Proclaiming Jesus Christ, To Be King Of Kings And The Savior Of All Men.

"Biblical Resources Main"
"Biblical Resources Two"
"Biblical Resources Three"
"Biblical Resources Four"
"Biblical Resources Five"
Bible Info:
- Links to national Bible Society websites. this regularly-updated page contains links to national Bible Society’s own websites (where these are officially online). Any site not in English is clearly indicated.
- ISATEX: Informations-Stelle für Alt-Testamentliche Exegese. ISATEX bietet Informationen zum Alten Testament und seinen Nachbargebieten - unter wissenschaftlichen Kriterien ausgewählt.
Bible Texts:
- Biblon 2000 project. This project is the work of David Harley, currently a student of languages and religion at the University of Queensland in Australia. Its overall aim is to try and make use of some of the newer features of the main web browsers to create an on-line version of the Greek New Testament. Have a look! Australian URL here.
- Greek New Testament. Browsable and parsed UBS Greek New Testament text.
- Greek New Testament
- Compressed Greek New Testament texts
- The Greek New Testament; Westcott-Hort text from 1881, combined with the NA26/27 variants.
- Greek New Testament Editions; various editions, various formats.
- Search the Greek texts at
- The Greek New Testament according to the Byzantine Text form. Dowloadable texts.
- Home of the Greek Bible. A site comprising The New Testament, The Old Testament, Patristic Commentaries, Apocrypha, Studies and Tools. also some articles.
- Modern Greek New Testament Texts.
- Navigating the Bible. Jewish site containing the Torah, Atlas, Haftarot, and some Jewish "How to" instructions.
- Guide to Vulgate on-line. InterNet Bible Texts: Vulgate (compiled by R.A.Kraft 11 June 1998)
- The Vulgate texts
- Vulgate from Bible Gateway.
- Multi-language Sites
- Goshen Online Study BibleVarious english translations and various dictionaries.
- BlueLetter Bible;
- Various translations; including Darby, RSV, KJV, KJV w/Strong's numbers, KJV w. Strong's definitions, ASV NT, Youngs NT, Wey NT; even includes Greek text editions.
- The Bible Gateway. The WWW Bible Gateway provides access to Bible translations in English (RSV,KJV, Darby, YLT), German (Elberfelder), French (LSG), Latin (Vulgate) and Swedish (SV1917). Searchable for passages or words.
- A Bible
Browser; with 8 different translations, set up by Richard L.
Goerwitz. The
Advanced version even has the possibility to view texts in
columns. In addition, the Bible Browser offers regular ex-
pressions and full Boolean and/or/and-not operators. It also allows
users to restrict searches to various parts of the corpus. And it
permits refinement of already-generated queries from a special
"further operations" menu that appears at the end of search result
Have also a look at his The Bible Browser Connector Form , a way to spice up your own Web pages by turning drab biblical references into hypertext connections to the Bible Browser.
- The Revised Standard Version on-line.
- The Five Gospels Paralells; Edited by John W. Marshall. 1996, 1997, 1998. Ph.D.
- The Holy Bible; Translated from the Latin Vulgate, he source for this edition is The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims Version. Baltimore. John Murphy Cº 1899: Imprimatur, James Cardinal Gibbons.
- Polyglot Bible (The Gospel of St. Luke) Old English / Middle English / Early Modern English / Present Day English. Maintained by Mark Davies Department of Foreign Languages Illinois State University Normal, Illinois
- Bibelen The "official" Norwegian translation, issued by Det norske Bibelselskapet.
- Bibelen 1930 Norwegian Bible, revised version from 1930. Searchable for verses and passages. Links can be made to verses and passages too, and this web pages provide access to several translations and even some dictionaries.
- To Bibel oversettelser; The 1930 edition from The Norwegian Bible Society (Det norske Bibelselskap) and King James Version.
- Bibel 2000; the most recent Swedish translation of the Bible. Contains also some sound files.
- BIBELN, Swedish translation from 1917.
- Czech Bible of Kralice The first translation from original languages by Unitas Fratrum (later known as Moravian Church) 1579-1593. This document is available in Czech language only.
- Die Elberfelder Bibel.®1985 R. Brockhaus Verlag.
- Finnish Bibel editions
- Hungarian Bible
- La Sacra Bibbia & la Concordanza on line
- The Bible in Italian.
- Polish Bible; Pismo Œwiête Starego i Nowego Testamentu
- Hyper-Bibla. Hyper-Biblia is a Russian-language hypertext Bible that runs on the Web under Netscape 2.0, Internet Explorer 3.0, (or higher) or any compatible Web browser that uses "frames". Needs Cyrillic fonts.
- Russian Bible
- The Hypertext Spanish Bible.
