Scott Paris
The holy Spirit through "line upon line" is bringing greater light and truth is prevailing to the uttermost in Father's timing to set all captives free. The history of the early church shows that a majority of Christians held to and taught the "salvation of all mankind" for the first four centuries.
Church leaders today wrestle and resist the solid scriptural truth of the ultimate salvation of all mankind, Christ died for Hitler's sins, and for Judas sins. He "tasted death for all men." His grace has no limit. Moses committed murder and God forgave him. Saul of Tarsus did the same, and was forgiven. David committed adultery and murder, and He was forgiven, and was "a man after God's own heart." Father's grace super abounds. Even in times where the scent of scandal abides around it. Our Father accepts the peson without approving of his or her behavior!
Our Father has always loved guilt laden people - welcoming them, embracing them, he loves unconditionally, seeing them all as erring prodigal sons. He sees the person underneath, not the surface physical and temporal. Father does not identify men and women with their sin. Calvary "bruised the head" of that alien. Gen. 3:15. He sees sin in them as alien, as that which has spiritually chained them. This alien does not belong, and Jesus died to loose mankind from that dark alien.
If the existence and purpose of evil were endless, it would defeat the purpose of Jesus Christ becoming man. Evil would also defeat the ultimate purpose of its creation and its creation and existence allowed and permitted by God. The purpose of evil is working in Father's divinely controlled order toward His ultimate goal of good for mankind. That is our Father's magnificent obsession.
The alien of evil was defeated at the cross.! The relegated chain of sinful power over Father's creation is broken. It is Father's purposeful omniscient and providential allowance that the "evil one" may still deceive people. Scripture assures us that this alien is ordained for a season only in Father's intents and purposes. Does not scripture tell us that, "he knows that his time is short?"
"All things work together for good to them that love the Lord, to them who are called according to his purpose." Our Father isn't in any way able to be limited or hindered. The sovereign omnipotent Father uses opposition to His revealed will to secretly work out His magnificent, hidden intentions. Father birthed us out of Himself - "The incorruptible word" to experience and taste evil that we may of ourselves get to know and truthfully appreciate experientially, the opposite--the holy Spirit who is righteous and godly. We could never really appreciate holiness or even attain it until we despise the profane! But in Christ we are enabled to. He is our righteousness, our holiness and perfection! What a magnificent obsession is our Father's. What abounding grace He has bestowed on us because He so loved us unconditionally.
Father's grace defies the natural law of retribution and fairness. WE believers were birthed into our Father's likeness, thus we bear Father's family likeness. God could not be "all in all" should any less than all remained outside of Him, and separate from Him in death. Death in any and all forms must be "swallowed up of life" (divine) if the love and life of God are to be "all in all." We many are one in Him who is One. We are one because Christ is One, and we are His members. The potential knowledge of evil was placed in the Garden by God through His servant the ancient Serpent. Sovereignty Himself has no enemies, no other primarily has authority to allow Satan the limited freedom of being present in Eden, then in earth seemingly as he would in the mind of mankind. The sovereign Father Himself takes the ultimate responsibility to negate all the negative effect that the fall had on creation. He promised that He would, and His loving process is now being carried out in the "Restitution of all things s spoken of by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began." Acts 3: 21. We can thank the Lord "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree." 1 Pet. 2:24. There is nothing we can add to His sacrifice. He bore our sins in His one sacrifice once for all." So "There is therefore no condemnation ( sin-judgment) to them who are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8:1. No sin judgment to all who are in Christ Jesus. Father's approval is upon us as His sons and daughters. What unlimited love, grace and mercy Father bestows on us. According to the teachings the Spirit revealed to Paul, God can and does forgive all sins today with no exceptions and no exclusions! Paul tells us that the cross of Christ has such exceeding power now that God forgives any and all sinners. And forgives any and all sins! Acts 13:38, 39. Rom. 3: 25 declares Christ's death on the cross a propitiation for sin, manifestation of the righteous judgment of God on sin. "Whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to show His righteousness because of the passing over of the sins done aforetime, in the forbearance of God." Thus for ages God's "forbearance" was lenient with mankind's iniquity immediately but passed over it as it were. Where at the cross it was dealt with "once for all." "He has made him to be sin for us (on our behalf), who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." 2 Cor. 5:21. Therefore Christ at the cross dealt with mankind's sin to the fullness of its extremities. "He laid on him the iniquity of us all."Isaiah 53: 6. There is a proclamation of truth today that gives earth emancipation, and newness of divine life. Past truths have been so precious that Father's family are looking back, rather than to "present truth." 2 Pet. 1:12. Mankind needs illumination on the present plane, for we are standing in the birthing of ages. The holy Spirit does not let you stand mute with mouth wide open, when there is divine light to be proclaimed! Beloved, we are endowed with a great inheritance of illumination in the Father of "the Lord's Christ." The "first death" was in Adam. We are resurrected with Christ, death is on the other side-in Adam-we are on this side, "in Christ-in newness of life-raised with Him. On the other side is not when one leaves the visible realm. Those in the invisible are the "great cloud of witness we are surrounded with." Heb. 12:1. Our Father's omnipotent, unconditional love is quenchless. Some think we are scripturally incorrect because of their traditional interpretations. It is traditional, structured Christianity that the antichrist spirithas ravaged-that is where the antichrist lives and operates. Father is raising up sons/saviors on mount Zion to reinforce the victorious Christ of the cross! The spirit of King David is risen on them. Don't missappropriate the Father's anointing. There is thinking and teachings that God demands our conditional love, while His is conditional. "All that go down to the dust (grave) shall bow before him: none can keep his own soul alive." Psalm 22: 29. Beloved, there will be no climactic end of Father's love for His creation for whom Christ died. Rom. 8:37-39. Father's purpose and intents, His love, mercy nd grace isn't limited to mans time nor his thinking. We are now participants in the Lamb of God. We are revelated into His love and kingdom without end. Men today reach into the ancient past for prophetic revelation, when the Giver of all prophetic Word and Life lives within His own called and chosen. 2 Cor. 13:5. He told me, "I am living in my members, walking in the earth." And again, "I am in the earth walking in shoe leather."Love and hugs,