiential and intimate knowledge and insight of Truth (or: a complete realization of Reality),

5. for God [is] One, and One [is the] Mediator of God and human beings (people; = humanity), a Man (a Human Being), Christ Jesus (or: for [there is] one God, and one medium between God and humans, [the] human, Anointed Jesus),

6. the One giving Himself a correspondent ransom (a means of unbinding and release, in the place of, directed toward, addressing, and providing the answer to, the situation and the predicament; [cf Mk. 10:45; Jn. 10:18; Gal. 3:13; Phil. 2:6-8; Titus 2:14]) over [the situation of, and] on behalf of, and for, ALL (everyone; all human beings and all things) - the witness and evidence [was given, or, will come] in its own fitting situations (or: the Witness for their own seasons; the Testimony to and for His own particular and proper occasions; the evidence [appears] in its own fertile moments)....
1 Tim. 4:9. The Word (Logos) [is] full of faith and trust (or: Faithful and Trustworthy [is] this Blueprint and transfer of Information) and worthy of all welcomed reception,

10. for you see, into this [end] are we constantly working hard unto weariness, and (or, as ascensive: that is to say), we are continuously struggling in the contest (contending against opposition for the prize; [other MSS: being reproached]), because we have placed our expectation (or: set our expectant hope) and thus rely upon a living God (or: upon [the] living God), Who is (exists being) [the] Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness; Safe-keeper) of ALL human beings (all mankind; [cf Jn. 4:42]) - especially of believers (of folks full of faith and trust; of faithful ones)!

11. Be constantly announcing these things to those at your side, passing them along from one to another, and keep on teaching them!
Titus 2:11, "For God's saving and delivering Grace, imparting salvation to ALL humans,(or: the deliverance-bringing influence and means of undeserved kindness, favor and goodwill from God, which brings safety, rescue, restoration and health to ALL people) has been fully set in clear Light for ALL humans (or: was fully manifested to all humanity; or: has additionally shined within all humans) [with other MSS: You see, the joyous Favor from God, a Savior in (to; for) ALL mankind, has been fully displayed; or: So you see, the Grace, which is God, was made to suddenly appear {as} a Savior for ALL humans]."
Titus 3:4. Yet, when the Kindness, with beneficial Usefulness in meeting needs, and the affectionate Friendship for mankind (the fondness for, the liking of, and the love - as shown in kissing - for humanity) of God (or: from, characterizing, and which is, God), our Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Healer; Restorer), was fully set in clear Light (was made to completely appear; was fully manifested) -

5. not from out of works [which arise from] within a flowing-together of religious performances which we ourselves do [e.g., observances associated with the temple cultus, or purity codes of the old covenant] (or: not forth from actions in union with an act of righteousness which we, ourselves, did; not in a relationship based upon our own performance; not deeds in a system of justice, equity and fairness which we, ourselves, constructed), but to the contrary, down from, dominated and controlled by, corresponding to, commensurate with, and following the Pattern of, His Mercy, He DELIVERED us (or: He saves, rescues and restores us to the wholeness and health of our original condition), through means of a bath of, and from, a BIRTH-back-again (or: [the] bathing of a regeneration; a washing which is a return-birth), and of a MAKING back-up-new (of a different kind and quality)-again, from a set-apart Breath-effect [cf Jn. 3:3-7; 2 Cor. 5:19, JM; 1 Pet. 3:21] (or: of a renewal and renovation of Holy Spirit; or: which is a set-apart spirit's creating or birthing [us] back-up-new-again; pertaining to a renewal which is a holy attitude) -

6. which (or: from which source) He POURS forth (or: poured from out of; [cf Joel 2:28; Jn. 1:16; Rom. 5:5]) UPON us richly, through Jesus Christ, our Deliverer (Savior; Healer; Rescuer; Restorer; Safe-keeper),

7. to the end that, being eschatologically delivered, rightwised, rectified, set in right relationship in the Way pointed out, and set in covenant participation - by and in the Grace and Favor of, from, and which is, That One - we would (could; should; may) come to be (or: be made to exist being) heirs (possessors and enjoyers of the allotment), corresponding to, in line with, and down from, and in the sphere of, an expectation (or: an expectant hope) which comes from, and is, eonian life (or: of life whose character and realm is the Age [of Messiah]; or: from "life of the new Aeon" - A. Nygren; or: which is life of, and for, the ages; of indefinite living existence in the ages).

Observe that in the above passage, Paul instructed Titus that it is Christ Who does the decisive acts: He DELIVERED us, He gives BIRTH to us; He MAKES us back-up-new; He POURS the Spirit UPON us. This "follows the Pattern of His Mercy." God is the Actor in all of this. Remember: we had been "dead" (Eph. 2:1).

