Proclaiming Jesus Christ, to be King of kings and the savior of all men.

Crossfire Bible Tool
Search the Bible in multiple translations.
Crosswalk Bible Search
- The Concordant Version Online
- The World Wide Study Bible
- Websters Bible
- Revised Standard Version
- New Revised Version
- Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament Translation
- Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism - Marquette University
- Online edition of the Recovery Version new Testament
- E-Sword free downloadable bible program
- April 29
2000 - A Very Good SourceThe Word English Bible
and The Hebrew Names Version
and links to many others. - The WWW Bible Gateway (includes RSV, KJV, NIV, NASB, Darby and Young's Translations, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog and Latin)
- The Blue Letter Bible (KJV will include complete Matthew Henry Commentary, Strong's, Greek & Hebrew Lexicons,files from the Online Bible, and more)
- ARTFL Project: Bibles (includes Louis Segund French (1910), Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel (1985), Vulgate (c.405 AD), KJV, and Luther's Die Bibel)
- The Linked Word Project (keyed to Strong's numbering)
- Ancient Greek Text
- Arabic Bible for Arabic Windows Software transl. Smith and Van Dyke (1865).
- Bibelen (1930) Norwegian/ King James Version Parallel Bible Bibelen (Den Hellig Skrift). Noisk 1930 og King James Version, søking (WAIS), Gresk og Hebraisk leksikon. Combined Norwegian/English Bible and Greek/Hebrew dictionary.
- Bibli Svata: Czech Bible of Kralice (trans. Unitas Fratrum, 1579-1593):
- The Czech Bible (with search engine)
- Danish Bible (1933 Ârs udgave)
- Finnish Bible (1992 Raamattu trans.)
- French Bible (Louis Segond Trans. of 1910 w/Search)
- Geneva Study Bible
- German Bible : Die Bibel (Luther Translation)
- German Bible (Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel w/Search)
- The Good Way (Portions of the Bible in Arabic)
- The Hebrew Tanach
- The Holy Bible (Chinese Union Version)
- Indonesian Bible
- Italian
Bible (La Bibbia)
For help with understanding King James English, you can look up words in the King James Dictionary to find out the modern English equivalent.
- Blue Letter Bible (old version available here) - Scriptures have links keyed to various study aids, including Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Strong's Concordance (containing Hebrew & Greek Lexicons), and various commentaries based on "classical, conservative, evangelical Christianity" such as Matthew Henry's.
- Audio Bible Online - listen to the King James; by chapter. First must download RealAudio.
- Geneva Study Bible - by chapter; study notes are interspersed between each verse.
- WWW Bible Gateway - KJV - by chapter
- Bible Browser - by chapter, including apocrypha.
- The Illustrated King James Bible - By book. Takes a little while to fully load a given book. Includes small illustrations pertaining to verses throughout each book. See also the main page.
- WebBible Online - Red-letter version of the King James Bible. Initial form selects by book (starting with chapter one). Subsequent forms select by book or by chapter.
- KJV Red-Letter New Testament - by chapter. Can also be viewed by book.
- The Holy Bible, King James Version - Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha - by book, then chapter from Virginia.
- Hypertext King James Version of the Bible - by book by chapter, download available, from CforC. Old Testament and New Testament books are listed in two distinct columns.
- The Linked Word Project - by book, then chapter; keyed to Strong's numbering.
- The King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV) - by book; includes Apocrypha
- KJV with Apocrypha Gopher Directory - unusual divisions, from Pennsylvania.
- ARTFL Project KJV Bible - by chapter; book and chapter selected with form.
- Bible: King James Version - search, or browse by book, from University of Michigan. Includes Apocrypha.
- King James Bible Gopher Listing - alphabetical, by book.
- The Bible (KJV) - by book, then chapter (starting with chapter one).
- Genesis Networks - The Holy Bible (KJV) Index - by book. Total number of chapters are displayed for each book. Loads slowly. See also the main page.
- King James Version - by book, then chapter; chapters run together, so click carefully.
- Bible - frames layout, by book.
- Online Bible 1769 Authorized King James - lets you choose book, and enter chapter (and verse) by form.
- Korean Bible
- The Korean Bible Gateway
- Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome (405 Trans. w/Search)
- The Net Bible
- New Testament (Rheims:1582)
- Portugese: á Bíblia Sagrada
- Quechua Bible (Lucaspa Oeloasquan. The Gospel of Luke. (Cuzco and Ayacucho and Southern Bolivian dialects, Ecuadorian Quichua Chimborazo will be available. Includes Spanish and English parallel verses.)
