John's Index Greater Emmanuel Email John

From the Inside Out, Part 2
By John R. Gavazzoni

See Inside Out Part One

It has become, for me, an inviolate principle re: the essential way God works, i.e., "from the inside out." The principle can be found traced all the way back to Genesis where we're told that Eve's Seed (Paul: "not of seeds but of Seed [singular], which is Christ.") will strike the head of the serpent, leading to the conclusion that the Seed in Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, incarnate, traces all the way back to Eve, passed on within womanhood. When the power of the Holy Spirit came upon her, and the power of the Highest overshadowed her, the Seed was not implanted into her from outside. That Seed was already within the sacredness of her womanhood. (I have to wonder if maybe this is what is meant by Paul writing, "The woman shall be saved so as by childbirth.")

Eve came to be impregnated by Adam in the creaturehood phase of God's journeying by which, "He projected Himself out of Himself, that He might be Himself in another dimension..." (Quote from J. Preston Eby) Within, and ONLY within, that "another dimension," God hid Himself from Himself within Himself, all the while fully known to Himself within and from the dimension out of which He projected Himself. God's solidarity with His creation is complete in every way. I dare say that He immanently suffers from the subjection to futility to which He subjected all creation, while remaining transcendently above it.

As the Second Man/Last Adam, growing in favor with God and man, He progressively was given by the Father to see through the veil of His flesh, to finally coming to know Himself fully as His Father's Son. Finally, He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection out from among the dead.

Interestingly, what led me to that tracing the "inside out" principle back to that Genesis account, was coming to understand how it showed up millennia later, was by the sudden realization that on the Day of Pentecost when the house where they were sitting was suddenly filled by the sound of a mighty wind from heaven, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.....that mighty Wind, that Holy Spirit which filled them and the house in which they were sitting came from within them. I came to understand that when Jesus breathed on His disciples, saying, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit," that they received the Spirit out from within themselves.

Everything with God is, from the inside out. The manifestation (unveiling/uncovering) of the sons of God is certainly consistent with that principle, for it is an unveiling of what is in the sons, an unveiling of who they are. Most certainly with God, His glory is from the "inside out," the out-shining of all that He is. While spiritual maturation figures in that unveiling, it is not, so to speak, an experience added to us, but rather the disclosure of what has been all the while in us from the first man/first Adam.

John's Index Greater Emmanuel Email John