A Passage Pertinent To Our Times
2 Thessalonians Chapter 5
By Jonathan Mitchell
(The Jonathan Mitchell New Testament)
1. But concerning these times and these fitting situations (or: the specific seasons or occasions; the fertile periods and mature moments), brothers (folks from the same Womb; = sharers in community), you have no need [for it] to be continually written to, or for, you,
2. for you yourselves are accurately aware (know exactly from having seen) that a Day of, from, and which is, the LORD [= Yahweh] thus continually comes (is habitually and repeatedly coming and going; is presently, progressively coming) as a thief in a night (or: within [the] night). [comment: the day of Yahweh was a term that figured a time of judging and hard times, in the Old Testament; e.g., cf Joel 1:15 and 2:1-2; Jer. 30:7; Amos 5:18; Zeph. 1:14-18]
3. So whenever they may be repeatedly saying, "Peace from a Joining, and security (or: safety; stability)," then (at that time) sudden and unexpected ruin (or: a surprise cause of unforeseen destruction) is presently standing upon them, just as the birth-pang for the pregnant woman (or: to the one having [a child] in the womb; [cf Rev. 12:2]), and they may by no means flee out or make an escape. [cf Mat. 24:15-31; Lu. 21:20-28]4. Yet you yourselves, brothers (= believers), are not continuously in darkness (dimness from being in a shadow; obscurity of gloom; absence of daylight) to the end that the Day may (or: would) suddenly take you down (grasp or seize you in a corresponding manner) as a thief,
5. for you see, you all are (or: exist being) sons of (from; associated with and having the qualities of; or: which are) Light and sons of (from; associated with and having qualities of; or: which are [the; this; a]) Day! We are (exist) not of, or from, night, nor of, or from, darkness (or: We do not belong to, or have the characteristics of, night, nor to, or of, dim obscurity from shadows and gloom; or: We are associated with neither night nor darkness).
6. Consequently, then, we may not continuously fall asleep [into a lack of awareness] even as the rest (= as other folks), but rather, we can and should continuously be aroused and stirred up from sleep, and thus, awake to be alertly watchful and vigilant [comment: also a figure for being alive; cf Col. 4:2] and sober (or: clear-headed and well-balanced).
7. For it follows that the folks continuously falling asleep (or: drowsing) are sleeping at (or: from [the]) night, and the ones continuously being made drunk are becoming drunk at (or: from [the]) night. [cf Jn. 9:4]
8. We, on the other hand, being of Day (belonging to, having characteristics of, and existing from [the] Day), can and should continuously be sober (clear-headed), putting on (or: clothing ourselves with; enveloping ourselves in; entering within) a breastplate of faithfulness and Love (or: a thorax which is faith and trust, along with acceptance urging toward union; from fidelity and a giving of self) and, as a helmet, an expectation (or: expectant hope) from deliverance (which is health and wholeness; of rescue and being kept safe; pertaining to salvation), [cf Eph. 6:10-17]
9. because God did not (or: does not) place or set us into anger (inherent fervor; violent emotion; wrath; or: teeming, passionate desire), but rather, and to the contrary, into an encompassing of deliverance (or: unto establishing a perimeter of safety; into making health and wholeness encircle [us]; into the forming of an encompassing salvation around [us]) through, and by means of, our Lord (or: Master), Jesus Christ -
10. the One dying concerning, and on behalf of, us (or: = while encompassing our [situation]; [other MSS: over our {condition}]), to the end that whether we can and should continuously be aroused and stirred up from sleep, and thus, awake to be alertly watchful and vigilant, or continuously falling asleep (or: = being alive or being dead), we can at the same time be alive (or: would at the same time live) together with, and in, Him (= share His life).
11. Wherefore, keep on performing as a paraclete by calling each other to [your] side (to encourage, aid, urge, comfort or exhort), and by habit let one person build up (or: edify) the [other] person [comment: a one-on-one endeavor], just as you are even continuously doing.