- Slavonic Bible, available on CD.
- Chinese Catholic Bible
- Chinese-English New Testament (Gospels)
- Farsi Old & New Testament online Bible, i.e. Modern Persian.
- Indonesian Bible
- Korean Study Bible
- The Holy Bible, Chinese Union Version
- Korean Bible Gateway
- Audio Bible. The King James Version narrated by Alexander Scourby. Listen in on your PC; needs Real Audio, but that's downloadable for free.
- The Net Bible, the new Net Bible.
- Post Modern Bible."This site is a project -, currently we are working on Amos. The dream is to deal also with other biblical books, but that needs other biblical scholars to join the party.".
- Consultation en ligne de la Bible de Jérusalem.
- The Original Bible Project. The Original Bible Project is a non-profit, IRS tax-emempt organization. Professor James D. Tabor of the University of NorthCarolina at Charlotte is the Chief Editor. Dr. Robert L. Kuhn is Chairman of the Board, with Robert D. Ellsworth serving as business and promotion manager.
- Color Coded Luke; Blue = Q material (Q); Red= Mark (Mk);Orange = Luke's Special Material (L)
- The Unbound Bible; The Unbound Bible is a collection of searchable Bibles consisting of: 10 English versions including the NASB; Greek and Hebrew Versions (the original Bible languages); 4 ancient versions; 31 versions in other languages (pr. 31 dec.-99)
Related Texts:
Religious texts; General Collections
- Religious and Sacred texts. An extensive collection, including the Bible and related texts.
- Internet Sacred Text Archive. A lot of texts related to the Bible.
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha:
- The Septuagint, Theological and Academic Resources for the Study of the Septuagint and Old Greek Versions.
- Greek versions of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, and supplementary materials.
- Christian Apocrypha. A page dedicated to the scholarly investigation of Christian Apocrypha in association with the Christian Apocrypha Section of the Society of Biblical Literature.
- A collection of the non-canonical texts, associated with the OT Apocrypha (transl: Revised Standard Version); Pseudepigrapha (transl. Charles); New Testament Apocrypha (transl. James); Apostolic Fathers (transl. Lightfoot).
- The Ethiopic Book of 1 Enoch. The Charles Translation.
- David
Cook's translation of Joseph and Aseneth.
- The Aseneth Home Page. by Dr Mark Goodacre, University of Birmingham.
- Dr Mark Goodacre, Joseph & Aseneth: On-Line Bibliography.
- Ethiopian texts, impressive site containing, inter alia, The Book of Enoch, Acension of Isaiah, Wisdom of Salomon, and others. English texts are being prepared.
- Lilith. Texts and resources.
- The Secret Gospel of Mark Homepage
- CCAT Gopher Archive of Religious texts.The CCAT Gopher Archive of Religious texts (University of Pennsylvania).
- Gospel of ThomasA Gospel of Thomas Homepage, by Stevan Davies. It also contains several Thomas related web links.
- Gospel of Thomas. Contains Greek texts, Coptic texts, Bibliography.
- The Coptic Gospel of Thomas, saying-by-saying.
- Grondin's Interlinear Coptic/English translation of the Gospel of Thomas.
- Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer, The "Scholars' Translation" of the Gospel of Thomas
- Thomas-evangeliet Danish translation.
- Das Thomasevangelium (NHC II,2) German translation.
- On-Line Texts Related to Biblical Study: Dead Sea Scrolls
- Some Qumran works
- Fragments of the Book of Enoch from Qumran Cave 7
- Great Isaiah
Scroll. Photo copies of the scroll pages.
- Papers and Abstracts on Qumran etc. "Most of these papers were originally presented at the annual Orion International Symposia. The papers, as they appear on this web site, are drafts and may not be cited. They are published, edited and expanded, in the annual volumes of Symposium Proceedings by Brill Academic Publishers."
- The Works of Josephus; The old Whiston translation.
- The Josephus Homepage
- Josephus Project Announcing the first comprehensive commentary in English to the works of Josephus, with a new English translation. The commentary will strive for a balance between historical/ archaeological and philological concerns.
- Magen Broshi, The Credibility of Josephus.This article first appeared in Journal of Jewish Studies: Essays in Honor of Yigael Yadin in 1982 by the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies.
- Steve Mason, Nomos in Josephus
- See Page Five of these resource pages!
- Metalogos; The Ecumenical Coptic Project (Athens) is non-profit and non-sectarian, distributing scholarly editions of the Nag Hammadi Gospels.
- The Nag Hammadi Library. Search the text of all files in The Nag Hammadi Library section of the Gnostic Society Library for keywords or phrases of interest.
- Bibel der Häretiker. Die gnostischen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Gerd Lüdemann und Martina Janßen.