Heb. 2:9, "But yet, we are continuously looking at, and seeing, Jesus - having been diminished and made inferior, then continuing so, for a brief time, beside agents (at the side of folks with the message) - [then afterwards] having been encompassed with Glory and now continuing in this assumed Appearance (or: crowned by a good reputation, and continuing with it,) and with honor (or: in value), on account of (or: through) the effect of the experience of death so that by, in, and with, Grace and Favor of, and from, God He might taste of death over [the situation and condition of] ALL HUMANITY (or: for, and on behalf of, EVERYONE)."
Heb. 8:11, "'And they may by no means teach each one his fellow-citizen, and each one his brother (or: sibling), saying, 'Come to experientially know the LORD,' because EVERYONE (all) will progressively perceive and thus understand and be acquainted with Me, from a little one even to a large one of them."
Jas. 2:13b, "Mercy is consistently speaking loudly, boasting and assuming superiority with regard to evaluating, deciding and separating (or: Mercy is repeatedly bragging from sifting and making decisions; or: Mercy keeps on fully boasting in repeatedly triumphing over judging)!" [cf Rom. 11:32]
2 Pet. 3:9, "The Lord [= Yahweh] is not continually delaying the promise, as certain folks consider delay as being negligence, but rather is constantly patient (long of emotion, slow in passion, pushing anger far away, even-tempered and long before rushing heatedly; or: passionately persevering until the goal is reached) unto you, constantly not intending any folks to be fully lost (or: to completely destroy themselves), but to the contrary, [for] ALL people to make room, allow space, give way and progress into a change of mind, attitude and state of consciousness." [cf Ezk. 18:23]
1 Jn. 2:2, "And He Himself exists continually being a means of mercy (a Functioning of the Mercy Seat) and a cleansing, sheltering Cover around our mistakes and errors (sins; deviations) sheltering us from their effects so that we can be in peaceful and rightwised relationships (or: being the act [= the Sacrifice on the Day of Atonement] by which our sins and failures are cleansed and made ineffective, effecting conciliation [in us]; [cf 1 Cor. 13:7]), yet not only around those [mistakes and sins] pertaining to us (or: having their source in us), but further, even around the whole ordered System and aggregate of humanity (or: but even more, also, encompassing the entire secular realm, and the profane and dominating world of culture, economy, religion, society, and government, or, even the cosmos)!" [cf 4:10, below; Jn. 1:29b; Rom. 3:25; 2 Cor. 5:19; Heb. 9:1-28; 10:19-22]
1 Jn. 4:10, "Within THIS exists (or: is) the Love (or: this particular Acceptance and Drive toward reunion), not that we ourselves have loved [other MSS: love or accept] God, but in contrast, that He Himself loves us and sends (or: urged toward reunion with us and at one point sent) His Son as a Representative (Emissary): a means of mercy and a cleansing, a sheltering, and a covering, around our sins (for our failures to hit the target, mistakes and deviations)."
1 Jn. 4:14b, "the Father has sent forth (dispatched as a Representative) the Son, and He has arrived - [the] Savior of the world (or: One who Delivers [folks] from the ordered, controlling System of religion and society; a Restorer of the cosmos; or: a Rescuer and Healer of the aggregate of humanity)."
Rev. 5:13, "And then ALL creation (or: every creature) which exists within the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven), and on the earth, even down under the earth (or: ground; soil), as well as which is upon the sea - even all things (the whole; everything; [cf Phil. 2:10]) within them - I heard repeatedly saying,'The blessing (word of goodness and well-being) and the honor and the glory (good reputation) and the strength (might) [are] in (by; for; to; with) the One continuously sitting upon the throne, and in (by; to; for; with) the little Lamb, on into the ages of the ages (or: on to the indefinite, yet crowning, time periods of, and from, the eons).'" [cf Eph. 3:21; Jn. 5:23]
Rev. 15:4b, "Because ALL the multitudes (nations: ethnic groups; [other MSS: all people]) WILL continue arriving, and they WILL continue worshiping in Your presence (in Your sight; before You). Because the results of Your right actions and from Your rightwising acts, and the effects of the eschatological deliverance, which is You (or: effects of Your fairness and equity, just decrees and decisions; actions according to the Way pointed out, results of justification, actualizations of justice and rightwising of relationships) are manifested (or: were brought to light; were made to appear)."
Rev. 21:5a,"And then the One (or: He [who is]) continuously sitting upon the throne said, 'Consider this! I am presently making all things new (or: habitually creating everything [to be] new and fresh; progressively forming [the] whole anew; or, reading panta as masculine: I am periodically making ALL humanity new, and progressively, one after another, producing and creating EVERY person anew, while constantly constructing ALL people fresh and new, i.e., continuously renewing EVERYONE)!'" [Isa. 43:19; 65:17-25; 2 Cor. 5:17]
Rev. 22:17, "And now the Spirit and the Bride are continuously saying, 'Be repeatedly coming!' Then let the one continuing to listen and hear say, 'Be continuously coming!' And so let the person constantly thirsting continuously come; let the one habitually willing at once receive Water of Life (or: water for Living Existence) freely." [cf Isa. 55:1; Jn. 7:37]

This is the ongoing situation, on throughout the ages of the ages. The Spirit, like Christ, is the same: yesterday, today and for the ages. Need we say more?


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