- Russian Bible (requires KOI8 cyrillic fonts)
- Spanish: La Biblica RVA
- Spanish: La Santa Biblia Antigua Versíon de Casoidoro de Reina (1569), Revisada por cipriamo de valera (1602), Otras revisiones (1862, 1909 , 1960)
- Swahili (partial)
- Swedish Bible (1917 Bibeln eller den Helig Skrift) innehâllande. Gamla Och Nya Testamentets Kanoniska Böcker i överensstämmelse med den av Konung År 1917 gillande och stadfästa oversättning.
- Alternate gopher connection.
- Warlpiri Bible (Australia) in process. (Genesis, Jonah, Ruth, Luke, 1 & 2 Thess., Titus, Philemon, and 2 & 3 John.)
- Bible Browser
- Audio Bible
- The Web Bible
- The Unbound Bible
- "The Illustrated
(over 200 Illusterations by Gustov Dore - Bibles for the Visually Handicapped International
- Ancient Greek Text
- Arabic Bible for Arabic Windows Software transl. Smith and Van Dyke (1865).
- Bibli Svata: Czech Bible of Kralice (trans. Unitas Fratrum, 1579-1593):
- Danish Bible (1933 Ârs udgave)
- Finnish Bible (1933,38 Raamattu trans.)
- Finnish Bible (1992 Raamattu trans.)
- French Bible (Louis Segond Trans. of 1910)
- Geneva Study Bible
- German Bible : Die Bibel (Luther Translation)
- German Bible (Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel)
- The Good Way (Portions of the Bible in Arabic)
- The Hebrew Tanach
- The Holy Bible (Chinese Union Version)
- Indonesian Bible
- Italian Bible (La Bibbia)
- King James Bible (with "Apocrapha")
- King James Bible (Web version from Computers for Christ)
- Korean Bible
- The Korean Bible Gateway
- Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome (405 Trans.)
- New Testament (Rheims:1582)
- Portugese: á BÃblia Sagrada
- Quechua Bible (Lucaspa Oeloasquan. The Gospel of Luke. (Cuzco and Ayacucho and Southern Bolivian dialects, Ecuadorian Quichua Chimborazo will be available. Includes Spanish and English parallel verses.)
- Russian Bible (requires KOI8 cyrillic fonts)
- Spanish: La Santa Biblia Antigua Versíon de Casoidoro de Reina (1569), Revisada por cipriamo de valera (1602), Otras revisiones (1862, 1909 , 1960)
- Swahili (NT)
- Swedish Bible (1917 Bibeln eller den Helig Skrift) innehâllande. Gamla Och Nya Testamentets Kanoniska Böcker i överensstämmelse med den av Konung År 1917 gillande och stadfästa oversättning.
2. Bible Study Aids
- 1. Umhloli, a unique Windows-based translators' tool developed to address editing problems not yet tackled by other programs. The purpose of this freeware program is to locate some translators' typing mistakes by checking sentence structure. It will work with many languages.
- 2. World Wide Study Bible
- Agros Ministries' Lists of Recommended Bible Commentaries:
- Bibelsenteret: Disse siderene ligger nâ agsâ pâ nettvik (Norway) (includes search utility for Bibelselskapets utgave av 1930, Dansk Bibel av 1933, etc.)