- Metalogos Index. some Gnostic Gospels.
- The Gnosis Archive.
- Old and modern Gnosticism: A somewhat "curious" collection of information about both old and modern gnosticism.
- Ancient Greek texts.Containing texts of Aesop, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides, Herodotus, Homer, Sophocles, and Thucydides (most of them i zipped packages).
- Apuleius, Apology. This web site is a part of an experiment in philology, pedagogy, and scholarly discourse. The text at hand is the Apologia of Apuleius.
- Cicero Homepage
- Perseus: Latin texts
- Marcus Tullius Cicero Homepage
- The Cicero Homepage The new Perseus site on Julius Caesar.
- Plutarch Homepage
- Project Gutenberg Presents Plutarch's Lives
- Plinius et alia im Internet
- Plutarch Lives
- The Discources, by Epictetus; Gopher access.
- The History of Herodotus by Herodotus. Written 440 B.C. Translated By George Rawlinson.
- Texts at
the Perseus site.Perseus contains several texts in Greek and in
English translation. In addition there are several other items
available as Liddell-Scott Lexicon, word search and morphological
- Note on using Perseus:
When using Netscape browser, remember that you can have several Netscape-windows open at the same time. It is thus possible to have a Greek text in one, and the English translation in another. In addition, you might have Liddell-Scott in a third window. Just call up the preferred Greek text in one, resize the window by dragging its borders so it fit one half of your screen,then use the left menyline FILE to open another window (click on New Web Browser), call up the English translation, and resize that to the other half of your screen. Then repeat this step, calling up Liddell-Scott, and have a small window open at the bottom of your screen. Then you have a nice screen for your studies.
- Note on using Perseus:
- The Internet Classics Archive; collection of almost 400 classical Greek and Roman texts (in English translation) with user-provided commentary.
- The Romulus Project: An Electronic Library of Latin Literature with Virtual Commentary.
- Plutarch Lives. Very large file! From the Gutenberg Etext Project.
- Tacitus, The Histories.
- Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War.
- Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation.
- Loeb Classical Library of classical works.
- International Organization for Targumic Studies
- A Talmud Page. Info about the Talmud.
- The Hypertext Halacha: The Hypertext Halacha is a translation of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berurah as distributed by Project Genesis over the halacha-yomi list, coordinated by Rabbi Yaakov Menken ( The translation is done by a team of volunteers; each is credited at the end of the chapter or the following one.
- Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic Works. Supposed to contain the basic works of Jewish scholarship; the Bible, Mishna, Tosefta, and the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. All in their original Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Hence you need to have Hebrew fonts installed to read them.
- The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit at the University of Cambridge.
- Guide to Early Church Documents
- The Early Church Fathers. These files are 1.5 to 3.5 MB each. Because of this and because the text paragraphs are not wrapped, you will probably have to download them to your system and read them with a word processor. A windows-based word processor is preferable because some special characters from the Windows character set are used.
- Patrologia latina
- K.C. Hanson, Catalogue of New Testament Papyri & Codices 2nd—10th Centuries
- Michael L. Satlow, Inscriptions from the Land of Israel; This project seeks to collect and make available all the inscriptions from the Land of Israel that date from the Hellenistic period (c. 330 BCE) through the Persian conquest (614 C.E.)
- Papyrological Resources in Perseus ; The Perseus Project is pleased to host the WWW version of the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri (DDBDP), an electronic edition of nearly 500 papyrus volumes.
- Papyrology info : Some service pages for professional papyrologists as well as other interested people.
- Duke Papyrus ArchiveThe papyrus home page of the Special Collections Library at Duke University.
- Archive of Papers and Watermarks in Greek manuscripts. I include this here as it may be of interest to some even though it is most related to studies in Patristics. It is connected to the The Mount Athos Greek Manuscripts Catalog: The Philotheou Monastery Project, © Robert W. Allison, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, U.S.A. and The Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Scriptorium; Center for Christian Antiquities
- Oxyrhynchus Papyri
- Un papiro revolucionario: 7Q5 ; Entrevista al experto papirólogo español P. José O'Callaghan, S.J. sobre un pequeño fragmento de papiro hallado en las cuevas de Qumrán, datado a más tardar como del año 50 d.C. correspondiente al Evangelio de Marcos.
- Marriage & Divorce Papyri of the ancient Greek, Roman and Jewish world, Every published Greek, Roman and Jewish marriage contract and divorce deed is collected here, from the 4th C BCE to the 4th C CE. Each text is presented in its original language, with references to English translations, other online texts, and online images of the papyrus.
- Young Kyu Kim, Palaeographical Dating of p46 to the Later First Century
- Conference Site
- B-Greek Home Page B-Greek is an electronic conference designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek Bible. Anyone interested in studying the Greek New Testament text is invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working knowledge of Biblical Greek. The archives can be found here.