12. Now we are continuously asking (or: requesting) you, brothers (folks of the same Womb; = fellow-believers), to have seen (or: observed), and thus to know and perceive, those normally toiling wearily among you folks and continuously standing or setting themselves publicly in front of you to guard, support, defend, care for or direct you (or: presiding over you) - in union with [the] Lord (in the sphere of, and centered in, [the] Master) - and then [who] keep on putting the Mind in you (or: putting you in mind; or: admonishing you),
13. and thus, to continuously lead them above, from out of an abundance in Love (or: lead the mind through a reasoning process to the conclusion to consider them exceedingly distinguished, centered in an urge toward acceptance and union) because of their work. Keep on being at peace (or: Continue joining, to cultivate harmony [= shalom]) among yourselves.
14. So we are continually calling you folks to [our] side (encouraging, entreating and admonishing), brothers: continually admonish and warn (put a mind into; or: put in mind) the disorderly ones (the unarranged; those out of line; those not in battle position, or deserters); continually address (speak alongside persuasively to encourage and cheer up) the little-souled folks (those of depressed consciousness; = faint-hearted); continually hold close and cling to - holding fast from the opposite position (or: = stand firm to shield and support) - the folks without strength (the weak ones); continually be even-tempered and tolerant (patient, keeping anger far away; long before breathing violently) toward everyone (or: all people).15. Make it a habit to see (or: observe) [that] no one may (or: would) give back (render, discharge, repay) evil in place of evil (or: something ugly as opposition to something ugly; worthlessness in exchange for worthlessness; what ought not to be in return for what ought not to be; poor quality for poor quality; wrongdoing with wrongdoing; injury in the face of injury) to anyone, but to the contrary, continue to always pursue (follow rapidly; run swiftly to acquire; chase after) the good (the excellent; the virtuous) unto [the benefit of] each other as well as unto all people.
16. Be continuously rejoicing - always (or: Always express constant joy)!
17. Continuously think, speak and act with a view toward having ease, well-being and goodness - unceasingly (or: By habit be praying unintermittingly). [cf Rom. 1:9]
18. Within the midst of everything, be continuously giving thanks (or: In union with all people, be habitually expressing the goodness of Grace and the well-being from Favor), for this is God's intent (will, purpose) unto you in Christ Jesus (or: [proceeding] into the midst of you folks, in union with Anointed Jesus).
19. Do not continually extinguish (put out; quench; stifle) the Breath-effect (or: Spirit; spirit).
20. Do not continually make nothing out of (set at naught, despise, disdain or scorn) prophecies (expressions of light ahead of time),
21. but yet, be continuously examining and putting them all to the proof - [then] constantly hold tightly to the beautiful, the ideal, the fine! [cf 1 Cor. 14:29]
22. Habitually hold yourself away (or: abstain) from every form (external appearance; shape; figure) of what is misery-gushed, useless and unprofitable, or brings wearisome labor, or is mischievous, malicious, harmful or disadvantageous (or: from evil's every form).23. Now may the God of the Peace and this Joining, Himself (or: Yet the very God who is Peace and Joined-harmony can), set you folks apart [being] completely whole (or: wholly perfect; entirely mature; wholly finished and at the goal), and may your whole allotment (= every part) - the spirit, the soul and the body - be blamelessly kept (unexceptionally guarded and maintained) within, and in union with, the Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ (or: in the sphere of this Presence, which is our Master, Jesus Anointed).
24. The One continuously calling you is Faithful (trustworthy; loyal; full of faith and trust), Who will also habitually perform (do, make, form, construct, create, produce) [it; this]!
25. Brothers (= Fellow believers; = Family), you must also continuously pray concerning us (think and speak with a view to having goodness, ease and well-being around us).
26. Draw to yourselves and enfold in your arms all the brothers (those from the same Womb; = fellow believers) in a set-apart, sacred expression of affection (or: a holy kiss).
27. I adjure (lay the duty on) you folks [in; by] the Lord [that] this letter (or: epistle) be read to (be made known again for; be recognized by) all the set-apart brothers (the sanctified [fellow believers]; sacred folks from the same Womb; [Gal. 4:26]).
28. The Grace of, and from, our Lord (or: the Favor, which is our Master), Jesus Christ, [is] with you folks. Amen (Count on it; It is so)!
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