- Bible and Scripture Information from the Internet (A Pierre Guillermin Library, Liberty University)
- The Bible Software FAQ, by Shawn Abigail
- The Bible Study FAQ, by Shawn Abigail (December 1996)
- CARM Theological Dictionary, by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- Chronological Study of the Life of Christ, by Dennis McCallum
- The Chuck Smith Archives (Calvary Chapel) (Sermons, Outlines, Books and Video)
- ChurchRodent: R.A. Tatum's Glossary of Church History
- The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Greek / Hebrew Interlinear Bible
- Historic Monarchies (Calvary Chapel)
- King James Topics List (Computers for Christ)
- Naves' Topical Bible
- Rightly Interpreting the Bible, by Dr. Ron Rhodes
- Step by Step with the Bible
- Synopsis of the Bible, by J.N. Darby
- Torrey's New Topical Textbook
3. Books (by Title)
- Abortion and the Christian: What Every Believer Should Know , by John Jefferson Davis (1984)
- Absent from the Body, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- At the Back of the Northwind, by George MacDonald (1824-1905) (large file)
- Black Samson, by Levi Keidel
- The Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Rite (US Episcopal Church 1892)
- The Book of Common Prayer (US Episcopal Church, 1979)
- A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity and also of the Person and Satisfaction of Christ, by John Owen (1616-1683)
- The Burden of God: Studies in wisdom and civilization, by M. Kelley
- The Christian's Great Interest, by William Guthrie (1620-1665)
- Christologia, by John Owen ( (1616-1683))
- Church History , by Eusebius of Caesarea
- Church History (Eusebius of Caesarea) (Keyed to the Catholic Encyclopedia)
- The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Roberts and Donalson.">Church History (Eusebius Pamphilus)
- The City of God, by Augustine (AD 413-426)
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535), by Martin Luther, transl. by Theodore Graebner (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1949)
- A Compendium on Positive Theology, by John William Baier, edited by C.W.F. Walther (1877) from Rev. Bob Smith's Project Wittenberg
- Confessions, The Enchiridion, & On Christian Doctrine, by Augustine
- The Consolation of the Sick
- Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)
- The Deeper Christian Life, by Andrew Murray (1895)
- Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
- Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, by John Donne
- The Doctrine of Justification by Faith by John Owen
- Elijah - A Man of Like Nature, by Theodore Epp (from Back to theBible)
- The Ethnologue, by B. Grimes, et. al. Current version at the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
- The Ethnologue, by B. Grimes, et. al. (large file)
- The Five Points of Calvinism, by Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, and Gise J. Van Baren
- The Fountain of Life Opened Up, by John Flavel
- Fox's Book of Martyrs, by John Foxe
- The Glory of Christ, by John Owen
- Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith, by John Owen
- Grace Abounding in the Chief of Sinners, by John Bunyan
- Holy Dying, by Jeremy Taylor (1860)
- Holy Living, by Jeremy Taylor (1860)
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
- The Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Authority of the Bible, by Dr. Ron Rhodes
- Institutes on the Christian Religion, by John Calvin
- It Didn't Just Happen, by Ethel Barrett
- The Life of John Owen, by Andrew Thompson
- The Life of Reverend John Flavel
- Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott (1869)
- Manual on Theology, by J.L. Dagg, D.D. (from Founders Online)
- Manuscript Support for the Bible's Reliability, by Ron Rhodes
- The Necessity of Prayer, by E.M. Bounds
- Of Communion with God, by John Owen
- On Prayer by John Calvin (large file)
- On the Christian Life, by John Calvin
- Orthodoxy, by Gilbert K. Chesterton
- Pensées, by Blaise Pascal (1660). trans., W.F. Trotter.
- The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan (large file)
- The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence
- The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer
- Religious Affections, by Jonathan Edwards
- The Road to Reality, by K.P. Yohannan (Large file made available by Gospel for Asia, in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. )
- A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, by William Law (large file)
- Sketches of Church History: From AD 33 to the Reformation, by Rev. J. C.Robertson (1904)
- The Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius of Loyola
- The Summa Theologica (1265/1266-1273), by St. Thomas Acquinas
- The Table-talk of Martin Luther (1566) trans. William Hazlett
- Theologicia Germanica
- Till He Come by C.H. Spurgeon
- Tongues: A Biblical View, by Ovid Need, Jr.
- A Treatise on Church Order, by J.L. Dagg, D.D. (1858) (from Founders Online)
- The True Vine: Mediations for a Month on John 15:1-16, by John Murray
- Two of Me, by David Wilkerson
- Uniformity with God's Will, by St. Alphonsus
- Union and Communion, by James Hudson Taylor (Founder, China Inland Mission, now OMF International)
- A Vindication of Some Passages in a Discourse Concerning Communion with God
- Warfare of Science with Theology, by Andrew Dickson White (large file)
- What People Ask About the Church, by Dale A. Robbins
- The Works of Flavius Josephus, trans. by William Whiston (from The Wesley Center, Northwest Nazarene College)
- Writings of the Rev. John Bradford: Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Martyr, A.D. 1555
4. Collections of Books
- 1. Guide to Early Church History Compiled in 1994, ICLnet's Early Church History guide is the original guide to have appeared on the internet. The Guide includes the writing of Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Tertullian, Cyprian, Athanasius, Augustine, and works such as The Epistle of Barnabas, the Didache (Teaching of the Lord through the Apostles), The Shepherd of Hermas, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus. We extend thanks to Professor James O'Donnell at the University of Pennsylvania for having proofed the original edition.
- 2.
Institute Practical Bible-education Electronic Public Libarary
A large collection of excellent documents from the Reformed
- Augustine Includes: Confessions, The Enchiridion, and On Christian Doctrine.