- On Bible translation; some explanations of aspects of Bible translations.
- Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web.The main focus of this web is on the process used to study the ancient manuscripts upon which the New Testament is based. While the language discussed is Greek, almost everything is explained with transliterations into English and, where applicable, translations from standard English Bibles.
- Thesaurus Lingua Graecae: The TLG data bank now contains virtually all ancient Greek texts surviving from the period between Homer (8th century B.C.E.) and 600 C.E., plus historiographical, lexicographical, and scholiastic texts deriving from the period between 600 and 1453. To get more information, click here to got to the Thesaurus Gopher.
- The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project, info page by James K. Tauber.
- Hellenistic Greek Linguistics. A page written by James K. Tauber containing info about Reference Grammar Project, Greek-Grammar mailing list, Electronic Archive of papers, Bibliographies, and CCAT 's tagged Greek New Testament
- Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database: A project that will concentrate on the language of all texts in Ancient Hebrew: the Hebrew Bible, the Ancient Hebrew inscriptions, the Hebrew text of Ben Sira and the Hebrew Qumran texts.
- Biblical Institute of Fribourg University, including reference to the the new edition of the Biblia Hebraica, iconography and the Bible, the corpus of stamp seals from Israel/Palestine (Neolithic to Persian period), and "Orte und Landschaften der Bibel."
- Bible Translation page
- The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism. Conceived by Rich Elliot of Simon Greenleaf University. The Encyclopedia attempts to cover all aspects of New Testament Textual Criticism in an orderly and fair fashion.
- TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism; check this announcement.
- A Concise History of the English Bible. A Concise History of the English Bible has been prepared to provide ministers, teachers, speakers, writers and others with a reliable, compact statement of the essential elements in the great story of the English Bible. By American Bible Society.
- New Testament canons through the ages. table by Geoff Trowbridge based upon data collected by Paul Harvey.
- Greek Grammar.Much helpful info about Greek fonts, lexica, and grammar courses.
- A simple introduction to Learning New Testament Greek ; A simple primer of New Testament Greek. Go here for the framebased version.
- Java and Ancient Greek. This web page presents some preliminary efforts towards using Java to produce a learning environment for Greek students.
- Greek Accent Quiz Applet. Learn how to place the accents.
- Online Hellenistic Greek Grammar A promising Project, but still in its early stages.
- Differences Between Classical and Hellenistic Greek. A Quick Introduction by Jay C. Treat.
- Introduction to Attic Greek: An Electronic Workbook ; only Macintosh machines.
- Enchiridion; A User friendly Guide for reading Ancient Greek.
- Modern Greek through the Internet
- Hebrew, a living language.
- Bill Freeman, Learning New Testament Greek
- A Web of On-line Dictionaries. Now linked to more than 800 dictionaries in 160 different languages (by March -99).
- Greek Lexicon; from the Goshen Site
- Hebrew Lexicon; from the Goshen Site.
- An Index of On-line Dictionaries; very comprehensive.
- Greek and Hebrew dictionary index
- Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek (from Perseus site)
- Liddell & Scott Intermediate Lexicon of Classical Greek (from Perseus)
- Latin - English Dictionary.
- Morphological Analysis, from the Perseus database.
- Frequencies of Greek Words, also from the Perseus 2.0 database.
- A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with examples.
- Rhetoric and Composition: This Web page is intended to list a variety of resources useful to rhetoricians.
- Both from the Perseus collection of texts and tools.
- ATLA: American Theological Library Association
- BIBSYS The main Norwegian University Library
- Nasjonale bibliotekstjenester. A list of Norwegian and other European library databases, even including articles in journals. Also some picture databases.
- Library of Congress WWW Home Page
- The University Library at Utrecht
- Melvyl; University of California system
- ATLA: American Theological Library Association
- Acses. The place to go to check out prices, availability, shipping times and shipping costs of your wanted book at over 20 online stores!
- To get at the TELA/Scholars Press Info page, click here. It also contains pointers to organizations as Americal Academy of Religion, American Schools of Oriental Research, Society of Biblical Literature and others.
- The Association of American University Presses
- Click here to get a page listing a lot of publishers around the world.
- AcqWeb, sister publication of ACQNET, the gathering places for those interested in acquisitions (of books, that is, not corporations) and collection development.
- Dove Booksellers; Biblical & Ancient Studies.
- The Christian Bookshop; "Welcome to the Christian Bookshop, maintained by Perfect Electronic Publishing in association with We have the largest selection of Christian books available on the net."
- Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Darmtstadt, Germany.
- The Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America For those looking for a book out of print, this page may bring some info about where to search for it.