- Boston, Thomas Includes: Biographical Sketch; Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings of the Reverend and Learned Thomas Boston; and, The Crook in the Lot.
- Bradford, John Includes: Writings of the Rev. John Bradford, Prebendary of St. Paul's and Martyr, A.D. 1555.
- Brooks, Thomas Includes: The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod.
- Bunyan, John Includes: The Pilgrim's Progress.
- Calvin, John Including various commentaries, and the Institutes.
- Edwards, Jonathan Includes: Absent from the Body; The Excellency of Christ; Directions for Judging of Persons' Experiences; A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God; A Humble Attempt; The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (1722-1723); Treatise on Grace; and, An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity.
- Flavel, John Includes: Christ Altogether Lovely; The Fountain of Life Opened Up; The Life of Reverend John Flavel; The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption; and, On Keeping the Heart.
- Guthrie, William Includes: The Christian's Great Interest.
- Hellenbroek, A. Includes: A Specimen of Divine Truths
- Kersten, G.H. Includes: Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism.
- Luther, Martin Includes: Luther's Little Instruction Book, transl. R.E. Smith.
- Owen, John Includes: A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity; Christologia; The Glory of Christ; Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect; The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, Through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ: Explained Confirmed, and Vindicated; and, The Life of John Owen by Andrew Thomson.
- Reformed Canon, Liturgy, Confessions Includes: A Compendium of the Christian Religion. The Canons of Dordrecht and Confessions of Faith (Dordrecht); and, Liturgy of the Reformed Churches.
- Rutherford, Samuel Includes: Samuel Rutherford: A Selection from His Letters.
- Shaw, Robert. Includes: The Reformed Faith: An Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Includes: All of Grace.
- Watson, Thomas Includes: The Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5:1-12; A Body of Divinity; A Divine Cordial; The Lord's Prayer; and, The Ten Commandments
- Books on Line from Bruderhof Community
- The Christian Classics Ethereal Library Professor Harry Plantinga's noteworthy collection of internet texts includes text by Alphonsus, Augustine, Bunyan, Calvin, Chesterton, Donne, Edwards, Hooker, Ignatius of Loyola, Inge, John of the Cross, a Kempis, Law, Brother Lawrence, Milton, Ruysbroeck, Spurgeon, MacDonald; and Matthew Henry's Commentaries, Easton's Bible Dictionary.
- The Chuck Smith Archive: Books (Calvary Chapel)
- Commentaries on the Minor Prophets by John Calvin (Institute Practical Bible-education, The Netherlands)
- Early Church Fathers (Wheaton College) (Includes extensive writings from Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Fathers.)
- Pocket Classics from the Christian History Institute Documents include The First Apology of Justin, The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, and The Persecution and Martyrdoms of Lyons in 177 AD.
Bible Study Aids
- 1. The Bible Study Connector Form developed by Richard Goerwitz is a very handy on line tool that automatically adds hypertext Bible verses to verse references you find in plain text documents on line. You have to use it to believe it really works, but it does! Give it a try!
- World Wide Study Bible
- Agros Ministries' Lists of Recommended Bible Commentaries:
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries
- Recommended Old Testament Commentaries
- Bibelsenteret: Disse siderene ligger nâ agsâ pâ nettvik (Norway) (includes search utility for Bibelselskapets utgave av 1930, Dansk Bibel av 1933, etc.)
- Bible and Scripture Information from the Internet (A Pierre Guillermin Library, Liberty University)
- The Bible Software FAQ, by Shawn Abigail
- The Bible Study FAQ, by Shawn Abigail (December 1996)
- CARM Theological Dictionary, by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- Chronological Study of the Life of Christ, by Dennis McCallum
- ChurchRodent: R.A. Tatum's Glossary of Church History
- The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Greek / Hebrew Interlinear Bible
- Historic Monarchies (Calvary Chapel)
- King James Topics List (Computers for Christ)
- Naves' Topical Bible
- Torrey's New Topical Textbook
- A Version with On Line Search
- Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
- Nave's
Topical Bible
Bible Dictionaries
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Smith's Bible Dictionary
- Greek and Hebrew Dictionary Index
Bible Commentaries
- Bible Commentary Page
- Christian Classics
- The Works of Flavius Josephus
- Websters
Unabridged Dictionary 1913
New Testament Canonical Information
- Canon of Scripture
- The Christian Canon, by Don Closson
- The Old
Testament Canon of Scripture
The Apostolic Fathers
- 1st Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians [ca 96]: A formal letter written on behalf of the Roman Christian community urging Christians who had been rebelling against church authority to be submissive and obedient. Tradition attributes it to Clement, allegedly one of the first bishops of Rome.
- 2nd Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians [ca 150]: Sermon thought not to be the writing of Clement himself. Advocates sound view of Christ, the resurrection, and holiness unto God. Enter into battle against the ways of this world, work out salvation through strength in Christ.
- The Epistle of Barnabas [ca 130]: This letter, probably not authored by the NT Barnabas, repudiates the claims of Jewish Christians at the time who advocated adhering to observance of the Mosiac Law. Argued that Christ provided salvation and man is no longer bound by the Law. Compares holy life to unrighteousness.
- Didache (Teaching of the Lord through the Apostles): Eleventh century MS discovered by Philotheus Bryennios. The Didache consists of various parts, starting with the "Two Ways" ethical instruction (see Barn 18-21) and including community rules for liturgical practices and leadership conduct, before ending with a short apocalyptic section. While some of the material might go back before the year 100, the current form of the document is probably mid-second century at earliest.
- The Shepherd of Hermas [ca. 150]: Written by Hermas, who is believed to be brother of Pius, the Bishop of Rome. The Shepherd of Hermas is an apocalyptic document (in the sense that it claims to be revealed), modelled after the Book of Revelation. It deals with practical matters of church purity and discipline in second century Rome.
- The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians [ca 130?]: Polycarp was a church leader (bishop) in Smyrna, Asia Minor. Exhorted the Philippians to holy living, good works, steadfast faith. Interested in ministry and practical aspects of daily life of Christians.
- The Martyrdom of Polycarp: The earliest preserved Christian martyrology, probably from the latter part of the second century (not too long after the event). Records the tradition of the trial and execution (burned at the stake) of Polycarp.
- The Writings of Ignatius: Bishop of Antioch in
Syria [ca 1-2 century] martyred in Rome by beasts (ca 105-116). On
his way to Rome, he visits and then writes to various churches,
warning and exhorting them. He also writes ahead to Rome, and
writes to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. Warned the church against
heresies that threatened peace and unity, opposed Gnosticism and
Docetism. In the Epistle to Smyrna, insisted Christ came in the
flesh not just in spirit.
Patristic Texts
- The Epistle of Mathetes (Believer/Disciple) to Diognetus: This Apologetic treatise? written perhaps ca 200, presents a rational defense of Christianity and shows the folly of idolatry. The document also discusses Christian influence in the world.
- Origen (ca AD 185-254):
- Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John. Commentary from the Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins.
- Origen's Contra Celsum. Commentary from the Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins.
- The Writings of Tertullian: Our earliest extensively preserved Latin Christian author [140-230], who aligned himself around 207 with the "Montanist" Christian movement that was considered "heretical" by the representatives of emerging mainstream Christianity.
- The Writings of Cyprian: Cyprian [200-258] was the Overseer of the church in Carthage, Northa Africa, during a period of fierce persecution. After many years of persecution during which the church existed underground he was captured and executed by the Romans.
- The Writings of Augustine: Augustine [354-430] was Overseer of the church at Hippo, North Africa, and is considered by many to be the father of western theology. Unlike earlier Christian writers, Augustine was not well-versed in the Greek Language. Thus, he did not use the Greek NT or the original texts of the early Christian writers as his sources but rather the Latin Vulgate and Latin translations of Greek texts
- Confessions (translated by A.C. Outler)
- Confessions (translated by E.B.Pusey)
- Enchiridion (translated by A.C. Outler)
- Papers by participants in O'Donnell's Augustine Seminar, UPenn
- Augustine
(IPB-e's Augustine archive includes Confessions, The Enchiridion,
and On Christian Doctrine)
Creeds And Canons
- Creeds from the Bible (Statements of Faith)
- Important Creeds of Christendom, from Reasoning with the Scripture Ministries
- The Apostles Creed
- Notes on the Apostles Creed
- Nicene Creed: As approved by the Nicaean council (325 AD)
- Nicene Creed: the Creed of Constantinople (381 AD)
- Notes on the Nicene Creed
- Notes on the Filioque Clause Controversy
- The Church in the Nicene Creed
- In The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
- The Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD)
- The Athanasian Creed (c 500 AD)
- Canons of the Council of Orange (529 AD)
- Anathemas of the 2nd Council of Constantinople (533 AD)
- Creeds and Statements from the period after 600 AD
- Statement from the 3rd Council of Constantinople (681 AD)
- Statement from the Synod of Constantinople (753 AD)
- Confession from the Council of Nicea (787 AD)
